N'hadiya Khei

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It'd take ten lifetimes ta' repent for these sins..



CURRENT ALIAS... N'hadiya Khei. ( Pronounced NAH-dee-uh KAY. )

BIRTH NAME... N'mheera Hazir. ( Pronounced nah-MHEE-rah ahh-ZEER. )

RACE & CLAN... Miqo'te. Seeker of the Sun.

GENDER... Female, biologically and mentally. Exhibits 'tomboyish' characteristics, however.

AGE & NAMEDAY... Twenty-eight. Born the 13th Sun of the 5th Astral Moon, 1550 6AE.

ORIENTATION... Bisexual, Kinsey three. Seemingly uneasy in matters of sexuality.

MARITAL STATUS... Unattached. Seems equally uneasy with emotional intimacy.


NATIONALITY... Ala Mhigan. Will typically claim Lominsan citizenship if asked.

TRIBE... Aldgoat Tribe of Gyr Abania, now presumed to be nigh extinct.

CURRENT RESIDENCE... Ul'dah. Recently relocated from La Noscea.

OCCUPATION... Odd jobs, as well as selling hunted furs and meats she does not use.

PATRON DEITY... Azeyma the Warden. Casual adherent, privately expressive.

HEIGHT & WEIGHT... Stands at 5'4". Typically weighs between 120-130 ponze.

ALIGNMENT... Neutral Good, type two.

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Note from N'hadiya's Player: Hey everyone! This character & wiki page are currently both huuuge works-in-progress, so please excuse the mess and any confusion! I will be finishing up the wiki as I go along and get time, and as development through early roleplaying experiences allow. Regardless, if you're at all curious about N'hadiya in any way, shape, or form, please don't hesitate to send me a PM or a /tell in-game and ask away! I would love to answer your questions and talk with you! Also, please note that all information presented here (sans IC rumors, naturally) is provided here as an OOC courtesy. Therefore, please don't use any of this information ICly without reasonable cause, or asking my permission beforehand! Thanks! ♥


Unrefined. Genuine. Fragile. Scarred. On the surface, N'hadiya appears to be a relatively genial and laidback woman with a down-to-earth mindset and an almost painfully simple way of viewing things. A social creature at heart, she enjoys the company of others and is quick to crack a smile or a joke - even jump to a stranger's aid, if she deems it necessary. She's a far cry from ladylike, with her roughly accented speech and her lack of feminine mannerisms. Yet there is something oddly charming and endearing about her. Thus, on a good day, it would be easy for one to assume that there was nothing more going on underneath the surface. A simple mind for a simple woman. Yet for those that manage to make it a little closer, it would quickly become obvious that she was anything but.
N'hadiya struggles coming to terms and reconciling with events of her past; chiefly, the role she played in the destruction of her beloved tribe and, subsequently, the unrelenting cruelty she suffered during years of Garlean captivity. Both have left her suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, the influences of which become increasingly more visible, the more time one spends around her. It can and often is triggered incidentally at unpredictable times, leaving her uncomfortable at best or completely broken down at worst. She suffers from night terrors as well, so vivid and so frequent that she is oftentimes afraid to even close her eyes of a night. As a coping mechanism, she's taken to the bottle, finding that the mind-numbing effects of heavy drinking tend to make it easier to drown out her demons and rest easier of an evening. Yet such behavior has caused her to develop a dependency. Now, she can hardly function without some sort of liquor coursing through her system.
There is also something else within her, eating away at her from the inside: fear. It pervades her thoughts in its many forms, such as paranoia over figures from her past finding her and the difficulty she now has with allowing anyone to truly become close to her. Yet it isn't that she fears betrayal from others. Quite the opposite, in fact, seeing as she tries to believe in the goodness of others and possesses a strong desire to trust them. Rather, it is the fear of herself and her past failings that prevents her from letting anyone in past arm's length. She is terrified that, should the situation arise again, she would once more prove to be weak and betray those she cares for. Such fear drove her to confine herself to self-inflicted solitude for a long time after her escape from Gyr Abania, and it continues to breed a deep sense of loneliness within her even today.
Despite these obvious shortcomings, N'hadiya is - at her core - a genuinely good, kind person. She seeks to do good in the world, chiefly for the sake of penance, but also simply for the sake of helping others. Even though she possesses very little in the way of coin or possessions, she is generous and would gladly offer up what little she has to someone in greater need. There is a warmth in her that occasionally makes it to the surface when she lets her own guard down, when she is able to push the chaos of her own mind to the side. Even if she is unable to offer advice in most situations, she excels in providing a caring, listening ear and a shoulder to cry on if needed.


