R'tali Tia

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Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png R’tali Tia
Gender Male
Race Miqo’te
Clan Seekers of the Sun
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa
Marital Status ?
Height 5 fulms 2 ilms
Age 19
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Based out of Limsa Lominsa, R’tali spends his time grinning and sinning while on the lookout for the next adventure.
Character Tumblr for reference.


R’tali is a stout fellow with dusky skin and a coarse, riotous mane of sun-bleached hair indicative of both Thanalan’s natives and a life spent beneath the hot sun. His hair and ears are tipped with black, lending a leonine presence to a man who is otherwise rather diminutive - if not rather burly - in stature. His grin speaks of a person ten times his size, often more infuriating than it is any sort of charming, and chipped teeth lend a fiendish if not entirely lewd edge to even the tamest sneer. His eyes are a vivid shade of blue, a tranquil sea when compared to the torrent that is so often his personality.

He seems to favour loose fabrics and comfortable cuts when he is not expecting a battle. Indeed, his sense of style borders on grotesquely gaudy, with a myriad of jewelry often accompanying a billowy burgundy shirt or vest, slim trousers, sashes, and high boots.


A veritable palette of colourful emotions, R’tali is rarely seen looking blank or uninterested. He is quick to grin, quicker to tease – and terribly easy to anger. His temper, in fact, nearly blots out what few redeeming qualities he has, and to an outsider he might seem like little more than a brash hothead. Furthermore, he is a greedy individual who is always looking for a way to amass his fortune, even at the expense of others, and walks with an unappealingly arrogant hop to his step. His showy demeanor, however, is little more than a flimsy façade when put to the test, for behind his garish front is a young man who never truly had time to come into his own. He is prone to becoming flustered to the point of total prudishness whenever flirtation becomes too sincere, and is flighty and noncommittal when it comes to friendships or romantic endeavours. Although he is often quite haughty, a moment of tension or a dire situation causes his carefully woven persona to unravel at the seams, revealing the confused and slightly out of sorts young man on the other side.



Not one to be on the field without a layer of steel between him and his foes, R’tali is rarely seen in battle without a hefty suit of armour, a longsword, and a tried-and-true shield. Compared to most front-line fighters, he is small and easily overlooked, though his impressive strength and compact frame gives him an edge over his more cumbersome opponents. What he lacks in size he makes up for in hard-headed determination, often throwing himself into the fray despite the risk of injury or the poor odds. He is the last to complain of a battle-earned wound, and would likely declare himself as ‘fine’ even if his limbs were hanging from their sockets.



  • adventure
  • the sea
  • compasses
  • fried dodo legs
  • collecting maritime trinkets
  • jewelry
  • breakfast
  • skinny-dipping
  • running


  • bad booze
  • gambling losses
  • cheap jewelry
  • burned food
  • isolation
  • poor weather
  • slow walkers
  • charity
  • cuddling (it's not a secret)


  • Songbird: R’tali is a gifted singer, often serenading whoever is with him with folk songs and ballads – whether they want to hear it or not.
  • Handyman: Proficient at repairing and creating armour, R’tali’s gear (and that of his close friends) is rarely seen with dent or ding.
  • Bookworm: Though he would never admit it, R’tali is more inclined to curl up at home with a good book that he’s read ten times over than crawl from tavern to tavern.
  • Rabble-rouser: Tali is a natural when it comes to whipping people up into a frenzy and carrying them off with rather convincing monologues . . . for better or worse.



Like many Miqo’te children born to the Seeker tribes, R’tali was one of many children sired by a single Nunh, raised by his mother and his older brother of the same sire. Though they lived a close life with the other maternal figures of their family unit, the three of them cared for each other best of all. R’tali’s older brother, however, was a natural wanderer, and before long was whisking them both away for a life of adventure around Thanalan’s great expanse at a young age, forsaking the nomadic lifestyle to make their way on Ul’Dah’s bustling streets. It was during the last years of R’tali’s childhood, days before they were to return to their camp to reconvene with their mother, that he would contribute to the accidental death of his sibling and run away from the home he knew for the rest of his years, leaving all traces of his family behind him.


R’tali was often seen in his own company, mingling with many but never making any substantial ties, until a twist of fate landed him in the company of the archer, Orumloix Pajin. Though their relationship is often quite strenuous and they spend more time arguing than they do speaking civilly, the archer seems to be his one constant and R’tali is rarely away from his side, often traveling and camping with him as they wander from place to place. Though they are undoubtedly not related by blood, Tali ruffles easily when any insult is made toward his companion, and often demonstrates a near fixated devotion to the man he considers his brother.


Common Rumors

  • “Used to be a pirate, that one. Wonder what got him sorted out?”
  • “Saw him crawl out of a pub nice and bloodied just the other night. He’s got a mean temper on him.”

Moderate Rumors

  • “I heard he’s wanted near Costa Del Sol. What? No way I’m turning him in. He bought me dinner last week!”
  • “He used to have a sweetheart a while back. Turned him over for piracy, I think.”
  • “He’s all talk. The second things get serious, he makes an excuse and runs off.”

Rare Rumors

  • “Someone told me he killed his own brother years ago. Ask him about it? I like living, thanks."
  • “He walks like he’s rich, but he was working a pub stage just last year!”
  • “He’s just a kid. He says he was a pirate, but /I/ know his whole crew mutinied. Tossed him straight overboard.”


  • Many details of R’tali’s life are intentionally omitted. I believe that engaging roleplay is the best way to find out about a character rather than simply reading about them, so don’t be shy to ask! I am also open to writing people into his past, etc., if there’s enough reason for it.

This Template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea