Katalie mindena

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 Katalie Mindena
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship Unaffiliated
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Basic Info

Katalie Mindena, A.K.A Tali, is a 23 year old, female, albino Miqo'te mage. Employed as a mercenary in Soul of the Sword, and as a freelance negotiator by any client who would employ her services.



Tali is a very kind and gracious women, easy to talk to and get along with. Sometimes described as impulsive, she can be reckless, trying to take on too much by herself without asking for help, usually resulting in her getting into trouble. She longs for romance but just can't seem to get it right, convinced she's just no good with romance. She refuses to kill, falling into dread for a short while should she ever accidentally kill someone, despite her working in a mercenary company. When she does get angry she often goes into a blind rage, trying to get rid of the source by any means possible. Tali is rarely flustered, but when she is she makes empty threats to try to get the source to back off, her go-to being "I'll freeze you to the ceiling!"((Shown in Art #4, and #14-18)). She is afraid of water for some reason, no one knows why. Overall she is a happy person that makes others around her happy too, and does her best to keep things that way.


Shin'a Rudoa (Alive?): Tali's older brother. 27 at time of death, yet 3 years later has turned up alive. Often the victim of Shin'a's jealousy and superiority, Tali and Shin'a never really saw eye to eye, their individual motives and opinions differing from eachother greatly, causing the two to fight non-stop. He shares the albino trait with Tali.

Yoru Rudoa: Tali's little sister. 16 years of age. Due to their upbringing. Tali and Yoru never really got to see eachother much, but Yoru always tried to be as strong as her older sister, and envied Tali's strength and position in the family greatly. Now, Yoru spends her time plotting ways to kill Tali in order to avenge her fallen family, and learning all of the lost arts she'd never gotten to learn. She shares the albino trait with Tali.

Equo Rudoa (Decesaed): Tali's mother. 44 at time of death. Strict and serious. Pushing Tali towards greatness from the second of Tali's birth. More concerned about breeding Tali to be a powerful mage and witch as well as the next family head rather than Tali's personal life. Disregarding Shin'a and Yoru, Equo wanted nothing more than for Tali to surpass the rest of the rudoa family, stopping at nothing to achieve that goal.

Ohki'to Rudoa (Deceased): Tali's father. 56 at time of death. Kind and passive. Usually busy with work for the family, Tali and Ohki'to were never really very close. Leaving Tali's upbringing to Equo, Ohki'to focused on the upbringing of Yoru and Shin'a, teaching them to be well behaved and polite, but also headstrong. Despite his passive nature, he felt a strong connection to Equo, never once doubting her judgement, and even going so far as to hunt down Tali in order to avenge Equo's death.


The Rudoa Family: The family Katalie, or as she was called then, Cemi, was born in to. An arcane family with a long line of talented mages and healers. Found mostly in Gridania, the Rudoa family is in close relations with the Gridanian authorities, allowing them to have a large influence over the general public if needed. Many claim the family to be a family of evil witches needing to be burned at the stake, but this rumor has not been confirmed.

Fia's Arcane Teachings: A small private magic school outside Gridania that Katalie attended through childhood to learn about the magic arts. The classes are known the be very difficult and the teachers strict, many failing out of it.

The Beggars Butchers: A group of mercenaries that used to be based in Ul'dah that Katalie had joined a few moons after arriving. Soon finding out that the group was crooked and criminal, resulting in her promptly leaving the group, changing her name and dying her hair for fear of the group tracking her down to keep information of their actions from spreading.

Alchemists Guild: Registering as a novice Alchemist, Katalie learned the basics of Alchemy from the guild.

Ravens of the West:


Soul of the Sword:


Jay'to Hidef: Tali's first crush. A Redheaded Miqo'te boy she often ran into on her way home, and spent a good amount of time secretly studying with, since her parents didnt allow her to interact with others not in her class. If not for eventually being forcibly separated by her parents, the two may have been together a long time.

Gregory Edgeworth: The law assistant for Ravens of the West. A black haired Hyur with glasses. Greg often scolded Tali for misbehavior and made sure to keep her on task and to fix her up if she was ever injured. Tali considered him to be the Father she wish she had.

Charme Valentine: Tali's first Boyfriend. A white-haired Keeper Miqo'te. First meeting in the Quicksands bar in Ul'dah, the two quickly hit it off, eventually leading to Tali buying the man a drink and offering for him to join the Ravens of the West with her. Charme accepted the offer, soon being assigned to Tali as her bodyguard during Negotiation expeditions to potential clients. Frequently fending off members of her family and many road bandits, the two soon grew closer, forming a relationship that went on for a few moons. The relationship came to a hault when Charme cheated on Tali with her best friend at the time, Val Kanzaki, leading Tali to harbor a lot of anger towards Charme, almost killing him at one point during a duel. Tali has not seen him since.

Narengerel Moks: Meeting in the Ul'dah Quicksands, Tali and the girl known as just Aria, a Blonde Xaela from the Qalli tribe with lost memories, met after Aria approached Talis table. After conversation about who the two of them were and their work , the two left the quicksands together to talk privately outside, free from noise. The two became close friends. During a chance encounter in Gridania, Tali found out Aria deceiving Tali, lying about having lost her memories. Aria revealed herself to be Narengerel Moks, a bounty hunter. Moons after the encounter, Narengerel surfaced again, joining Tali's new company, Soul of the Sword. Once again catching Tali's eye.