Alcohol. The stronger and the more of it, the better. It's the quickest way to her heart.
Interesting company. They make for good distractions from her own unwanted thoughts.
Helping others. Not only does she feel as if it's her duty, but she also genuinely enjoys it.


Garlemald. She knows no greater hatred than that which she bears for those three-eyed whoresons.
Silence. Without something to distract her, her mind tends to wander.
Oppression. She cannot and will not stand for someone being oppressed or degraded in her presence.


Penance. Above all else, she wishes to atone for the sins she has committed.
Freedom. She not only seeks her personal freedom, but the freedom of others.
Peace. She wishes for peace, both from her inner demons and external circumstances.


Goodness. For all her downfalls, N'hadiya is - at her core - a genuinely good person.
Determination. Once she sets her mind on a goal or ideal, she will not stop.
Practical skills. She can hunt, and is skilled in leatherwork and carpentry.


PTSD. She has a number of triggers that come and go, robbing her of her sense of self-control.
Alcoholism. It's exceedingly rare to find her not in some state of drunkenness.
Uneducated. She never received any kind of formal education and is also illiterate.


Crowds. N'hadiya seeks out highly populated areas as being alone has become increasingly intolerable.
Blindspot. Given her lack of vision on her left side, it makes her nervous for people to linger there.
Touch. Unwarranted physical contact can make her quite uncomfortable, sometimes even instinctively violent.


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N'hadiya stands tall for the average miqo'te, and possesses a figure barren of the obvious, dramatic curves of femininity. In their stead, her more rectangular, boyish build houses subtle, sinewy muscle borne of an active life largely spent in a harsh, mountainous environment. She very much gives the impression of a huntress in form alone. Not to mention the small golden marks permanently adorning the tops of her cheekbones - cherished markings given to her in her adolescence by her tribe, denoting her sharp sense of vision.
Yet these are not her most notable features, by far. A number of savage, silvery scars and other imperfections paint a vivid picture of past suffering across the canvas of her lightly tanned skin, particularly over the expanse of her back. Most notable amongst the myriad collection of blemishes is a Garlean phrase cruelly carved over and over again into the flesh spanning her shoulder blades. Subeo ad Imperio: I submit to the Empire. A constant reminder of sins and traumas inescapable, the scars are a sight that she allows very few to bear witness to. Yet the disfigurements do not simply end there; they form intricate patterns across her torso and limbs, even reaching up her neck and to her rounded face. One thin scar cuts down over her golden right eye, the opposing cheek home to another large cut. Her left eye itself almost constantly remains hidden underneath a simple leather eyepatch, concealing a rough, milky white-blue color that betrays its blindness.
The Seeker woman keeps her wardrobe both subtle and practical. As she is not in possession of any great amount of coin, her selection is clothing is both limited in number and quality. Most pieces are obviously well-worn, though not in utter disrepair. In fact, she seems to take quite good care of her armor, knowing that its reliability could very well mean the difference between life and death one day. In terms of color, the palette is rather narrow in scope, consisting mainly of drab earthtones. If pressed, she would claim that she finds bright colors and excessive adornment tacky. While there is a grain of truth to this claim, the more important fact is that she simply wishes not to stand out in a crowd.

