Camille Hotgo

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Sex: Female | Age: 19 | Race: Au Ra, Xaela
Birthplace: Othard | Current Residence: Wanderlust.

Short stature, though more stocky and full than most female Xaela.
Iridescent scales, shiny and bright in most lights.
Bright coloration of inks across her face, attributed to her old tribe.
Her right horn seems to be crudely sawed off at the half-point.
Wears unassuming clothes, mainly dulled with small accents to her form.
Camille's first name is derived from Elezen.
Appears to never carry weapons.
Camille is a surviving member of the Hotgo tribe, which has officially been wiped out of their territory by the Dotharl. Returning to the massacre without the necessary numbers to take back what was hers was clearly not an option, and prompted the Xaela to set sails for another continent. As a refugee in Ul'dah, she makes what coin she can by selling furs, skins, fishing, and strangely enough - acting as a translator. Having been exposed to the Eozean language in her previous home, she is able to act as a bridge of communication for those originating from Othard.

Due to Camille's lacking piece of horn, her spatial recognition is a bit off. She won't always sense someone there, at times has balancing problems, which could be mistaken for her being clumsy as hell. Her hearing is also afflicted, but only on that particular side.
to be filled
Can't remember which template this is from. I've seen it used on several profiles, please contact me in game if you want to be credited.