Sarina Alyne

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Gridania-transparent.png Sarina Alyne / S'rana Byiht
"Somehow ... I'll push forward."
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Seeker of the Sun
Citizenship Gridanian
Patron Diety Althyk, The Keeper
Age 23
Marital Status Single
Height 5'0"
Weight 150lbs
Class Conjurer

Backstory [1.0-3.0]

Sarina was born in a small, amalgamated tribe of Seeker of the Sun Miqo'te under the name S'rana Byiht, residing in a small settlement to the west of Gridania along with her mother, father, and older sister. Originally established as a branching tribe from the 'S' tribe, they merged with a prominently red-haired Seeker of the Sun branching tribe a few years after their incarnation.

She spent most of her early years in that tribe; assisting her mother and sister as much as she could at such a young age. While her sister found a large connection with their father and his skills with a blade, Sarina found herself being rather close to her mother and her scholarly studies of history, geography, and the arts. Regardless, they spent quite a bit of time together.

Sarina's time with her native tribe, however, was cut horribly short. Some time after her sixth birthday, a band of marauding bandits from the deserts of Ul'dah encountered their nomadic tribe in the wilderness of the West Shroud- far from any established Gridanian encampment. While the warriors of the amalgamated tribe fought their best to fend off the bandits, it was to no avail. After dispatching the warriors, they went about pillaging the small camp that Sarina's nomadic tribe had established; burning everything to the ground, raiding their supplies, murdering the men, and kidnapping both women and children alike to sell off to the slavers of La Noscea. By some miracle, Sarina avoided being spotted by the men, yet could do nothing but watch as she hid in the shadows of the forest.

A few hours later, the pillaged settlement was discovered by a pair of Hyuran hunters, and the horrified, distraught, and silent Sarina was taken to the safety of the Gridanian capital. Upon arrival, she was immediately taken to the Order of the Twin Adder's healers, who diagnosed her with a severe case of trauma stemming from the raid. She couldn't remember her own name, the name of her tribe, or even the name of her family and fellow tribe members- only able to remember small visual fragments form her past and little more.

Deciding it best that she become reacquainted with a new family, the healers requested that Sarina remain under the care of the two Midlander hunters that had rescued her- and they were all too happy to oblige. With no knowledge of her original name, the couple decided on "Sarina Alyne"- a subtle reference to an ancient hero. From that point, Sarina lived out most of her childhood in Gridania- where she developed a love for reading, writing, painting, and history. And yet, despite trying her best to live a normal childhood from that point forward, she was constantly plagued by the fuzzy, blurry memories of that night and visions of her lost family and friends.

In her early teenage years, Sarina began to train with the local Conjurer's Guild, as she found fulfillment in helping and aiding those in need as much as she could. That single goal excelled her through the training, and when she was at last deemed fit to depart the guild, Sarina bid farewell to her adopted parents and enlisted in the Order of the Twin Adder as a soldier and healer. Though she had no love for war, and preferred to take a supportive stance in combat when necessary, even she knew it was unavoidable at times. Throughout her travels as a Twin Adder soldier and adventurer, she met a certain Midlander Hyur enlisted in Limsa Lominsa's Maelstrom.

Over time, Sarina and that man became rather close- even traveling and fighting alongside each other during their careers as adventurers and soldiers. It was only natural that love began to bloom between them.

With her newfound lover at her side, Sarina pressed forth on her own personal healing journey along with serving her Grand Company. Nearly a year after departing Gridania, she received word that both of her adopted parents had been killed in a tragic hunting accident in the South Shroud. It was brutally difficult for the conjurer to accept, yet with the support of her lover, Sarina managed to press on; he had become a pillar of strength for her, somebody she could rely on to support her when times became rough. And they continued their travels together; it was only the appearance of the lesser moon, Dalamud, and the threat it soon imposed on all of Eorzea that strayed Sarina from her path.

The Fall of Dalamud

Like so many others, Sarina was drafted to fight in the Battle of Carteneau- and put her abilities to work ensuring her fellow soldiers in the Twin Adder, Maelstrom, and Immortal Flames were healed as they waged all-out war against the forces of Garlemald. Throughout the entire battle, she stayed close to her lover's side- healing and protecting not only him, but as many soldiers as she possibly could. Yet, the fall of Dalamud brought forth an even greater threat than the Garlean Empire. The Elder Primal, Bahamut, emerged from the fallen lesser moon- flames of rage surrounding it as it started to lay waste to everything in sight.

