Sana Sunada

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She sings. It wasn't always that way. It was strange, how it came to be—the words that came to her while she was adrift at sea, she turned to poetry, and that poetry, she turned to song.
She gave her grief a melody.


She is easily overlooked, especially when dressed in her housekeeper's uniform. Everything about her is prim and pretty, but natural and understated—a beauty not unlike that of a wildflower.
She is, however, remarkably dainty. Thin and frail from head to tail to toe, the sharp contours and curves of her bones are more far apparent than those of supple sinew. Her bust all but disappears underneath her clothing, and she has virtually no curves elsewhere to speak of. Her tail, too, is skinnier than average. It whips and flicks like lemongrass turning on the breeze.
Typically, she wears her hair parted down the middle and pulled into two low pigtails. The hairstyle compliments her facial structure—framed by her long bangs, her features are made far less severe. The gentle swell of her cheekbones and the dip of her brow into the shallow slope of her nose draw the observer’s gaze to her sleepy, half-lidded eyes, that, in the right lighting, appear dark and sultry. Her irises are the color of pale tundra flowers under an evening sky.
Aspects that stand out:
+ Pretty eyes
+ Dark hair; fair skin
+ Delicate build


Will listen to anyone and everyone's problems for hours, even if it's exhausting to her. She has a big heart and an infinite pool of patience.
Blushes a lot. Covers her mouth with her hand when she smiles; known to stutter and fumble when flustered, which isn't too uncommon. For this reason, she often finds herself at the end of harmless (or, actually, not so harmless) jokes that deter her from ever trying to make casual conversation again. She always bounces back, though, usually with the help of someone looking to be in mild distress. She is always one to help a stranger in peril.
She pays attention to the tiny, easily-overlooked details, like the beetles in a garden, or the way the spaces between stars seem to flicker with their own strange, borrowed starlight.
She is a moongazer; a dreamer; a philocalist.
Aspects that stand out:
+ Controlled
+ Shy
+ Hardworking


Family Involved Romantic Platonic Physical Friend Acquaintance $ Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral Unsure
Person Name, relationship. ( ) - Title.
Character's Thoughts: " ."
Description of their relationship.