Cirhien Vhitsrah Lajihri

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Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png Cirhien Lajihri Taihra
Cirhien design1mini.png
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa
Marital Status Widowed
Occupation Bard/Courtesan/White Mage (hidden)
Grand Company Rank Ret. Maelstrom Second Lieutenant
Age/Height/Weight 36/5'0"(+/-)/160
Orientation Pansexual
  • Adoptive Grandfather: Bjarni Amdahl (deceased)
  • Adoptive Father: Finn Amdahl(alive)
  • Mother: Zisin Lajihri(deceased; 42 at death)
  • Husband: Loren'zi Taihra (deceased; 55 at death)
  • Children: 4 (two adopted)

  • Kahto'a Taihra (6 years old; son, alive)
  • Mahsi Lajihri (17 years old; female, alive, adopted)
  • Leehli Lajihri (17; female, alive, adopted)
  • A'ahmin Lajihri (18; female, alive)

Cirhien Taihra is a widowed Miqo'te Keeper that lives in Limsa Lominsa while was trained in the archer's art in Gridania. As a retired Maelstrom Second Lieutenant and a veteran of the battle of Carteneau in Mor Dhona, the bard is an oft quick tongued woman that is apt to say what is on her mind. In the years since the Calamity and her retirement, she has spent much of her time at various tasks for the tending of her daughters and young son. Despite the Calamity and other troubles, she has learned to keep her chin up, her wits about her, and a sharp eye for all things. With a bit of a gift of what she calls intuition, though is in fact the Echo about the woman, she has a perhaps an odd fascination with books and reading for one of her kind, supposedly. A skilled and dedicated songstress, bard, and poetess, the moon-kissed haired woman has done all manner of jobs, maintaining a heavy pride in even the dirty work, and sometimes especially. She considers herself more of a lover than a fighter, but has a reputation for both for those with the right sort of ear to the ground. Having served both ship side as well as land, she often downplays her considerable martial ability unless riled, and prefers to place most everyone in an arms length, friendly position. Like her mother before her, Cirhien has also served as an entertainer and courtesan over her life, and is known to find places to sell perfectly politely acquired Garlean "trade goods". A diminutive spitfire, the once-Matriarch is as well a bit of a tease, for as loyal as she can be, when the fancy strikes her. While her magical gifts are known only by those that have managed to get the woman to part with such dangerous information given its largely illegal status, on the face, she is both bardic and the studious courtesan devoted to the arts of entertainment and pleasure. In her service aboard both the occasional pirate ship, or later, Maelstrom command, she was known to shoot first and ask questions after the fact, which was an impulse needing to be suppressed after shifting to a somewhat more legal status. If asked, the Siren would admit to only doing as much as to keep herself in pleasant comfort, and most that have met the lady know the calling only as a name used on the stage, when once it was due to her cruelty and tearing sailors to their richly deserved deaths first in working for her adopted father, and later, other Captains. It was an eventually run in with troubling matters surrounding maritime law that caused the lady to change her stripes, at least in appearance. Having throughly played both sides, the lovely miqo'te has a toe both in the darkness, as well as light.

Basic Info

Devoted to Llymlaen's grace, Cirhien presents herself as a rather devout believer in the twelve though has no qualms using the the names of the gods as creative curses. While born in to a Miqo'te prostitute by the name of Zisin Lajihri in Limsa whom was born in turn to the Matriarch Kahtori Lajihri, her mother had little interest in her after she began to grow from an infant to a toddler and adopted by one of her mother's Hyur lovers, she has come relatively far in her travels and life. Her openness regarding people in a wide sense is perhaps clearest with her late marriage to a reasonably well known Keeper Miqo'te Archer trainer, bard and privateer despite being reluctantly raised by a Highlander Hyur, in which love nearly did conquer all. The Taihra name is a that of a still fairly large family grouping within the Northern Shroud and connected to the even greater Lajihri through ties of cousinship, though at one time the Taihra name was one synonymous with fine, honourable archery among the Keepers. While her husband's mother and father are gone, not all of the Taihra folk have vanished due to the Calamity or other difficulty; many of her husband's siblings remain. Indeed, even so, despite this sad setback, Mistress Taihra - as she yet calls herself in her late husband's honour quite oddly though she is a Keeper, seems wrapped in determination, with passion as her lease and lead. For those observant folk that are Limsa-born, it could be noted that the woman is oft busy with one job or another while she lives in a palatial mansion in Mist. Her son lives fully with his aunt these days as was planned with his birth, while the woman's daughters (both adopted and natural) are of an age that their lives are their own among what remain of her late husband's family. Due their ages and the number of losses among the Taihra women, she has permitted her daughters to take the 'Taihra' surname when they choose to wed and remain among those that live still in the Northern Shroud, surrendering her rights as Matriarch to the girls in favour of her husband's elder sister, due to the woman's inability to have children of her own. For six and a half years now her husband has been dead and a year before that imprisoned, while matters between Kahto'a and herself are quiet, but bittersweet. Between her elder children and the youngest rests a considerable gap; the eldest, A'ahmin is half Seeker, fathered by an old friend believed lost long ago, and as a result, entirely raised as a Keeper. The two second eldest, Leehli and Mahsi, are twin girls and nearly to their majority, fathered by her late husband and one of the man's various lovers long deceased and as such, are fully blooded Keeper. The woman's young son is named for her maternal grandmother, due to an old promise given and kept, rather than following strict tradition.