Sarina had frozen on the spot upon seeing Bahamut- her feet refused to move, her form still, her expression remaining static even as a pillar of fire and shards of Dalamud fell toward her. Before she knew it, Sarina was shoved aside- tumbling down a small hill before she was left to watch helplessly as her lover- the only person she had grown close to in all of Hydaelyn, her pillar of strength, was crushed and incinerated before her eyes. The sheer shock of what she saw sent the conjurer into a state of unconsciousness, her form still even as the chaos ensued on the plains of Carteneau.

After the Fall

Sarina awoke a few days later, drenched in sweat, covered in lacerations, bandages, and bruises inside a makeshift clinic for the few soldiers that had survived the bloodbath. It took her only a few moments to remember what had happened, and she nearly shrieked out in horror- the scene replaying in her head. The tears followed, and didn't stop for what felt like hours. He was gone. The one person she had left in the world was gone.

Backstory [4.0+]

Each summer that passed since the Calamity became more difficult than the last. Sarina tried her best to stay strong, and to keep herself busy, but with nobody to support her as she fell in and out of depression, Sarina eventually succumbed to her inner demons. She awoke one night surrounded in the purest black, and at the foot of her bed stood none other than Sarina's self with gleaming crimson eyes.

Staring into those eyes, she saw the flashes of many transgressions she had overlooked in the times when she lost everything. She saw how the Brass Blades and Immortal Flames of Ul'dah failed to dispatch those bandits that destroyed her tribe as a child, but rather chased them into the West Shroud where they discovered the tribe. She saw how a contingent of Twin Adder soldiers refused to assist her adoptive parents, claiming the 'will of the elementals' was for them to pass on in that hunting accident. But worst of all, she saw her lover's death in bloodbath of a Calamity, and how he wasn't remembered for his sacrifice by some Maelstrom paperwork being ignored during his enlistment for the battle.

The past was the past, however. Sarina knew she couldn't do anything to change it no matter what she did. But staring at that dark version of herself, she knew she could fight for a future where justice was swift and sure. That crimson-eyed, darkness-engulfed version of herself stepped into Sarina's body, and she emerged clad in heavy black armour, a two-handed greatsword on her back. She thought not of the past, but looked to the future.

Emerging as a dark knight with no shred of her personality remaining, Sarina abandoned her prior self entirely. The Order of the Twin Adder listed her MIA, and she went forth as a vigilante defending all those that would be done wrong by their superiors, their country, or their fellow man with no hope for justice.



Sarina is a short Seeker of the Sun Miqo'te, standing at about five feet tall. She has long, shoulder-length golden blonde hair with a few subtle red streaks, a purple left eye, and a red right eye- with a scar across her right cheek gained during the Battle of Carteneau.


At one point, Sarina was a calm and serene individual. But every shred of that pleasant personality disappeared the moment she united with her dark side. Covered head-to-toe in pure black armour, she became confident, quiet, and deadly. She actively seeks out those that have committed the most vile of crimes with no recourse, and isn't afraid to give them a painful death at the blade of her greatsword, or even her bare hands.

Despite her devotion to her new role as a dark knight, Sarina hasn't mastered control of herself yet. Often, her dark side can shun her out and take control, where Sarina becomes even more bloodthirsty and vengeful than normal.



Though Sarina's conjury skills remain, she has shunned them out entirely in favour of the skills gleaned from her newfound dark side. She wields a powerful greatsword as if it was made of paper, and harnesses powerful abilities as a dark knight.



  • Combat
  • Delivering her own views on justice


  • Unknown


  • Unknown



Former lover - deceased

Single, somewhat uninterested


Father - deceased

Mother - deceased

Older sister - whereabouts unknown, presumed deceased

Adopted Father - deceased

Adopted Mother - deceased





The details of Sarina's backstory and personality is out of character knowledge only. Except in very certain circumstances approved by myself, this information is not to be known by your character until they are told by Sarina.

This Template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea