Khana Borlaaq

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 Khana Borlaaq
'"W-wow.. d-did you see th-that super cute cat j-just now...?"
Gender Female
Race Au Ra
Clan Borlaaq Tribe
Citizenship Unaffiliated
Age 18
Occupation Medic
Place of Birth Othard
Place of Residence Wineport
Free Company Ebonbrand Teknoworks

Basic Info

(To be filled out later)


Helping others;


Indulgence in excess


Extremely naive;
Physically weak;
Painfully straight-forward, at times;
Making decisions


Alignment: Neutral Good; borders on chaotic good
Favorite Food: Anything sweet, usually
Favorite Drink: None, will happily drink anything.
Favorite Color: Various shades of blue


(To be filled out later)


(To be filled out later)


(To be filled out later)


Just some rumors that may or may not have been heard! Please feel free to add your own beneath 'PC'!

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)

(To be filled out later)

◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players - Feel free to make additions)


Mated/Lovers/Dating    Romantic Interest/Crush/Affectionate     Sexual Desire    Friendly     Neutral     Negative

Sigurd Sundsteigen - Khana viewed Sigurd at first with great apprehension, and rightly so. Not only did he dwarf her in size, but he was invasive, eccentric, loud, and crass, among many other things. However, he was the first male she'd ever met who'd offered her any attention, and he'd showered her with compliments. It was a tumultuous bond that they shared at first, and it didn't take long before her naivety and his forward nature brought about a change in their relationship, and soon they found comfort in each others presence. Although she once feared him greatly, as he has on more than one occasion tendered her flesh with love-maps of violence, she now finds her greatest strengths when she is with him, and both bravely and happily endures his volatile nature with nothing short of love and affection, confident in that she can always bring him back down from the edge.
Elmo Galette - Originally introduced through Sigurd, she was wary of him at first. He was a proper gentleman -- perhaps with some unsavory connections -- and she was frightened that she might offend him in some way with her sometimes blunt and overtly inquisitive nature. However, she found that he was a kind and reasonable sort, and after a particularly rough encounter with Sigurd, she knew no one else to confide in but the man's best friend and paramour himself, knowing that he, if anyone, would know best how to handle the situation. He did not disappoint, offering her the comfort she so wanted, and the harsh truth with which she needed. After offering her his bed and safekeeping, she quickly found herself at ease around him, and saw him as a friend that she could count on. However, due to his profound love for Sigurd, he later found himself not only jealous of the attentions she'd receive from the man, but bitter, as well. Although Khana wants desperately to make amends with him and to ease his pain, she's begun to fear for her life when he's around.
Ouka Highwind - Shortly after Lord Galette had given Khana permission to use his living quarters as a temporary office for medical procedures and examinations, the young girl was asked to work on an associate of his, and when she'd arrived, she'd found herself in the presence of a Auri male of considerable size. She was deeply curious about him, as she'd never met a male of her own race before, and as such, it did not take long for their encounter to turn physical. She considers him now a close friend and a discreet lover, however, she often finds herself feeling no small amount of guilt around him, as she's come to realize that he harbors feelings for her that she does not return, feeling only a profound connection with him and a companionship she does not wish to ever lose.
Nero Varus - Her boss, for whom she does not yet know how she feels about. At first, she'd found him to be an interesting sort, and had a great deal of respect for him. However, in light of certain events, she has begun to contemplate whether or not he is an entirely sane individual. She finds him entirely too hot-headed for her liking, and terribly greedy to boot. She yet respects him as a leader, but as a person, she's developed her doubts. Also, she'd still like to know where her 'horn polish' is.

OOC Information

Theme Songs: (To be filled out later)

CST Play Times: Depends entirely on work schedule, but I'm usually on between 12:00pm ~ 3:00am most days, when I'm not working, and 9:00pm ~ 3:00 am if I am! Give or take, of course :)

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