Chika Ito

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 Chika Ito
Member of Black Sun Trading
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship Unaffiliated
Age Twenty-five
DOB 31st day of the 1st Astral, 1548
Profession Carpenter[1st] Brothel woman[2nd]
Mate Single
Offspring Chika'a & Chika'to(twin boys/5 years old), Sonja(daughter/4 months old)
Server Gilgamesh
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Chika Ito [pronounced Chi-ca Eat-o] comes from a very strict tribe, that consists of three families. The Ito tribe expands through nine generations, and are rather known for their wild way of living separated from society, and how they are savages when in battles. Unlike most Keepers of the Moon, and Miqo'tes in general, the tribe lives near Ul'dah. Chika hardly lives in her home on the tribe's piece of land, where all the tribe members mostly live. Instead she travels around with her life long friend Althena Locke, and her adopted Lalafell brother Jijiko Ririko.

Physical Appearance

Height:: 5 fulms 3 ilms || Weight:: 130 ponz || Voice:: Rebekah from 'The Vampire Diaries'

Hair color:: Black with deep wine highlights || Eye color:: Deep wine hues || Skin color:: Light Caramel

Reflecting the untamed personality she exerts in her daily life, the woman is more appealing on the outside rather than having a captivating persona. Many will confess that they would rather base any feelings for her off of her outer shell for no one enjoys her on a personal level such as her heart, or her soul. On endless toned, but lithe limbs, the woman stands at five fulms and 3 ilms, the maximum height of a Miqo'te female. Proportional with her lithe physique, and agile height, she comes in at one hundred thirty ponz. Certainly she is not made outright for hand to hand combat, but lingering in a defined feminine muscular system exists strength. A rather hidden potential to do devastating damage. While it may seem that the woman's body doesn't contain muscle muscle, but this is to assume. From the age of five she was trained in hand to hand combat, that pairs wonderfully with her teachings of an Archer, for if she ever finds herself disarmed she may quickly strike, and defend herself accordingly. Do not let your eyes play tricks on you. Hailing from well kept genetics Chika is not classified as unattractive. Curves are voluptuous, carved delicately out of the stature of the woman, and her hip beautiful and generous. Each dip, and detail, is tender never giving way to the predator that lurks within. The heated flesh that covers her body is stained a delicious, and rather tantalizing, caramel hue. Succulent mountains of tenderness adorn the Miqo'te's chest, and her bust is considerably large for her race. With the sea of caramel flesh, warm and soft, along with delicate womanly curves with her voluptuous features, the woman holds an inviting appearance. Once before her hair was long. Gossamer threads stained the darkest shade of black. Running wild throughout the ebony oblivion are highlights consisting of red wine hues. Mingling in with the darkness it enhances her physical appeal. After passing her family's test at the age of sixteen she has cut her hair short, and has kept it that way since. Often it is pushed up, and back, with a few strands of velvet escaping the hold and cradling her exotic features. Out of everything, though, the most prominent feature on Chika are her eyes. Pools of enchanting shades of wine red, coating each iris with their vibrant colors.

On the outside she may appear to be a flawless exotic woman, but this is not the case for beneath the clothes she conceals herself in almost constantly there are imperfections. Scars line her back from the cruelty of men. While they are not raised knotted mountains of scar tissue, the are fairly smooth and noticeable due to their pigment. While most of her flesh is a enchanting caramel shade the scars that are scattered about her back are a medium cream color. These marks were formed from whips.


   As a young girl she certainly found out how the world works. Incredibly intuitive her knowledge of life extends far past the naive blissful boundaries that surrounds a child's mind back then. Surviving her family's harsh wilderness nature for twenty-five years has taught the Miqo'te not everything in this world lasts. She has seen the cruelties of animals and beasts along with experiencing how nasty the other races can be, and in order to survive in this world you have to be strong, and unwavering. Due to this the woman's trust is extremely valuable and precious for it is difficult to achieve. It may be hard to gain her trust, but it is oh so easy to break it. Once you have betrayed, or forsaken, the young woman she will never trust you again. Naturally is Chika weary, and since she has trust issues, there are walls that guard her heart. Content on keeping everyone at arms length she hardly allows anyone into her heart that isn't her family, or really close friends.

   Faltering and failing is not an option for that is when you die. Her survival instincts are sharpened to a lethal point. Eat or be eaten is the motto that was instilled into her since birth, and she follows that to the fullest extent. Much like her mother Vy, this lady is very predatory. Taught little manners at the most vital stage in life, she tends to ignore propriety, and anything that is socially acceptable. Like using a fork and knife when eating. She'd much rather use her hands and teeth to rip her food to shreds for consumption. Please and thank you does not exist in her vocabulary, so often if she receives a gift she will just walk off without showing any gratitude. In the wild there is no need for impeccable mannerisms, so living there for all her life she hasn't been taught the valuable life assets such as civility. Most consider her uncivilized, but this is only her wild nature showing. Chika feels at home surrounded by the woods, and wilderness. Often when in a city she feels very uncomfortable, and tends to fall silent.

