Ophelia Margery

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Ophelia Margery - Ereshkigal

"Do you want to be my friend...forever?"
 La Pacificatrice
Avatarffxiv 05062016 224211.png

"Come little children, I'll take thee away, into a land of enchantment."

Gender Female - Unknown
Race Hyur - Voidsent
Clan Midlander - Succubi
Citizenship Unaffiliated
Nameday 32nd Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon
Age 10 - Unknown
Marital Status Seriously?
Occupation Annoying kid - Aether-hunter
This character article or section of a character article is a stub -- a small, but growing, work in progress. If you're the creator of this character, why not consider expanding it?

This page contain major spoilers and background details. If you need Ophelia (Ereshkigal) for your plots, feel free to walk-up and whisper anytime. Do not hesitate to edit the rumors part if you have anything to spread on her!

~*~Musical theme for Ophelia~*~

One for Anger,
Two for Mirth,
Three for a Wedding,
And for for a Birth,
Five for Silver,
But six for Gold,
Seven for a secret,
that's never been told.
Eight for Heaven,
And nine for Hell,
Ten for the Devil,
Who will...


Eight. Nine...Ten. Ten were there. It was all written in this book. Ten catalysts. Ten gifts. Ten voices to call. Ten bodies ready to exulte, wither and die. The stream of aether dancing in the air, like a sweet perfume enhancing the senses. The flow of aether slowly dripping drop by drop out of these cages of flesh. Life...so fearfully drained of their disordered limbs. Agony flooding from their mouth, thin lips releasing the divine nectar. Carcasses of men, sealed with the kiss of the Void. Extasis.

Ten voices screaming silence into an empty shell. Red darkness blinding. Fear binding. Ten voices called and sung the requiem, throats filled with blood, vomitting flood of red liquid shaped like tentacles and thorns. Blooming like a dantesque rose, the red body of a woman, nurrished by tainted aether. Pointed deadly and thin fingers shaped like tiny blades clenched on their mouths and ripped the tiny puppet’s limbs apart.

The black door closed. The lines covering the whole tainted room emitted a dark light. And all fell into silence once more.

« Ereshkigal. » spoke the arrogant fool. All dressed in black he stood there. His eyes had no concern for the ten sacrificed mages the creature butchered right in front of him. He was calm. Quiet. His eyes were filled with the confidence of a fool. In his hand  was a finely crafted staff, emitting a purple ominous glow, reflected in the eyes of the Thing he called from this door he just closed behind it.

« Beware, Mage, for names hold power. » the voice replied, escaping from the red lips of the creature, a face shaped into its blood liquid body, tentacles and horns gliding on the ground and walls of the emptied room.

« And it is your power I seek to use. I do hope you had a pleasant meal, but I am afraid I do not have many time to be as formal as propriety would require. » said the man in a delicate polite tone, faint smile on his lips.

The creature approached its thin claws from the Mage, and as it did so, the purple glow of the bone-staff reacted to the lines covering the room, aetherical binds slamming the Blood Lady on the ground as it screeched. The Mage did not even frown.

« You shall deliver me the secrets I seek. All your knowledge shall be mine. You shall satisfy my needs, for as long as I shall judge that my power does not match my expectations, you shall remain my guest for at least as long as an elezen life. »

« If knowledge is what thou seek, I shall whisper secrets to thy ears. But there is no need for such display, as I am already binded by the will of He Who Spoke My Name. » A brief laughter. The mage nodded slowly. The belah’dian staff did not move though.

« Ten is for the Void...who shall bend to my will. » he said calmly, looking down at the red creature.

« The pact shall not be broken. I shall fulfill thy wishes as a kind regard for the gift. There...is...no...need. »

« But there is. The Mhachi knew it well. And I shall not make their mistakes. Now...let us begin. It shall take as long as it need. But you shall lend your power to me and guide me to your Queen. »

The creature hissed angrily under the emotionless expression of the elezen mage. Big black eyes were staring right through the mortal soul. Surely there was a flaw somewhere… Even the tiniest bit of doubt will be enough to shatter this man into tiny pieces. The creature groaned and screeched and enraged, claws rattling the ground in an angry gesture.

The Mage smiled. Perfect illusion of control. Another puppeteer show was beginning.


Appearance & Personality

Glass-circle.png Appearance & Personality

Nature & Demeanor

Nature & Demeanor

Ereshkigal uses her host as an adorable young hyur girl lost into the city-states, fascinated by all the strangers she meets. She is a patient and calculating creature. First, she sets the bait - sweet puppy eyes, compliments, amazed looks and innocent questions. Then, she plants the seed - getting to know them...attachment, what a peculiar yet useful word. And finaly...well it all depends. Either your aether is the treasure she seeked...or...you might end up crying in the back alleys, learning to fear the feeling of emptiness that seized you when all your flaws were brutally exposed...