C O M B A T & W E A P O N R Y

N'hadiya grew up in a tribal Seeker environment in Gyr Abania amongst the rugged mountains that her tribe had called their home for many generations. Likewise, shortly after her birth, the invasion and take-over of Gyr Abania by the Garleans persuaded the Aldgoat Tribe to ally itself with the Ala Mhigan Resistance. Thus, she was raised with extensive training in various martial skills, both for hunting and subsisting in an often barren and harsh mountainous environment and for striking down her enemies without prejudice nor hesitation. While she doesn't typically appear to be a combative person, she is certainly more than capable of flipping that switch when need be, her persona and mannerisms changing dramatically. The laidback woman gains an almost eerie sort of focus and drive, and she can be downright merciless. Though when pushed even further and she finds her back against the wall, her personality changes even further, becoming almost feral in nature.. The very essence of fight over flight.
In terms of combat style, N'hadiya is more reliant upon her natural agility than any sort of brute strength or force. True to her race, she is sure-footed and precise, and an early lifetime spent in the mountains brought with it a sense of comfort and familiarity in uneven terrain and high-up vantage points. She prefers to fight from a distance and, if she can help it, by taking her opponent unawares. Outright solo encounters she tries to avoid, as she is well aware that they put her at a distinct disadvantage.


Archery is N'hadiya most preferred style of combat. While she is proficient in both short and longbow archery, she tends to favor the former because of its relative convenience, quietness, and practicality in hunting. Given her length of time and degree of familiarity with this type of weapon, she is very skilled in its use.


More often than not, N'hadiya keeps an ivory-handled hunting knife tucked away securely on her person - in a boot, at her hip, under her shirt. Most of the time, she uses it for its intended use of skinning and preparing game. However, it also serves as a last resort defense should she need it. Due to her relative lack of physical strength and formal training in its use, her skills with this weapon are limited.


N'hadiya received training and experience in battle by conducting raids on Garlean troops in the mountains of Gyr Abania during her youth. Likewise, she also participated in reconnaissance on occasion. Thus she developed a more stealth-oriented combat skill set, learning the best ways to hide, see without being seen, and hear without being heard. Yet over the years, these skills have fallen into disuse, leaving her "rusty".


This skill developed from her more tribal origins and racial advantage. A keen sense of hearing and smell lend itself to being able to track down her quarry over an impressive distance. Aside from physical capabilities that allow this, she also possesses the requisite knowledge and sense of logic to make her quite efficient at this. Years of living in relative solitude after her escape from Ala Mhigo, hunting for food and furs, have seen her improve in this area.


After facing years of physical cruelty and abuse, N'hadiya's tolerance for pain has risen dramatically. While she still experiences it physically, she is able to separate it and withdraw from the psychological sensation of pain to a certain extent. This defense mechanism allows her to keep going even when injured for longer than the average person. However, it also makes her far less aware of her limits, making it possible for her to unknowingly push herself too far into the realm of serious injury.


It takes a lot to get any sort of detail about her history out of N'hadiya. Bits and pieces tend to come out in conversation, especially after she's had a few drinks, but it would take an astounding amount of trust for her to ever divulge key details or a complete recounting. She does this intentionally. Not only does she feel an amazing amount of shame over her role in her tribe's destruction, but she is also very paranoid that her previous captors are seeking her out. Thus, she intentionally avoids giving anyone any identifying details if she can, so as to make as few potential leads on her whereabouts as possible.

P R E - C A L A M I T Y

1550 6AE... N'mheera Hazir is born to N'hazir Nunh and N'bahri Mhez in the isolated Aldgoat tribe residing in the harsh mountainous regions of Gyr Abania.
1552 6AE... Ala Mhigan king Theodoric lays waste to the temple of the Fist of Rhalgr, beginning his reign of terror. Aldgoat tribe leaders observe the situation from afar before deciding to cut all ties to Ala Mhigo, withdrawing deeper into the mountains to escape the King of Ruin's madness.
1557 6AE... Five years of terror under the rule of Theodoric leads to civil unrest and ultimately revolt, the chaos of which prompts the Garlean Empire to make a decisive push into Gyr Abania, taking hold of the city-state of Ala Mhigo. The presence of the Garleans puts immense pressure on the Aldgoat Tribe's way of life, who lack the numbers and means to combat their military might.
1558 6AE... A cell of the Ala Mhigan Resistance makes contact with the Aldgoat Tribe, proposing an alliance in order to take back Gyr Abania. The tribe provides the Resistance a secure base of operations, as well as knowledge of how to work the land and survive in secrecy. In return, the Resistance offers the numbers, weaponry, and training to combat the Garlean forces. After deliberation, the Aldgoat tribe agrees to the alliance.
1560 6AE... N'mheera, at the age of ten cycles, begins formal training in combat from both fellow Aldgoat tribe members and Resistance trainers. While she already possesses some knowledge of hunting and a fledgling understanding of archery, she begins to develop both skills to a higher degree of proficiency.
1566 6AE... At the age of sixteen cycles, known as the age of adulthood for their tribe, N'mheera had proven herself not only a capable hunter, but also a capable scout. She receives markings under her eyes denoting her very keen sense of sight. Now that she is an adult by tribal standards, she is allowed to embark on scouting and raiding missions on Garlean forces passing through the mountains.