     Persistence is something that is hired wired into her genetic coding. From the age of four she started training as a Pugilist, and continues such training along with Archery. Yet who inspired her to do far more, to push herself to the absolute limits, is Althena. When Chika was fifteen Althena almost died because Chika was not there to save her. This very reason that the female Keeper of the Moon continues to train relentlessly day in and day out. She will always blame herself for Althena being wounded, and almost dying. In Chika's mind there is always room for self improvement, always more things that she can better. From logical tactics, to how she makes her arrows, even down to how swift and vicious she is in battle. This very persistence leads to her suffocating seriousness. Chika doesn't know the meaning of fun, and hardly goofs off. Always trying to protect Althena, and be her guard. Or working with wood to make furniture. To laying on her back, and forcing herself to have sex with men to bring in Gil to help support the family tribe. Someone needs to teach her how to relax, and enjoy life.

        Usually this woman is brutally honest, and often is called cruel by being so. Others have taken an extreme disliking to the fact she lacks empathy, and the ability to sugar coat things all to appease and reassure someone. Honesty is something that she cherishes, after all most of the people in the world today are nothing but liars. What is the point of not being honest and up front? In doing so you can give too much false hope, so she sees no point really in not being as direct as she is.

     No one really enjoys being close to her heart because she is so wicked at times. When in emotional distress she is out right nasty, and she doesn't care who you are to her at the time. She will lash out, and make you hurt just as much as she is at that particular moment. Due to others not taking a liking to her, she is cold and standoffish. Around her heart walls are erect, all in defense of course. Chika keeps everyone at arms length to further protect herself from their cruelty. Though inside lurks a woman hungering, longing, for the warmth, love, and devotion of a passionate lover. There is more to her as to why she is so guarded.

     Inside Chika rages an inner conflict that has lead to her working for a brothel. When she was a about eighteen years of age she began to fall in love with Althena, her best friend. So naturally this worried her considering society's views on homosexuals. This has lead to her thinking that she is some how flaws, and broken horribly, because of her attraction the same gender. Often she struggles with accepting who she truly is inside, but this is the main reason why she is guarded. She can never let anyone know that she truly loves and adores women, and actually loathes men. She hates their touch, and finds not attraction in their bodies, or personalities. This is why she works in a brothel to fight against who she is, to force herself to like men.

     Beneath all this brimstone, and the thick guarded walls, is really a young woman who wishes to take care of her family. Raised to be family oriented she knows that helping take care of the tribe is an important in life. Most of her Gil goes into the family funds to help repair or build homes. On a stressful day you can find her working in her workshop on making furniture for the clan. Chika is actually the one in the family that makes the most money, and that is why Vy allows the heir to the family's 'throne' to work for a brothel. This young woman will always have her family's best interest at her. Her children are actually her strong point, and also her weakness. Upon finding out she was pregnant she first didn't accept it, didn't want to be a mother, but when she saw the twins as infants it softened her heart. They are part of the reason why she still is a brothel worker so she can provide a well cushioned life for Chika'a, Chika'to, and Sonja.

     There is hope, a brief glimmer of it that can be seen within her heart. It is hidden beneath her emotional scars, beneath the marred mess, but it is worth saving and seeing. There is the capability to love, to trust, to be remorseful and passionate. Once someone has captured her love, she is devoted and faithful, living to almost a wolfish point in being devoted to one's mate. Committing adultery is out of the question for she is faithful to a suffocating fashion, and will give up her work as a brothel woman. Possessive, and protective, she will lay her life on the line to protect the person who captures her heart and soul.

Family History

The Ito Tribe

The Ito Tribe is a clan consisting of three family tribes brought together, which is rare among the Keepers of the Moon. The family's are; Ito, Skyla, Verve. Everyone in the Skyla, and Verve, family clans were brought into the Ito tribe by marriage (or mating) to a member of the Ito family. Expanding through nine generations the Ito family has withstood the test of time.

