Keno Mizhu

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The following is still very much a work in progress!

(Pronounced: KEY-no / Mizhu)

Ul'dah-transparent.png Keno Mizhu
Keno Mizhu RPC.png
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Clanless
Citizenship Ul'dah
Age 21
Occupation Healer for the Immortal Flames
Height 5 fulm, 4 ilm
Weight 135 ponz
Orientation Gay

Basic Info


Ear Scratches
Helping Others
Hot tea on rainy days
Good, stiff drinks


Being a bother to others
Feeling superfluous
Malicious gossip


Alignment: Neutral Good
Vice(s): Expensive Tea, Questionable Literature
Favorite Food: Salmon Meuniere
Favorite Drink: Mulled Tea
Favorite Color: Violet

Appearance & Personality

Keno is working through horrible shyness. Although he has been making progress, he is often too nervous to approach people, even those with whom he'd like to speak. He might seem ill-at-ease when approached by others as well. When he does get comfortable, however, Keno often (at least momentarily) forgets his social unease, letting his lighthearted personality shine through.

Keno has short, black hair with violet highlights. He wears garb given to him by the Immortal Flames, fitting for the climate of Thanalan. He can often be seen carrying a small book with him, writing in it from time to time.



Keno will likely never be entirely certain about his childhood. He was adopted by a Lalafell couple in Ul'dah when he was only 4 years old and remembers very little of either of his birth parents. While the Lalafell merchants who took him in told him that they were refugees who passed away shortly after arriving in the city, he will never know for sure. Regardless, it is this couple that he considers to be his real parents.

Although Keno's adoptive parents were by no means wealthy, they cared for him the best they could. They exposed him to literature and gave him a hunger for knowledge. When they discovered Keno's gift for healing magic, his parents hired a conjurer to teach him the basics of the art. While many may have considered the family arrangement odd, Keno grew up happy with his doting parents. Sadly, his childhood was to end abruptly.


The life that Keno had known was shattered when thugs crashed into his family's home. His mother rushed him to a compartment behind a false wall, hiding him. From that small, dark space, Keno heard the thugs tearing the home apart, looking for something, demanding to know where it had been hidden. When his parents would not comply, they were killed. Keno heard the unmistakable sounds of steel and pain. He waited behind the wall for hours, even after the sounds of the thugs had disappeared completely. When he finally peaked out from his hiding, place, his eyes fell upon the bodies of his parents, their throats both slit.

Something snapped inside at that moment. He sat there over the corpses of his parents, trying the small bits of conjury he knew again and again, but was incapable of restoring life to their cold forms. Finally, tired and hollow, he surveyed the home. Everything had been torn apart in their search; nothing of use remained intact. Too afraid to remain, he ran.

The next years of his life were spent on the streets of Ul'dah. With no money or connections, he had to learn to survive on his own. Still terrified that the thugs would return for him if he made himself too conspicuous, he did his best to stay hidden, taking only what he needed to survive and only sleeping high up on the rooftops. It was here that Keno developed his street sense and learned to climb.

Still living on the streets, Keno encountered an Immortal Flames battalion carrying a large number of wounded back into the city. Sneaking closer, he overheard that they had gotten into a poor engagement with a band of Amalj'aa. They sent a runner to ahead of them to headquarters for a healer, but many of the soldiers seemed in extremely poor shape. Going against his paranoid inner voice, the same voice that had kept him alive all this time, cautiously approached and began to try and heal a few of the soldiers. Unfortunately, not as covert in his actions as he had hoped, he was spotted and one of the soldiers called out to him. A part of his brain screamed at him to flee, to run as fast as he could and hide. Instead, numb and tired of running, he just stood there, watching the soldier approach him, waiting for the worst. Far from his irrational fears, the soldier thanked Keno for his (albeit meager) help. At the request of those injured soldiers he'd helped, the Immortal Flames took him in, giving him a place to stay in the barracks and allowing him to train in the conjurer's arts under the tutelage of their healers. He finally had a roof, food, and a sense of community again.


Once it became clear that he had become a competent conjurer, the Flames allowed Keno to join them officially. He works for them, healing their wounded. He enjoys using his arts to help others, but worries that military life doesn't particularly suit him.

His life stabilized at last, Keno looks to rekindle a childhood passion: writing. Although he barely has a workable manuscript yet, he is in the process of writing a novel. He's very protective of it and knows that a completed version might never see the light of day, but for now, completing it remains a goal of his.



Some rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
"He's in here a lot. I see him writing, mostly. He keeps to himself." Momodi Modi
"He's quiet, but skilled in his art. I don't know him well, but I'm glad he's with us." Swift
"I've seen him staring over at me a few times, taking notes. It's really creepy." Quicksand patron
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
"He's been with us for a long time. I remember when he came to us; he was in bad shape." Immortal Flames soldier
"I think I saw him climbing a building once. I'm not sure what he was up to. Looked shady to me." Ul'dahn citizen
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
"I believe I've spotted him conversing with refugees. I have no idea why he would want to associate with people of such little worth. I can only imagine that whatever it is he's working on is of little worth as well." Ul'dahn Monetarist
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)


Romantic Interest Sexual Interest
Platonic Love Good Standing
Neutral Standing Poor Standing
Kazuhiro Williams : Keno met this Roegadyn on his way to work on his book in The Quicksand. Though Keno was incredibly shy at first, Kazu quickly became a trusted friend and companion. He eventually also became Keno's patron, assisting him in finishing his first novel. He has since proposed to Keno and the two of them have gotten engaged.
Tris'tan Aonar : Keno encountered this interesting, nervous Miqo'te through their mutual friendship with Kazuhiro. While they only shared a short amount of time with one another, Keno is drawn to him. Yet he is worried that his own ineptitude and miscommunication are pushing him away.


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