Ereshkigal is a devilish clever creature. Through the eyes of her hosts, she has learned the ways of the physical world. She looked into the hearts of these fascinating creatures, and saw all the flaws she could exploit. She knew well how to chose her latest host - for who could look into the eyes of a child and think of nothing but innocence? Friendly smiles, sweet words, tears and lies, all being part of the puppeteer's mascarade. Others coming from the Void would rather chose the brutal way, the way of the hunt, of screams in the dead of the night and blood on the walls. She, however, would rather chose the way of the mind: sweet secrets of a child whispering to your ear, luring you into a formidable land of enchantments...quiet and peaceful...where she can feast on your aether. You don't need it more than she does...


Ereshkigal has certainly motives, and she is a creature of plotting and scheming. But that's a secret, never to be told.


She always follow the same pattern, and learns to evoluate only by a process of mistakes and retries. She usually wants to know everything on whoever might be a target for her motives, before taking any decision. Every move is important when your host's life is at stake, for as long as she lives through it, she's close to feed on this world's aether. Better not catch too much attention and make - a lot of friends - if she wants to stay longer and feast without worries.

Notable Features

Notable Features
Common Appearance:

Ophelia, her host, is an adorable young girl. She looks like a porcelain doll, with her white skin and her blonde hairs, eyes of jetblack colour like two beautiful onyx. She has pink cheeks and lips, and she is very expressive.

Scars & Markings:

There is nothing particular on the girl. Except for her voidal aether, of course.


She has the sweet voice of a child, and likes singing songs to make the adults fond of her. How cute they are when they pat her head, not knowing they are so close to pat...a nightmarish creature who would be as adorable as a morbol.


She choses the cutest clothes she ever finds, although this sometimes leads to peculiar choices. She also carry with her a little porcelain doll, all dressed with a red gown, painted smile steeling her expression in a rather creepy way. It seems the child is very fond of it, naming the doll Reverie, and telling everyone she is her best friend. It tends to make people very uncomfortable.

Category name

Voidsent description WIP.

True Voidsent Form - Art by Wen-M for Anima




  • Bargains
  • Secrets
  • Curses
  • Powerful mages
  • Tormenting voidtouched
  • Driving people mad


  • The Mhachi
  • Those higher in the hierarchy
  • Voidhunters
  • Black Mages
  • Inquisitors
  • Exorcism
  • Binding attempts


  • Aether
  • Aether
  • Aether
  • Aether
  • Aether
  • Aether
  • Aether
  • More Aether



Ereshkigal thinks she is way above of those who lives in the physical plan. For this reason, she never refuses to bargain with the poor souls trying to call for the secrets of the Void. For all these fools thinking they can be worthy of the Void, like the Mhachi thought they were, she has nothing but what they would call disdain. How she loves playing with them. How she loves whining and acting like she is binded to their will...only to drive them mad or devour their aether untill only remains a crual emptiness. Of course, no one can force a voidsent to bend on it's host knees! No one! At least that is what she is convinced of.


Glass-circle.png Abilities



Ereshkigal knows well how to play with emotions, how to play with the minds and spreads doubts and desires like a disease. Her greatest strenght lies in her ability to control her host like a living doll, making her appear as innocent as moogle, sweet and friendly and adorable. She knows well how bonds can be created, and she hides in the shadows of the white knights in shining armors...only to better lure the weak souls into her web.



Ereshkigal thinks she is always in control. She thinks all is but a large game in which you have to be clever if you want to lure your prey. But by thinking she is a creature of higher intelligence, she's blinded by her own flaws. Clever mages could trick her. Voudhunters could catch her. She could lose - but her self-confidence prevents her to see the threat of the physical plan. She is also craving for aether. All her schemes and plots could fade beyong the promise of an aether pool to feast on. And that is indeed her greatest weakness.



Ereshkigal never fights. Her combat is those of the minds. She doesn't need to wield a sword - who would murder such a sweet young girl looking in your eyes with tears rolling on her cheeks? If things should get threatening, there will always be someone to protect her. Always. Either she is a poor child in need for a white knight, or...she is the promise of secret powers no one should wipe from this world before she could whisper her sweet venom.


Glass-circle.png History



Glass-circle.png People
Buddies Romantic Attraction Attraction Platonic Love Family Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral Unsure

Relations (NPC)

Relations (NPC)
NPC Name ( Deceased ) - NPC status

NPC surname: Text.

Relations (PC)

Relations (PC)

PC Name ( Buddies ) - PC alias

PC surname: Text.



Common Rumors

  • "Text"

Rare Rumors

  • "Text"

??? Rumors

  • "Text

PC Rumors

PC Rumors

PC Rumors

  • Please type your rumor here. - Please type the PC name here.

  • Please type your rumor here. - Please type the PC name here.

  • Please type your rumor here. - Please type the PC name here.

  • Please type your rumor here. - Please type the PC name here.


Glass-circle.png Art