Classes & Training

What is unique about the family, and has gained them a secure foothold in continuing throughout the ages, is their way of fighting. In battles those born within this tribe fight for survival, and are incredibly vicious. There is no fear of death, no fear of killing another, and no fear of blood spilling for it is natural to them. Ito members are brutal, and often they are considered savages when locked in a brawl. From the moment a youngster can walk, whether male or female, they are taught fighting. For the first five years of training they must learn the arts, and walk the incessant path of the Pugilist. So from the age of four (or five in some cases) to ten an Ito is trained daily, and rather harshly, the way of a Pugilist. It is so that if they are ever disarmed they will still have a chance of survival. Also during this period time is taken to show the youths the basics of being an apothecary so that way they may tend to their wounds after battle. Upon reaching their tenth birthday they may finally pick their destined class. For males they mostly pick becoming Gladiator, Marauder, or Lancer. Females typically delve into the world of magic, or archery. For eight years (age 10-18) they are put through more extensive training on a daily basis. In the mornings they continue their leanings of being a Pugilist, and then in the evenings they study, and work on their chosen course. Finally at the age of eighteen, what this tribe considers the threshold of adulthood, they are given a test. In this test they are expected to fight against the matriarch in that present time. This test is very crucial, because it marks not only the point a youth becomes an adult, but it establishes their rank in the family, if they are allowed to breed and produce offspring, and if they can leave the tribe's grounds to find work in the city and such. Should a youth fail lose the battle they are forced to wait another year to re-take it, another year to train.

Celebrations & festivals

  • Blessing of the new born - Celebrating life is something the clan prides itself on, for new life is refreshing much like the rain, and the moon along with the night. When a female is expecting a child it is a time for not just celebrations, but for preparing. When a woman goes into labor the family starts to gather at the home of the expecting parents, or expecting mother. Once the child is born a blessing ceremony is preformed when the moon is at its highest point in the heavens. This is when they begin to send prayers to Menphina asking her to guide, and watch over the new born throughout their life. While this is happening the elders of the tribe prepare a bath for the new born. The water is from the snow of the tallest point of the tallest summit. Snow is melted down before adding it to the bath. From here it is not warmed up any further, but actually cooled down. A white mage blesses several medicinal herbs, and herbs that are thought of to give strength and fortune, before placing it in the water. That is when the white mage blesses the water as well. From extra herbs a thick sap substance is made. The oldest elder then takes the new born, and dunks the baby beneath the cold water. Withdrawing the infant from the waters the sap is spread onto their forehead. The Ito tribe believes that this will help seal their prayers to Menphina, and that she will proceed to bless the baby throughout his or her life.
  • Feast of the new year - When the new year comes around the family clan gathers at the tribe's homestead to celebrate, and yes attendance is mandatory. The morning of the eve before the new year reigns in men and woman alike begin to prepare a large feast. Children are exempt from this, and any youth that is in training gets to take this day, and the day of the new year, off. Other than the blessing of a new born this is the biggest gathering the tribe sees all year. Elders sit around with each other to tell their tales, and life experience to youngsters, while the working hands hunt and gather food to provide for the feast. Meanwhile a group of men go into the woods, and cut several trees down for the bonfire that is lit as darkness sets. This feast is suppose to be fun so there are a lot of games for everyone to partake in. When the sun sets the fire is lit, and the food is served, and everyone sits down to eat a hearty meal while enjoying the great company of family.
  • Weddings - Much like new life marriages are seen as time for celebrations for it is two beings in this grand life that have decided to spend a lifetime together. Unlike the Seekers of the Sun, a mate is not picked because of his abilities, but the bride may pick her mate. Though they do not discourage considering genetics in the process (I.E – is he good looking, intelligent, does he have a good personality, is he strong in all aspects, would he be a good provider, has a family history of few hereditary diseases). Genetics actually play a strong, and pivotal role in the success of this tribe, so most of the women who marry actually seek for male Miqo'te who meet all those qualities. As per Keeper of the Moon society they hold weddings beneath the moon so that their goddess may watch the union, and give the newly weds a happy and fortunate marriage. There is music, a feasts, and a few games. Presents are presented to the newly weds as well, most of them hand crafted.
  • Death - Yes death is very much cause for celebration in this tribe for death doesn't represent an impending end, but rather a chance for their loved ones to soar to the sky and be enveloped in the Moon goddess's arms. Mourning, and crying, is a shameful act to be seen, and may only be done in private. In public one must keep themselves composed, and be joyful that the deceased family member can go meet Menphina. Cheerful music is played, and yet again another time where food is presented, and the youths can take a day off from training.

