Kiku Chiryoshi

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Garlemald Flag.jpg 治療師の菊
Kiku Acolyte thin.png
"It is far easier to take than it is to give... but the latter can be so much more rewarding."
Gender Female
Race Au Ra
Clan Raen
Citizenship Doman
Religion Nophica, the Matron
Age 24
Nameday 7th Sun of the 5th Astral Moon, 1558
Height/Weight 5 fulms, 98 ponz
Occupation Healer, Therapist
Server Balmung
Chrysanthemum stencil2.png
Kiku is a philanthropic soul versed in medicine, healing, therapy, and intermediate conjury. Appearing gentle in mein, slight of stature and bookish, she can be interpreted as the quiet, meek and introverted type. Though, she's often quick to dispell such impressions with a warm greeting and a receptive, attentive gaze. Despite her reclusive heritage, Kiku seems rather social and amiable.



Given Name: 菊 [きく, ki-ku], literally "chrysanthemum." Also known as "mums" or "chrysanths," these autumn blooms were widely celebrated in Doma as a symbol of longevity and rejuvination. Drinking dew from a chrysanthemum was believed to bring you long life or even eternal youth, according to legend. White crysanthemums also signify loyalty, devoted love, and are used to honor the dead.
Alias(es): 治療師 [ちりょうし, chiryō-shi], literally "healer" or "therapist," and [はな, ha-na], literally "flower."
Current Residence: N/A
Marital Status: Single
Sexuality: ???
Religion: Avid follower of the Twelve, especially Nophica.