Ajax Avernus: During a chance visit to the Quicksands, Tali overheard what sounded like another Qalli. Turning her attention to the sound of the voice. Finding that a blue haired man and the suspect Qalli were talking so merrily, Tali moved to join them, thus meeting the Qalli girl and the blue haired Hyur named Ajax ((Shown in Art #3 and #7)). Eventually following the man back to his company to meet some other friends of his, Tali found herself quite interested in the man, leading her to join his company, the Soul of the Sword, the two becoming best of friends.

Deryck Farore: Tali's second Boyfriend. A Brown-haired Hyur with glasses and later an Eyepatch. ((Shown in Art #5)) Meeting at Soul of the Dragon when Tali was assigned to be Deryck's waitress. After going up on stage to perform, Deryck complimented her singing, causing Tali to start crushing on him. After time went by of the two meeting up every week, the two eventually formed a relationship with each other. After staying together for a few months, Deryck was assigned to fight in Ala Mhigo with the resistance, and despite Tali's hopes, never came back.

Sting Reed: Meeting in the Quicksands, Sting, a Brown-haired Keeper Miqo'te with an eyepatch((Shown in Art #2, #3, #8, #11-19, and #21)), and Tali grew quite fond of each other quite quickly. After a few months of getting to know eachother and insisting they be the one to buy the drinks, the two became good friends...or maybe just a little bit more. Another month or so and Sting ended up joining Talis company, the two staying close to each other, but never quite going over the relationship line, remaining best friends instead. Some time later Sting developed feelings for Tali and, after a few more months, finally confessed, entering a relationship with Tali.

Ketsuchi Kotetsu: Tali and Ketsuchi, a blonde-haired Seeker ((Shown in Art #11 and #12) met via Soul of the Sword recruitment. Tali gave Ketsuchi his interview and welcomed him into the company. Taking interest in him, Tali spent a lot of time with Ketsuchi, not phased by his aggressive nature. After finally getting Ketsuchi to tell of his past, the two realized the other was not so different from themselves. While Ketsuchi did take a breeding interest in Tali, and Tali a romantic interest in him, he could not stay in a concrete relationship due to his Seeker nature, edging Tali to go after Sting instead while he and Tali stayed friends, often bickering with eachother.

Chryslinger Starhope: First seeing Chrys perform as apart of Soul of the Dragon, Tali grew quite entranced by Chrys's magic. Respecting Chrys greatly, Tali always addressed Chrys politely, and found her hard to approach. Tali eventually found it easier to approach Chrys after moving up through the ranks in the company, considering her a trusted friend, and the best Medic around. Tali currently studies under Chrys as her student, learning ways of medicine.


Family Magic Weapon: Tali's weapon of choice. Holding its own aether supply as well as the ability to change forms.

Skoldr: A small, metal shield she often uses with her magic, slinging it around like a Frisbee.

Spear: A standard wood and bone spear, usually used for sparring.

Schlister: Tali's backup Staff.

Faun: Tali's backup backup Staff.

Grimoire: A black, grey, and blue book that she refuses to open for some reason.

Martial Arts: Due to Miqo'te's agile nature, Tali is sometimes able to rely on her quick feet to get her out of situations.


Seen here: https://tinyurl.com/talispells


Airo ……. (Wind)

Afoth ……. (Fire)

Asrch ……. (Lightning)

Acrest ……. (Ice)

Alfi ……. (Water)

Adrouh ……. (Earth)

Basic Words:

Aer ……. (Sky)

Ansolew ……. (Song)

Herfeicht ……. (Strike)

Deamounum ……. (Demon)

Retoure ……. (Return)

Feinschelt ……. (Multiply)

Tonium ……. (Moon)

Ronium ……. (Sun)

Arstel ……. (Star)






At will:

Ansolew (Element) --> (Song of the Element)

Oruihon Deance --> (Change Form)

Yera Retoure --> (Return to Normal)

Murowa --> (Slash)

Fein (Element) Farst (Element Barrier)

Once per fight:

Scrylla --> (Reset)

(Element) Eist Heifaust --> (Whip of Element)

Pertrest Reicht --> (Perception Alter)

(Element) Reist, (Body Part) --> (Element Augment)

(Element) Tonium --> (Element Moon-Strike)

Once per day.

AiroAfothAsrchAcrestAlfiAdrouhDeamounum --> (5 Element Strike)

Deamounum Archtonium (Element)nium --> (Demon’s Strike)

Trod(Element) Herfeicht Archtonium --> (Augmented Element Strike)

Ansolew (Element) Feinschelt --> (Choir of the Element)

Once per week.

Reintr(Element)fiecht Deamounum Schlaister Ragetiri --> (Destroy)


Common Rumors:

Uncommon Rumors:

Rare Rumors:




Tali by rika wawa-dbrvmc5.png
Help by rika wawa-dbrvohd.png
Lowfive by rika wawa-dbsil6t.png
Fufufu by rika wawa-dbsil71.png
Commtalid by rika wawa-dbv5k9q.png.jpg
Ourantalistinglmao by rika wawa-dbt4wn0.png
Kat comm by rikawawaart-dcanjaf.png
Ks01 by rikawawaart-dca9eu6.png
Stingfroz by rikawawaart-dca9gl3.png
Stingfroz by rikawawaart-dca9i4h.png
Stingfroz1 by rikawawaart-dca9ixv.png
Help by rikawawaart-dca9kxp.png
Stingkat by rikawawaart-dci3gk5.png
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