Notable family

  • Ava Ito – previous matriarch – Ava was the matriarch of the seventh generation of the tribe. When she took over the tribe she was young, and rather naive, at first. Throughout the tribe's trials and tribulations it has hardened her, but again she softened with old age. While Ava may have placed many rules onto the tribe within her reign she has seen that she made a few errors in her life, and it is why she struggles now to control her wild daughter Vy, and tries to give the current matriarch some advice. She is to thank for Chika being able to raise Sonja.
  • Vy Ito – current matriarch – Vy, unlike her mother, is incredibly unpredictable and rather vicious at times. She has no fear in lashing out verbally, sometimes physically, if someone goes against her ways. If your opinion doesn't go hand in hand with her own she will shoot you down, and take enjoyment in watching you crash and burn. A woman with no remorse, and hardly any regard for those outside the tribe, she can be seen as brash. This current matriarch is the reason why Chika was not allowed to raise Chika'a, and Chika'to. In fact Vy fought hard against Ava to prevent her daughter from raising the newest addition into the family, Sonja. She broke down though, and allowed it.
  • Chika'a and Chika'to – Chika's sons – These two are a handful, extremely hyper, and very playful. Fraternal twins born out of wedlock (Kheda'ya as their father) they were ripped away from their mother upon their birth, and forced onto Ava. Five years in age they have been in training now for a year. Chika'a has ebony hair with ashen highlights, his eyes mismatched. The left a delicious red wine hue, and the right a piercing white color. He resembles both his parents in his aspect. Chika'to has the ebony hair, with red wine shades tainting the darkness. His rises are colored with rosy cream shades, a mixture of white and wine. The boys may not be able to be raised by Chika, but they are allowed to visit their mother, and stay some nights at her place. Along with going out shopping with her too.
  • Sonja – Chika's daughter – Four months old this little girl is Chika Ito's pride and joy, the center of her world, her little treasure. When Sonja was born Vy attempted to take the infant away from Chika, but this time Chika fought back. As the next in line for the matriarch position this was crucial for her to show Vy how she felt, and her strength. Vy's eldest daughter lashed out violently after giving birth, and with having hardly any strength from a difficult labor Vy saw this as a feat of her daughter's determination. Though the current matriarch fought back, she eventually gave in, and agreed to let Chika raise Sonja. Dark locks are thin, and velvety soft, covering the baby's head in a thick mass. Flesh a comforting caramel color, and eyes a bright mint green, the little girl is a joy to have. It is hard not to fall under the spell of how cute she truly is.


  • Althena Locke - Best Friend – Althena is the daughter to a wealthy business man, Cyril Locke. Before Althena was born the Ito family moved their tribal unit near the Locke manor. Chika, and her adopted brother Jiji, often played around the wealthy family. Althena's mother pretty much adored the little Miqo'te girl and her Lalafell brother. When Althena came into this world Chika was only five years of age, and the little girl quickly cherished the newborn girl. Chika stuck around as Althena grew, acting as her protector, and chasing off any bullies or threats to Althena. When Althena was ten years old she had been attacked by people who were after Cyril's secrets. Chika had been powerless to save her friend from a nearly fatal injury. From that day the Miqo'te vowed to become stronger to protect her childhood friend. To this day she trains relentlessly to be strong, and blames herself for Althena being hurt. It is not uncommon to see Althena accompanied by Chika Ito. The two have formed an incredibly close bond, and can be considered sisters with how close they are. When Althena's mother was murdered Chika was always there for her best friend making sure she was everything that Althena needed. A shoulder to cry on, a best friend, family. The two have been through a lot over the years, including Chika's two pregnancies, and the Locke woman is the only one who knows Chika's deepest secret, and still they are close. It is a friendship that will span through eternity.
  • Jiji Ito - Adopted brother - Jiji is the odd one of the family, because well....he is a Lalafell through and through. No Miqo'te exists inside the little man. One might wonder as to how he came to be apart of the Ito tribe. Vy became sterile after her last daughter, Neve, was born. This effected the matriarch of the Ito clan severely. Plagued with depression she was at a loss for so long until she found the orphan Jiji. Vy was rather quick in adopting him, and tacking on the Ito surname onto his. Chika was young at the time so she didn't understand why she suddenly had a Lalafell for a brother, but accepted in none the less. The two became stuck like glue to each other. He travels around with Althena, and Chika, and his talents with armor is a rather useful skill.
  • Kheda'ya Zahre - Fling, unsteady terms with - Kheda'ya has some issues with his family, which is not much known to anyone not even Chika. He had found the brothel Chika works at five years ago during a rather dark time in his life. Paying a handsome sum of money he took her to bed with him. This male doesn't really care for women of his own race, in fact the male Miqo'te dislikes them. It was a wonder as to why he picked Chika in the first place. Their night together ended up resulting in pregnancy. Nine months later, and the twenty year old woman gave birth to two healthy boys. Chika'a, and Chika'to. To this day, five years later, Kheda'ya still doesn't know.



  • Women
  • Reading
  • Being surrounded by nature
  • Spending time with Althena & Jiji
  • Dancing
  • Music


  • Men of all races
  • Vy
  • Being looked down upon because of her secondary profession, and her gender
  • Arrogant people
  • Pointless fighting


  • Carpentry
  • Cooking
  • Singing
  • Hunting
  • Climbing and running
  • Playing the violin
  • Gardening


  • Her skills as an Archer, and Pugilist
  • Her sexual talents
  • Her agility, and the ability to be flexible
  • Her children


  • Her emotions
  • Her inability to trust
  • Her primal nature
  • Her family, and her children


  • Chika is a homosexual, but keeps it hidden. Only one person knows, and that is Althena


This Template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea