Belian Lightfoot

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 Belian Lightfoot
Ffxiv 03012018 113958.png
"Have you found your joy in this dead world of ours?"
Magitek Knight
Gender Male
Race Huyr
Clan Garlean (not pure)
Citizenship Proud citizen of the Empire
Place of Birth Garlemond
Nameday Date 14th day of the 6th Umbral age (Age: 27)
Marital Status
Occupation Garlean Spy
Pronunciation Bell-ian Lightfoot
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♦ General

"Life... Dreams... Hope... Where do they come from? And where do they go...? Such meaningless things... I'll destroy them all!"

Born Salvius Virius, he is a senior Magitek scholar and Self proclaimed Magitek Knight. Traveled to Eorzea undercover with the alias Belian Lightfoot. This blonde huyr was sent to spy, sabotage and report back to the Garlean Empire on the Eorzean war effort.

Though years of devotion and study he has earned the title of Senior Matitek Scholar, or "Mal", making his full given name Salvius Mal Virius.

♦ Appearance

"Why do you build, knowing destruction is inevitable? Why do you yearn to live, knowing all things must die?"

Belian is slightly above average in both height and girth, though keeping a relatively small frame. Looking at him there is little doubt that he could be a Garlean, Blonde hair and green eyes are almost a dead giveaway of his heritage. Not a pure Garlean, His family was integrated into the Empire years ago so he lacks the "third eye" of purebloods. To his advantage Belian has rather boyish good looks that make him appear much younger than he really is. he is always immaculately clean and well groomed, keeping his goatee trim and his blonde hair neat and tied back. He always smells clean, using various oils and perfumes, his favorite being an oil that smells like a cross between roses and citrus.

When it comes to dress Belian loves to be flamboyant and attention getting. He demands only the finest cloth touch his skin. It is not uncommon for someone to witness him spending a massive amount on custom tailored clothing.

He is typically seen wearing silks and leather of the utmost quality. he dresses as his station requires it, nevermind that he is trying to blend in to the populace of Eorzea who may find such a fancy dresser a tad strange.

♦ Behaviour

"The end comes...beyond chaos"

Upon first meeting the blonde man you would easily get the impression of arrogance. he is well dressed and he moves with grace and polish. Nothing seems to escape his gaze or scrutiny. often aloof and cold, regarding whomever he is speaking with as something to be analyzed and understood. It's not uncommon for him to be quick to annoyance or disregard. He simply cannot be bothered most times, preferring the confines of his study or a laboratory to that of a tavern or Hall. His pragmatism makes him seem almost cruel at times, when the fact is he is simply giving the best solution to a situation without the influence of emotion. it is this pragmatic outlook that has led himself to pledge his loyalty to the Empire, believing them to be the best solution to bring order to hydaelyn

He speaks calmly most times and with a slight hint of a Garlean accent.

Belian also never consumes alcohol or any drug of any kind as he feels it dulls his intellect.


"For if knowledge is power... then a god am i..."

Like most Garlians, Magic is fascinating to Belian. he has spent most of his life learning about the strange way Aether is manipulated. The fusion of Magic and technology known as Magitek captured his imagination and as such he has become a master of it. A skilled mage but Belian is even more dangerous now that he is augmented with Magitek.

Like most Magic users Belian will attempt to use his powerful magics to keep an enemy away, trying to end any conflict with overwhelming force before it becomes a melee brawl. To this end he is very effective, his magics can lay waste to almost anything (even himself) if he doesn't keep the overwhelming power in check. However if/when an encounter gets close he can still hold his own. He is skilled in hand to hand combat and will use it combined with more than a few Magitek gadgets like stun grenades and small firearms. On rare occasions when he has his sword he has been trained to use it with great effect as well.

he firmly believes that combat is a mental game and he who out-thinks his enemy first, wins.


"I've acquired the ultimate power! Observe...Such magnificent power! You're all nothing more than fleas compared to me now! Embrace your destruction... It is the fate of all things."


(All of this backstory is a secret and will not be treated as in character knowledge by anyone unless specifically RPed out.)

Salvius was born the thrid son of Caecilius Sas Virius and Elise Het Virius. Salvius's father being a military commander and mother a member of the Garlean Sentate. Young Salvius had the benefit of the finest education and rearing His parents station afforded them. Before Belian was born his parents had his life all planned out for him. The youngest of three sons, both his brothers serving in the Garlean Military, Salvius, it was decided would serve the empire in a more academic capacity. The boy would be groomed and educated to join the ranks of the Magitek Engineers to research and develop new weapons for the soldiers to use. Life was mundane, some would even say boring for Salvius as his days were filled with study. A safe life behind the Empire's walls.

Salvius graduated from every academy his parents sent him to. He was a good student and his grades were exceptional, especially in the field of Magitek study. So good in fact that the Chief Engineer himself took notice.At age 22 Salvius Volunteered for an experimental procedure. the Empire wanted to see if they could artificially amplify a subjects Aether potential by surgically grafting crystals to their skeleton. No price being too big to further Magitek, Belian offered himself to be the first candidate. A completely new type of soldier was born. The Magitek Knight. But the procedure was not without side effects...

Salvius sought permission to undergo a mission undercover in Eorzea. It was not unusual for requests like this as Eorzea was an Aether rich part of the world and researchers wanted to learn more. After the Empire's defeat at Carteneau and the loss of Nael Van Darnus, they withdrew back behind their borders and erected a gigantic wall separating Eorzea from the Empire. No one would expect Imperial Agents infiltrating Eorzea as the world was mostly at peace again. 

Salvius Mal Virius had now taken the name Belian Lightfoot, he figured that sounded Eorzean enough and took a few belongings and books along with any papers that can prove he is an Imperial citizen and set out to cross the wall and into Eorzea. He was given a linkpearl from his father with instructions to report anything of tactical interest to him. Thrust into a world very much not his own and without a way back because of the open hostility between Eorzea and the Empire, Belian has no choice but to ride this out. He does his best from behind enemy lines to sabotage and disrupt Eorzea and give his precious Empire an advantage.He regards most Eorzeans with an almost mild neglect, proceeding with his own agenda that no one save him knows.

Present: (This section is fairly common knowledge as it's all happened in Eorzea.)

Belian has taken up a profession and offers his Martial talents as a professional monster Hunter. Sometimes his makes barely enough money to eat, other times it has yielded a fortune in Gil and rare and exotic hides and pelts.He tries his best to stay out of the way and keep alow profile lest anyone discover that he's an Imperial.

Belian still gives regular reports to his father, but they have become less and less noteworthy. He never has questioned his loyality to garelemond but... maybe Eorzea wasn't so bad after all.

★ Recent RP events ★

Belian has found affection for a young Au'ra female named Amai Namagashi.


Belian is very much Obsessive Compulsive, everything must be just right and just so. He is prone to the typical OCD ritual of obsessive thoughts leading to compulsive actions.


Study and research
Music and singing


Authority figures


refining his research on magitek
Can play the Cello


Favourite Food/Drink: Pancakes with honey/Black tea
Favourite Place: His study


(These are rumors and may or may not be ICly true.)

Belian was a pirate Captain... but left for some reason.

♦ Footnotes

- Lawful Evil - Belian works within the established system for his own ends. He cares about tradition, loyalty, and order but not about freedom, dignity, or life. He plays by the rules but without mercy or compassion. He is comfortable in a hierarchy and would like to rule, but is willing to serve.

Theme song:

Anti-Syne - There will be Blood