1568 6AE... Over the course of two years of successful in-field experience, N'mheera is chosen for her skills to assume a new, important role for the Resistance. She is stealthily smuggled into Ala Mhigo where she adopts the unassuming role of newly hired barmaid at a tavern regularly occupied by Garlean officials. Her objective is to gather information and scout out the Garlean forces from inside the city proper.
1569 6AE... N'mheera is relatively successful in her pursuit of knowledge, using a mixture of wit, charm, and a feigned sympathy for the Empire's plight to gain access to the information she needs. However, her act manages to garner too much attention from one lower ranking Garlean officer who had become smitten with her. Spotting her slipping through the alleyways one evening, he follows her with intent to surprise her, only to catch her in the act of relaying information to a known Resistance member.
Late 1569 6AE... N'mheera is arrested and turned over to the man in charge of dealing with the threat her tribe and their Resistance poses, Centurion Aurelius Leandros. When his interrogators fail to garner information from her, he takes over in their stead. After three days of intense physical and psychological trauma, she finally breaks and gives the Garleans the information they seek - locations, names, objectives. A few days later, Commander Leandros reports back to her - tauntingly - that their mission was a success and that both groups had been eradicated.
Late 1569 6AE... Centurion Leandros, for his success in eliminating the threat of the Aldgoat tribe and their Resistance allies, receives a promotion to the rank of Pilus Prior. Using his newfound political power, he makes the decision to cancel N'mheera's execution and instead keep her as his personal ward, as both a victory trophy and to serve as an example to other would-be rebels.

P O S T - C A L A M I T Y

0001 7UE (1572)... The VIIth Legion Legatus Nael van Darnus succeeds in bringing the lesser moon Dalamud down upon Eorzea, unleashing the Elder Primal Bahamut who brings great destruction to much of the continent in his wake. (OOC: The end of 1.0.)
0004 7UE (1576)... N'mheera has, by this point, spent six years in captivity under Aurelius rem Leandros, treated as little more than a slave to the man's endless cruelty. With the Seeker all but broken, the Pilus Prior becomes rather over-confident and lax in her supervision. She uses this to her advantage one evening when an opportunity presents itself, slipping away to freedom when the man is otherwise preoccupied. She is turned away by former comrades because of her betrayal when she seeks asylum. They tell her to leave them and leave Ala Mhigo, or they will alert the authorities to her escape.
Early 0005 7UE (1577)... N'mheera flees Gyr Abania and takes on a new alias - N'hadiya Khei. She travels in secret, making her way as far from the grasp of the Empire as possible, until she manages to arrive on the island of Vylbrand. She settles there for a time. However, with enough of a berth between her and her captors, her mind begins to wander to her guilt and trauma. She turns to the bottle, and refuses to make all but necessary contact with other people. (OOC: The beginning of 2.0.)
Late 0001 7AE (1577)... The XIVth Legion Legatus Gaius van Baelsar is defeated. The news reaches N'hadiya and slowly she begins to realize that hiding away from the world will not absolve her of her sins. Inspired, she finally makes the decision to venture out into the world again and try to do good. She begins to save up enough money to make the move to Thanalan, where she figures - with the high native Seeker population - she can more easily blend in and keep a low profile, while still being out in public.
0002 7AE... (1578) N'hadiya finally relocates to Ul'dah.

Recent Times
Currently, nothing of note..



Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under the Player Character category!
◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
"I don't think I've ever seen that one without some flask, flagon, or tankard in her hand. Ever. She doesn't seem able to handle her liquor very well, neither. After a couple rounds, she's swaggering and swaying around all over the place. It tends to bring out the social butterfly in her, though." -- Tavern regular.
"She came to my stall once, wishing to look at my wares. When I mentioned that the object she was interested in had been commandeered from a Garlean vessel, she slammed it back down on the counter and broke it.. Gave me a look like I had just struck her across the face. I take it she really doesn't care for Garleans." -- Merchant.

◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
"I accidentally walked in on a miqo'te woman at the public bath not long ago. Poor thing was absolutely covered head-to-toe in scars. Something was carved into her back as well, but not in the Eorzean alphabet. I wonder what it could be.." -- Gossipping Ul'dahn lady.
"We were drinkin' once when she mentioned bein' from Ala Mhigo. Wouldn't say much else 'bout it though when I asked 'er. She jus' got a sad look in 'er eye, then perked up an' ordered another round." -- Adventurer.

◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
"Aye, I know of that woman. Seems like a lifetime ago. She went by a different name back then.. N'mheera, I think. Didn't have the courage to die honorably when she was caught and sung to the Garleans like a canary. Lots of good men and women died 'cause of her cowardice." -- Ala Mhigan escapee.
"That Seeker woman that the Pilus Prior captured managed to slip through the cracks and escape. Last anyone heard, she was leaving Gyr Abania. I almost pity her, thinking what Commander Rem Leandros will do if he lays hands on her again after she insulted him like that.." -- Garlean soldier stationed in Ala Mhigo.

◢ Player Character Rumors - Feel free to add rumors of your own!
Feel free to add your own rumors here!


Romantic Attraction Sexual Attraction Platonic Love Family Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral Unsure

V'saj Tia ( ) - The Dragonslayer.
A fellow Seeker that N'hadiya met in the Quicksand and quickly took a liking to after some chatting and drinking. She is fascinated by the stories of his work, appreciates the information he gives her about Thanalan and its myriad creatures, and greatly enjoys having him as a drinking buddy. Yet she can't help but get the feeling that he has even more stories, perhaps ones that he's not yet prepared to tell.
Vetiver Chastain ( ) - Discomforting Comfort.
N'hadiya was drawn to the sad look in the Keeper woman's eye, only to have the tables turned upon her. Their interactions have turned out to be strained and uncomfortable recently. N'hadiya doesn't begrudge the woman for trying to help her, but her methods have caused some conflict between them.
Aurelius rem Leandros ( - NPC / Unplayed ) - Subeo ad Imperio.
A notoriously merciless Centurion that captured N'hadiya during her spying stint in Ala Mhigo and, using information gained from her torture, decimated both the troublesome Aldgoat tribe and the cell of the Ala Mhigan resistance they were assisting. In doing so, he was promoted to the rank of Pilus Prior. He kept N'hadiya afterwards as both a victory trophy and an example to other potential rebels. The constant cruelty she faced at the man's hands scarred her deeply, even after her eventual escape from his grasp. She has changed her name and appearance since then out of the paranoid belief that he is hunting her.



Template adapted from Bancroft Gairn, with edits by Xheja Rajhera.
On Ala Mhigo and Miqo'te / Non-Hyur: Figured I'd add this footnote since I've already been approached about this.. If you choose to believe in your head-cannon that Ala Mhigo / Gyr Abania is a racially homogenous culture of all Highlanders and Midlanders, that's all you. I won't be offended if you choose not to RP with me or acknowledge my character. But I think J'moldva the Hellfire Phoenix, an Ala Mhigan Sunseeker from the 1.0 Gladiator questline, and the other Elezen and Roegadyn NPCs appearing in said questline would beg to differ. So don't harass me about supposed "lore", please. My homework has been done. c:

Personal RP Limits:
Do: Mature content and themes (violence, sexuality, drug / alcohol use, etc.) as logical in a plot-driven encounter. Coarse and excessive language. Temporary injury and incapacitation. Temporary captivity or imprisonment.
Ask: Long-term and/or permanent injury and disfigurement. Long-term captivity or imprisonment.
Don't: Permanent character death. Mature themes that are not related to plots or character development. (That means you, creepy guys who send unwarranted ass-grabbing tells.)

Outside Links:
Faceclaim: Freida Pinto. [One] [Two] [Three] [Four]
Voice Actor: Rose Leslie as Ygritte in Game of Thrones.
Journal & Short Stories: Forthcoming.