■ Dance
■ Music
■ Apples
■ Sailing
■ Poetry


■ Plums
■ White Wines
■ Liars
■ Laziness
■ Disrespect


Alignment: True Neutral
Birthdate: 21st Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon
Guardian(s): Llymlaen, the Navigator; Menphina, the Lover
Vice(s): Somewhat Vain, Anger Difficulties
Favorite Food: Grapes
Favorite Drink: Mead, Water
Favorite Color: Wine Red

Appearance & Personality

Possessed of long platinum hair while being a relatively average woman for a Miqo'te, Cirhien cuts a figure of a woman that is dutiful and often occupied with one task or another, all to the purpose of those considered family. A melodic contralto voice that is surprisingly educated has been known to turn a head or two, but rather in admiration or uncertainty that is of course, for the bearer to know. Generally, she carries either a bow or a stringed instrument on her person, while a satchel of books is often a presence. In addition to her pale facial markings, she has some tattoo work; upon her back is a middling detailed tattoo of a lute and a Gridanian tree while her arms are covered in a rosebud and thistle floral motif from shoulder to fingertip.

Mistress Taihra's expressive face does have a notable scar over her left eye, though the eye still functions. Generally she is seen with an eyepatch, or baring that, spectacles. From her seafaring adoptive father that had very little understanding of his Ala Mhigan heritage, she gained a steady understanding of people other than Miqo'te as well as a tongue that is occasionally known to cut as well as any blade. From her prostitute mother she learned that abandonment for some, was easily done, yet, as she had known the woman by name and heritage only, and near faded memories of a haunting voice, it was not held against her. Certain what is clear to those that know the look, is the air of the matron as well as one that might lean toward exploration and adventure. While possessed of keen senses and an appreciation for the forest and able to see it for the beauty of the trees, her heart, belongs firmly to the sea. Her education was largely received in matters of books and magic through her Great Aunt, an Under Archon trained in Sharlayan practices, while the grandmother she knew very briefly taught her healing magic. Water and Earth are her deepest gifts regarding the path of elements, while a tiny tattoo of a Maelstrom sigil rests upon the woman's left arm, wrapped in the vines and rosebuds to obscure.


As a child, Cirhien was inquisitive and ever seeking of new enjoyments. She grew nearly out of her childhood upon her father's ship, off and on somewhat, Llymlaen's Embrace. At around the age of ten, her father decided to retire, at least mostly, to his opinion from piracy, and settled in the Limsa Lominsa where he'd grown up. As an adolescent and young lady, she gained the sharp tongue and a steady eye much like the father that took her in, and so much - it was suggested by a a friend of her family that she seek out the seemingly distant Gridania for teaching in Archery rather than complete reliance on her father's restaurant, Bloody Sun, which tended to draw a certain sort of former and present privateer clientele. She spent some years in Gridania, which was eventually where she met her husband, Loren'zi Taihra, one of her many tutors in the art. Eventually, they had three children together, the last of which was born just before the man was executed due to a false accusation of poaching accepted as fact. Still mourning her husband's loss, Cirhien spends her time performing as many odd jobs as possible, hoping to move her son into a proper house, rather than largely being cared for by an elder friend of her husband's family. As a result of losing her husband to a false charge of Poaching and trying to raise a very solemn son that barely recalls his father due the loss, she is very protective of her private life, but at the same time deeply wishes for friends that would not judge her for her winding path.



Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
■ "That Cirhien has a swagger like a pirate. I bet she is one." - Curious Hyur Shopkeep
■ "She's got breasts the size of grapefruit, man!" - Drunken Midlander
■ "Those Miqo'te women. Have to watch them, especially that one. Her right hook's a wicked witch." - Amused Miqo'te Privateer
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
■ "They say she's got some deep secret. Wonder what it is!" - Hyur Fishwife
■ "Her father be one of the best navigators I knew. If she's like him, she's good people." - Old Sailing Chum
■ "I hear tell her mother was a fancy Miqo'te prostitute." - Excitable Weaver Shopkeep
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
■ "Her morals are as questionable as her face. She bargained me into debt!" - Rude Hyur Shopkeep
■ "She's a voice like Menphina's come down for a kiss, I say," Flirty Miqo'te Male
■ "She's sweeter than that hard gaze of hers would let on." - Well meaning Hyur Friend
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)
■ "Oh, I think she's real lovely. She has a voice like nothin' I've ever heard. She's clever, like- real clever. Did you know she's gonna teach me to sing?" Etani'a Sedi


Romantic Interest Attraction Good Standing Poor Standing

Name: Gae'briel Neldawn : Keeper Miqo'te Male that has been polite due to a small shared history, she believes. While she would not call the man a friend, he seems trust worthy.
Name: Vasir'li Solhu : Keeper Miqo'te Male that Cirhien is acquainted with through less than legal business ties and piracy. She is undecided on what he is, despite the years they have known each other.
Name: Andromeda Dulaque : One of Cirhien's former bosses at the Wanderer's Elysium. Remains well respected.
Name: Ahni Taihra : Cirhien's husband's eldest sister, and Matriarch that Kahto'a was born for.
Name: Leanne Delphium : One of Cirhien's new co-workers at the Wanderer's Elysium; a gifted performer. Cirhien likes Leanne's ability to tell a story!
Name: Rheya Tayuun : One of Cirhien's new co-workers at the Wanderer's Elysium; she works security and as a Hostess. Cirhien finds her entertaining to talk with.



Template by Bancroft Gairn
Infobox art commission by Sera-xiv
'Inspirational Music (spotify links unless listed otherwise)'
Time, from Inception (Piano Solo), Kyle Landry
Pleasant Moments: A Ragtime Waltz; Scott Joplin (guitar arr; youtube)
Siren, The Legendary Pink Dots
Sea Song: Doves
Do I Wanna Know, Arctic Monkeys
Ocean Gypsy, Blackmore's Night
Sverker, Corvus Corax
Tango to Evora, Loreena McKennitt