Aera Espoir

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Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png Aera Espoir
Aera Earlygame.png
Gender Female
Race Hyur Midlander
Clan Unknown
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa
Hometown Ala Mhigo
Nameday 21st Sun of the Fifth Umbral Moon (Age: 25)

Aera Espoir is a swordswoman from La Noscea, currently residing in the city-state of Limsa Lominsa.



Aera is of above-average height, distinguishable by her short blue hair and jade-green eyes.


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Aera specializes in Swords and daggers. However, due to her Maelstrom training, she is also knowledgeable in greataxes.


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Before the fall of Dalamud [1553-1572]

Originally born in Ala Mhigo--Aera and her parents were forced to flee south after the Garlean Invasion of 1557 in the Sixth Astral Era. During the evacuation, her father allowed himself capture by the Garleans as a means for Aera and her mother to escape. Having escaped to La Noscea under the protection of The Maelstrom, Aera and her mother started a new life by the sea. Years passed, and soon Aera was no longer the child who once ran from the Empire in terror.

She was a full grown woman.

Determined to strike back against the Garleans in her father's honor, Aera joined The Maelstrom and joined the fight against the imperial threat to Eorzea in 1571.

One year later, the nascent soldier's training was nearing its conclusion. But before she truly became a Storm Officer--the calamity ravished the land, and changed Eorzea forever.

After the Fall of Dalamud (A Realm Reborn) [1577-1578]

Dalamud has fallen. The realm is forever changed. 5 years pass in the blink of an eye, and Aera (As well as many other adventurers in Eorzea) find themselves no older than they were a day before the calamity, the Battle of Carteneau now nothing but a foggy, distant memory. With news of her mother becoming very ill, Aera aids in her escort to the conjurer's guild in Gridania, where she is kept and tended to. While she is in caring and capable hands, all Aera can do now is wait for her recovery.

Now separated from her mother and father, Aera presses on with her Maelstrom duties. Thanks to Aethernet technology, she travels the land on her time off and helps the people of Eorzea as a good Samaritan while also finding any possible Ala Mihigan refugees who may have any knowledge about her father.

During her continuous travels, she begins to dream nightly. In each of them, a doppelganger of herself appears. The alternate Aera is dressed in high-tech armor and boasts an otherworldly presence--the look in her eyes an eerie stranger to the Aera of Eorzea. This doppelganger appears every night, but she often only hears anywhere from one word to one sentence from her. Who is this other woman? Why is she dreaming so much lately? What do these dreams mean, and what do they fortell?

Lost again without answers, Aera and the Maelstrom continue to push the Garleans back, thanks to the help of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn. While the enemy lines falter, Aera is no closer to finding the truth about her father than where she started.

Heavensward [1578-Present]

Musical Themes

Main Character Theme: In Father's Name from Soulcalibur (1999)

Speaking with the Doppleganger: Palamecian Breeze from MOBIUS Final Fantasy (2015)


This Template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea