J'kilid Tia

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Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png J'kilid Tia
Kilid wiki 3.png
"Eh, it ain't a thing."
Co-Founder, Jackal & Hide Security
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Seeker of the Sun
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa
Age 24
Guardian Azeyma, the Warden
Namesday 13th Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon
Alignment Neutral Good



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Full name/title: J'kilid Tia - (Jeh-kill-EED TEE-ah)


Killer: A nickname given to him by Xivrez'to, who either misheard Kilid's name, or just can't... 'get' it. Probably the latter, given how many times Kilid's corrected him already...

Current residence: A tumbledown shack just outside of Costa del Sol.

Relationship Status: Engaged to J'inarah Marad

Sexuality: Heterosexual


Physique: Kilid stands or a height with some of the taller examples of Seekers, broad of shoulder yet avoiding a body that would be called 'thick-set', insteda maintaining a more lithe musculature. Weighing perhaps a little less than the average of his kind, most of what weight he does possess is comprised of clearly defined, wiry muscle. While it's clear he takes pride in his appearance, there's little he can do about the numbers scars found across his body, a series of faint, pale lines criss-crossing otherwise tanned skin, each detailing the trials and tribulations of his life as a hunter.

Facial features: The most striking feature of Kilid's face would, without doubt, be the white markings over his tanned, wind-worn features. Tattoos, rather than face paint, the markings are no doubt going to be with the Seeker for the duration of his life. Of the features these tattoos sit atop, the trend his body sets of lithe, and tall continues here. His jaw a little wider than normal, to match the set of his shoulders, with angles bordering on the description of square-jawed, lending his face a shape more rectangular. Bright blue eyes, and a long, broad nose compliment a mouth that seems to have been grinning and smiling since birth, with lips that seem to curve naturally upwards towards the corners.






Private Life:




Axe combat

Lance/Spear/Polearm combat

Sword/shield combat

Ranged combat

Unarmed combat






Exercise. Climbing, swimming, etc. Obvious, in-your-face arrogance. Fishing! Food/Drink: Honey-roasted Boar/Red wine
Jokes. The cornier, the worse, the better. People expecting him to be able to read by default. Juggling. Place: Thus far, the tower overlooking Costa del Sol.
The sound of the ocean.


Romantic Love     Platonic Love     Trusted     Liked     Indifferent     Disliked     Hated



 J'inarah Marad: Far more than just a friend, Kilid has admired Inarah from afar for at least a decade. Both 'underdogs' in their old tribe, bullied and assaulted by the stronger members as youths, they were no strangers to hardship. It wasn't until after one of these beatings as a young teen, when Inarah stmbled across a bloodied Kilid hidden behind a tent, and tended to his wounds that they first met.

From that day forth, a desire to 'prove' himself before Inarah led him to become a stronger, better member of the tribe, and contest for the position of Nuhn. These plans to become a Nuhn however, fell at the final hurdle in a conflict with his brother (Who is the primary reason he's never made a move on Inarah while they were both tribals, given that his brother also expressed an interest in Inarah.)

Several years on, and Kilid pulls Inarah out of a particularly savage gang-assault from some of the more vindictive females of the tribe after she defended herself, and scarred one of the more 'popular' members, whereupon she fled from their living hell, and Kilid set after her a day later. Since finding one another outside of the tribe, their relationship has grown stronger, and closer, and they're now finalising their plans to be wed!

 J'harith Nunh: Kilid's brother, and one of their tribes Nuhn's. Despite a history of Harith constantly one-upping him, mocking, occasionally beating, and generally picking on him, Kilid still loves his brother. Deep down, he knows Harith is doing what he does for the good of the tribe, and is making them stronger.
 P'etri Ksobwa: Upbeat, headstrong, and packing a mean punch, Kilid sees in P'etri a kindred spirit in asskickery. P'etri, along with her partner in everything Helia, being two of the first people Kilid ever really met, outside of the tribe.  
 Helia Haloren: Friendly, intelligent, and can set fire to people with her mind. Kilid is at once in awe of, and incredibly wary of this Keeper and her power! Has pretty much set the bar high for other Ishgardians unreasonably, almost impossibly high, in Kilid's eyes. Along with P'etri, offered Inarah and Kilid a couch to crash on, should the company shack get too cold/wet/blustery in a storm.    



 Myra Tyra: A particularly waspish little Lalafell that Inarah took to hiring as their secretary. Intelligent, certainly, but that's not always a good thing! Inarah recently shared some history however, that puts this waspish disposition into context. Kilid may not like it still, but he understands, and deals with it as be as he's able. Seems to be the center of attention/affection from the other Lalafell that joined, Yoral.  Geoffrey Flashheart: Loud, obnoxious, insulting, and came on to Inarah in front of him.
 Tatayon Jijiyon: A stray Lalateen that Inarah picked up, and seemed to have immediately taken a shining to. While Kilid's not quite sure what to make of having someone so young about, he's taking to viewing the squirt as an adoptive child. Slowly. Has absolutely no grasp of how to swing an axe properly, though.  N'velhi Tia: Just something about him. Too many teeth in his smile, an air of constant competition and looking down on other Tia's. Seems he can't let go of tribal life, despite seeming to no longer be in a tribe.
 Mihrimi Ahzaan: Superflirty Seeker that seems to take a great amount of pleasure in tormenting Inarah. Still, she said Kilid has a nice arse, so is clearly a girl of good taste. Seems she's the adopted niece of Flashheart.    
 Xivrez'to Ithaka: Kilid's really pretty much at a loss for what to make of this Keeper. He's simultaneously oddly well-informed about certain topics, while somehow managing to be a complete idiot about other, far more basic ones. Also, he has NO CONCEPT OF PERSONAL SPACE.    
 Stone Wall: A Roegadyn who is single-handedly responsible for the inverse brains/brawn proportion myth. While currently pissed off with the Roe for his recent actions that led to a necessity to remain low in Limsa Lominsa recently, he's recently redeemed himself, and his heart seems to be in the right place.    
 Z'thara Dhen: Something of an unknown quantity right now. She's rather adept at remaining unseen, and knows how to use her knives. Beyond that... *Shrug* Beats me.    
 Thya Kahzuun: A smith, and something of a warrior if the way she weilds an axe (A popular weapon, in Jackal & Hide) is anything to go by. It seems she used to be, or is still, a Warrior. Has been trained by one of the dying breed, at least.    
 Yoral Poral: An oddity, even by Lalafell standards. Seems to have learnt the ways of conjury, but... maybe got dropped on his head too hard, at some point? Has some strange views about the Sea Hag, and an obsession with slime. Also evidently has a crush on Myra, to which Kilid wishes him the best of luck, with.    


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Easily Overheard Rumours

  • Kilid? Yeah, he works for the Marauders. Used see him hanging around there with a few others, afore heading on out on a hunt.
  • That Seeker that doesn't stop grinning? Heard he's working with some lass, these suns. Mercs, or some such nonsense.

Moderately Common Rumours

  • Can't recall the last time I saw him -not- grinning at something, but... well, I wouldn't call it creepy, but I ain't sure that grin were quite reaching his eyes some of the time. And his eyes never stopped moving around the room.

Rarely Overheard Rumours

  • I'm telling you, it were him singing! There were no-one else in the room after he left! Ain't never heard such -power- from anyone that weren't a Roe!
  • 'e lopped the 'ead clean of some poor sod in a fight, di'n't even blink! Were three'ah them 'gainst 'im an' that blonde lass 'e 'angs out with. Shitebags never stood a chance, think they'd need 'least odds'ah four t' one.

Player Character Rumours

  • "The Jackass Killer? I like him! He enjoys space a lot." - Xivrez'to Ithaka
  • "K-kilid...? Well, ah'd say 'e's me closest friend. Ah'd trust 'im wiv anythin'." - J'inarah Marad



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Lawful Good Neutral Good Chaotic Good
Lawful Neutral (True) Neutral Chaotic Neutral
Lawful Evil Neutral Evil Chaotic Evil

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