Cirhien Vhitsrah Lajihri

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Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png Maris (Amdahl) Taira
Gender Female
Race Hyur
Clan Highlander
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa
Age 34
Marital Status Widowed
Occupation Various
Height/Weight 5'10"(+/-)/170
Orientation Bisexual
  • Father: Finn Amdahl(alive)
  • Mother:Anja Coleridge(deceased)
  • Husband: Loren'zi Taira (deceased)
  • Children: 1; Kahto Taira (infant, alive)

Maris Taira is a widowed Highlander Hyur that lives in Limsa Lominsa while was trained in the archer's art in Gridania. An oft quick tongued woman that is quick to say what is on her mind, she spends much of her time at various odd jobs for the tending of her young infant. Despite the Calamity and other troubles, she has learned to keep her chin up, her wits about her, and a sharp eye for all things. With a bit of a gift of the bard about the woman, she has a perhaps odd fascination with books and reading for one of her kind, supposedly. A gifted songstress, bard, and poetess, the fair haired woman has done all manner of jobs, maintaining a heavy pride in even the dirty work.

Basic Info

Devoted to Llymlaen's grace, Maris presents herself as a rather devout believer in the twelve. While born in to a Highlander prostitute in Limsa that had little interest in her after she began to grow from an infant to a toddler, she has come relatively far in her travels and life. Her openness regarding people in a wide sense is perhaps clearest with her late marriage to a reasonably well known Miqo'te Archer trainer, in which love nearly did conquer all. Despite this sad setback, Mistress Taira - as she yet calls herself in her late husband's honour, seems wrapped in determination, with passion as her lease and lead in life.


■ Dance
■ Music
■ Apples
■ Sailing


■ Plums
■ White Wines
■ Liars
■ Laziness


Alignment: True Neutral
Birthdate: 21st Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon
Guardian(s): Llymlaen, the Navigator; Menphina, the Lover
Vice(s): Somewhat Vain, Anger Difficulties
Favorite Food: Grapes
Favorite Drink: Mead, Water
Favorite Color: Wine Red

Appearance & Personality

Possessed of long platinum hair while being a relatively tall woman, Maris cuts a figure of a woman that is dutiful and often occupied with one task or another, all to the purpose of those considered family. A melodic contralto voice that is surprisingly educated for one of the Highlander Hyur has been known to turn a head or two, but rather in admiration or uncertainty that is of course, for the bearer to know. Generally, she carries either a bow or a stringed instrument on her person, while a satchel of books is often a presence. While she sports no facial tattooing, her body is covered in markings; upon her back is a detailed tattoo of her father's pirate ship riding the crest of a wave; her arms are covered in a rosebud and thistle floral motif from shoulder to fingertip.

Mistress Taira's expressive face does have a notable scar over her right eye, though the eye still functions. Generally she is seen with an eyepatch over the left. From her seafaring father that had very little understanding of his Ala Mhigan heritage, she gained a steady understanding of people as well as a tongue that is occasionally known to cut as well as any blade. From her prostitute mother she learned that abandonment for some, was easily done, yet, as she had known the woman by name and heritage only, and near faded memories of a haunting voice, it was not held against her. Certain what is clear to those that know the look, is the air of the matron as well as one that might lean toward exploration and adventure. While possessed of keen senses and an appreciation for the forest and able to see it for the beauty of the trees, her heart, as she was so named by her father, belongs firmly to the sea.


As a child, Maris was inquisitive and ever seeking of new enjoyments. She grew nearly to her majority upon her father's ship, Llymlaen's Embrace. At around the age of ten, her father decided to retire from piracy, and settled in Limsa Lominsa. As an adolescent and young lady, she grew to have a sharp tongue and a steady eye much like her father, and so much - it was suggested by a a friend of her family that she seek out the seemingly distant Gridania for teaching in Archery rather than complete reliance on her father's restaurant, Bloody Steak, which tended to draw a certain sort of former and present privateer clientele. She spent some years in Gridania, which was eventually where she met her eventual husband,Loren'zi Taira, one of her many tutors in the art. Eventually, they had a single child together, which was born after the man had already perished due to a false accusation of poaching. Still mourning the man's loss, she spends her time performing as many odd jobs as possible, hoping to move her son into a proper house, rather than largely being cared for by an elder friend. As a result of wedding a Miqo'te and with a half blooded child, she is very protective of her private life, but at the same time deeply wishes for friends that would not judge her for her lost love.



Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
■ "That Maris has a swagger like a pirate. I bet she is one." - Curious Hyur Shopkeep
■ "She's got breasts the size of grapefruit, man!" - Drunken Midlander
■ "Those Highlander women. Have to watch them, especially that one. Her right hook's a wicked witch." - Amused Miqo'te Privateer
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
■ "They say she's got some deep secret. Wonder what it is!" - Hyur Fishwife
■ "Her father be one of the best navigators I knew. If she's like him, she's good people." - Old Sailing Chum
■ "I hear tell her mother was a fancy Highlander prostitute." - Excitable Weaver Shopkeep
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
■ "Miqo'te loving bitch if I ever saw one. Her kids' a half breed mongrel." - Rude Hyur Sellsword
■ "She's a voice like Menphina's come down for a kiss, I say," Flirty Miqo'te Male
■ "She's sweeter than that hard gaze of hers would let on." - Well meaning Hyur Friend
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)


Romantic Interest Platonic Love Good Standing Poor Standing
Name : Description


You may remove this entire section if you want.


Template by Bancroft Gairn
'Inspirational Music (spotify links)'
Time, from Inception (Piano Solo), Kyle Landry
Pleasant Moments: A Ragtime Waltz; Scott Joplin (guitar arr; youtube)
Siren, The Legendary Pink Dots
Piazzolla: Verano Porteño, Daniel Barenboim
Do I Wanna Know, Arctic Monkeys
Love, Musiq Soulchild
Little Waltz, Basia Bulat
Tango to Evora, Loreena McKennitt