Cai Brynmor

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Gridania-transparent.png Cai Brynmore
Placeholder person.gif
Gender Male
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Gridania
Server Balmung
Occupation Minstrel, poet, bow-for-hire
Orientation Gay
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Basic Info

Cai is a dreamy young minstrel, poet, and, when he can be persuaded to occupy himself with a more practical pursuit, archer. Gridania is home to him, but he has recently begun to rove across Eorzea collecting bits and pieces of inspiration for his music and writing. He eagerly seeks out new experiences of all kinds, believing that they will add richness and verisimilitude to the art that he creates. This has occasionally landed him in sticky situations, but so far his sweet smile and unaffected charm have always come to his rescue.


Cai was born and raised in Gridania and has only recently ventured beyond the Twelveswood for the first time in his life. His mother is a carpenter and his father is an herbalist. Both are hardworking, upstanding individuals who never distinguished themselves beyond their chosen professions, and that's how they like it. Neither of them is quite sure what to do with their artistic and ambitious son, who is the first member of the family to have aspirations extending beyond the borders of his native city.

From an early age, Cai showed an aptitude for music. For the most part, he learned to read and play music by himself, although a few patient bards gave him impromptu lessons from time to time. He also expressed an interest in archery as a young boy, and it was his mother who crafted his first bow and taught him how to use it. As soon as he was old enough, he was apprenticed at the Archer's Guild. His parents assumed that, since he had no enthusiasm for any of the major crafting professions, he would probably join the Order of Twin Adders as a bowman instead. But Cai had very different ideas about his future. While his parents regarded his music and writing as hobbies, it has always been his intention to become one of Eorzea's most celebrated bards and poets.

He his now traveling about the continent, singing for his supper and doing odd jobs for a bit of extra coin as he soaks up the sights, sounds, smells, and experiences that will, he hopes, become fodder for his future masterpieces.


First and foremost, Cai is a dreamer. His mind is rarely fully present in the real world - rather, he sees everything through the romantic lens of his artistic ideals. He loves to explore new concepts, disciplines, and settings, and has a tendency to overwhelm new acquaintances with questions about their life, their occupations, and their beliefs on various subjects. His questions often sound bizarre to the uninitiated, but they all make perfect sense in his head. He has singular mannerisms bordering on the theatrical when he gets carried away, as happens rather often. But at other times, particularly when he is preoccupied with some line of music or verse that is not , he withdraws into himself and becomes distant and uncommunicative until the mood passes.

Cai was raised to be a good citizen by his law-abiding parents, and for the most part he has lived up to his upbringing. But since he strongly believes that all things are permissible in the pursuit of knowledge and art, he does sometimes get mixed up with unsavory persons engaged in not-entirely-legal activities. He secretly enjoys the illicit thrill of these brushes with Eorzea's criminal underworld. He also enjoys a good battle, as long as it is sufficiently dramatic and heroic (i.e. songworthy).


Cai is a small, willowy young man with a tanned complexion and long, dark hair, usually highlighted with his favorite color (which has been known to change from week to week without warning). He is fond of eyeshadow and lip gloss and has a weakness for pretty trinkets and impractical clothing.


Cai is a member of the Archer's Guild in Gridania. He has family connections to most of the other major organizations in Gridania as well, and can't walk through the city without meeting a dozen or so people that he knows intimately.

RP Notes

  • Ask Cai about his music or poetry, and he'll be your friend for life. But really, approach him about anything - he enjoys all kinds of interactions, and is curious about many things. If your character looks or behaves in a manner that is unusual, Cai will probably have plenty of questions for them.
  • If your character is from Gridania, there's a good chance they are already acquainted with Cai, or at least know of his family. Send me a message if you'd like to establish some kind of past history for our characters, however incidental - I'd totally be on board with that.