Senel Curtis

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Garlemald Flag.jpg Senel Curtis
'I live with the constant fear that I'm being dishonest with myself.'
Gender Male
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Garlean
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The Lost Letter

My dear Raymond,

I do not know if this letter will reach you, but as I am writing this I fear that we may never see our son again. Today I was given the opportunity to see him... to embrace our beloved son in my arms once more. Instead, I was standing before a fence, and on the other side were our children. My love, if you were there at that moment, you would understand how I feel as I am writing this letter. The son that we raised to be strong, kind and generous was standing before me, yet his eyes were devoid of life. I can scarcely imagine the horrors they did to him ever since they took him... nay... ever since they stripped him away from our arms. I was hoping he would recognize me, or maybe even shed a few tears as I was... But at that moment, I was scared that he was not our son anymore.

I understand that Ala Mhigo requires all the support it needs, but this solitude is unbearable. Both of you are the most precious things in my life, and yet it is as if we are living in three separate worlds. Am I asking too much? Is living with the ones I love a luxury these days? I try to stay strong; I have to hope that our son is well, that that we will live as a family once again in the future. Hope is the only thing that keeps me sane.

Still, I cannot help but worry for him. You and I know his strengths and weaknesses. While he is strong, kind and immensely generous, he is also naive, obstinate and... slow in certain areas at times. However, I am convinced Senel will overcome this obstacle, for he is a Curtis and he will carry on our legacy for the rest of his life, with all the love and care we gave him. I just hope... that he will never forget us... I do not know what will happen to us in the years to come, but I wish you were at my side, for I need all the courage I can muster to survive through this torture.

With my eternal love,

Ophelia Curtis.