Y'sebe Tia

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— Y'sebe Tia —

"What shall I sing for Thee?"


Race Miqo'te
Clan Seeker of the Sun
Age 25
Nameday 15th Sun of the 5th Umbral Sun
Deity ??
Marital Status Single
Occupation Courtesan/Bard (Information Broker)
Height ~5 fulm 5 ilms
Weight ~??

General ❧


Clothing ❧


Voice ❧


Habits ❧








Alignment: ??
Faults: ??
Favorite Flavors: ??
Favorite Color: ??

Childhood ❧

Y'sebe was born into the Jaguar tribe and it was clear at young age that the female Miqo'te did little to catch his attention. Instead it was the males wanting to be Nuhn he preferred to fancy. He was trained in various hunting and trapping techniques, his love and skill with the bow a natural fit. However due to his heterochromia, his eye sight is rather poor and without his glasses the best he can see is an arms length away. Any further and the world becomes a blurry, distorted collage of shapes but his ears and sense of smell became very sharp to compensate for it when they are not being worn. Bring a rather curious feline and unable to stand living in his isolated tribe and their stagnant traditions, Y'sebe decide to leave at the age of fifteen to travel the realm.

Teenage ❧

It wasn't easy when he left his tribe, being unaccustomed to social situations and other race's and city's etiquette. The first year was a rough adjustment period, stealing what he could to survive until he learned information overheard by a street rat could get himself a meal that night. His accent too slowly faded into a more common tongue, the random 'H's leaving his speech altogether. It wasn't until the age of eighteen that Y'sebe bumped onto a traveling Elezen bard, Ethos, at a tavern one evening and fell in love with his music. After must pestering and and following after the other, the man agreed to teach him how to sing and perform. Ethos told him of Ishgard in the far North, the frigid city under siege from dragons but boasting a wealthy economy and market trade. It was a hard parting but after having traveled the three main city states several times, at the age of twenty one he made his way North to the isolated country in hopes of a rich and lavish lifestyle.

Present ❧

Presently Y'sebe resides in Ishgard where under the guise of a humble bard that charms Ishgardian Elezen (and other unfortunate clients or those lucky enough to catch his fancy) out of their hard earned gil. While his escorting services aren't cheap, warming one's bed for the night could make even a shy man demand a raise as he looks forlorn at his wallet.


(easy to overhear)


(moderately difficult to overhear)


(very difficult or rarely overheard)


(rumors from the characters of other players)
"--." --
Romantic Interest Platonic Love Good Standing Poor Standing
■ I will play mature content and themes (violence, sexuality, drug / alcohol use) as long as they're logical in a plot-driven encounter. Coarse and excessive language. Temporary injury and incapacitation. Temporary imprisonment. Most walk-up encounters.
■ Ask about long-term and/or permanent injury and disfigurement. Long-term captivity, imprisonment or rape plots.
■ I won't play permanent character death.
■ If an aspect of RP makes you uncomfortable in a scene we're playing, please send me a /tell, letting me know. Communication is very important, more important than potentially keeping immersion.
■ Everything in history tab is to be kept in OOC, unless my character states it IC. His "information broker" occupation is also OOC unless stated otherwise.
■ Balmung Server

Template Bancroft Gairn
Layout reference D'lyhhia Lhuil
Other fiddling Misik'a Rahsi