L'ohke Tia

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Ul'dah-transparent.png L'ohke Tia
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Seekers of the Sun
Citizenship Ul'dah
Tribe Viper
Class Pugilist/Thaumaturge
Profession Alchemist/Fisher
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Full Name: L'ohke Tia
Pronunciation: Lee-oh-ke-e

Nicknames: Luke, Loke.
Birthplace: Sagolii Desert
Age: 23 (physically younger due to timeshift)
Relationship Status: None.
Sexuality Unknown/Unexplored


Height: Short
Weight: Average
Build: Lean, some muscles, especially upper body
Skin: Dark brown, tanned
Eyes: White
Hair: Medium length, black. Wore it longer as a kit but cut most of it off when he started his journey.
Scars/tattoos: Tiny scar by his mouth after a small brawl with a Ul'dah merchant. Small scar on his cheek due to childhood adventures and beasts with claws. Strange tattoo on his neck.
Other features:


L'ohke is a big kid. A nice, goofy kid with a big heart but he still have lot of things to learn.
As he grew up with his tribe, he is easy to get allow with and attentive to those who are more experienced than him. He doesn't mind crowds overly much and sometimes miss the hustle and bustle when he sleep by himself, be it in an inn or out on the road. He loves to pester people for information about things but is luckily easy to distract from his train of thought if he start getting to nosy.
Curious and with a penchant for getting into trouble of the dangerous kind, he is usually never bored. He is quick both in mind and feet, albeit his actions don't always seem very well planned.
He is very relaxed, and if not for all his effort in learning, one could almost call him lazy. He is kind of prideful though and will take offense to someone belittling himself, his tribe or others he considers precious.
L'ohke is rather playful and if you allow him to be, rather affectionate, without there having to be any deeper meaning to it than wanting to show how much he appriciates someone.
He is in the process of growing up but is clinging to the last remnants of his already-gone innocense for reasons known only to him.

Has a habit of stripping down if it's to hot, no matter where he is. Often leads to trouble.

Fondness for wearing over-the-top jewelry
Mostly useless with actual weapons
Can only read simple things. Can't write.
Tend to lisp if excited about things

Pugilist/Monk - Hand-to-hand combat is his style of choice, as the quick and easy solution to danger without necessarily needing to pull out a weapon has saved his hide more than once already.
Thaumaturge/Black Mage - The realization that he could utilize his inner aether into magic, another talent that didn't require swinging an actual weapon around made him delve into the study of magic.
Gladiator - His mother attempted to teach him the way of the sword and he picked up some basic skills. He is barely better than a novice however, and has not expressed any interest in learning further.
Fishing - Fishing was one way of finding food when traveling on your own. He is no fisherman, and never will be, but know enough to keep himself fed if there is a body of water around.
Alchemy - With no other way to keep himself healthy, he picked up a bit of alchemy to keep his stock of potions and ether reasonable. Being able to sell and peddle the things are just a bonus.

Hoarding stuff. He has a bad habit of picking up everything useful and not so useful objects and keeping them on hand. Hey, he might need that somewhat warped piece of Goblin armor some day!


Early Life

'Pay attention.' 'Be quiet.' 'For the love of Thal, SIT DOWN.'
L'ohke was never an obedient nor quiet kit. Even born into the harsh climate of the Sagolii Desert, he developed an interest in exploring and
He grew used to competing with his older sister for everything, and early learned the survival skills the hunters passed to the kits. As a result, he grew lax and bored when in his actual lessons, and skivvied off more often than not, which usually had him in trouble.
Despite their rivalry, he and L'hela stuck together most of the time, later joined by the younger brother L'thol.
When he was about seven cycles old, his sire was beaten and nearly killed by a younger Tia who coveted the oft desire position of Nunh. The man had never paid him much attention, so L'ohke was hardly devastated with the result but was equally as surprised as everyone when the man simply disappeared one day.
L'hela's mood took a swing for the worse, as she had been the one kit the man had showed any affection and the two kits rivalry intensified tenfold as a result.
One day, a man happened upon the tribe, and although there were some mistrust to begin with, they allowed the man to rest and share their food for a bit of items to trade.
Curious, L'ohke disobeyed when the kits were ushered to their sleeping tents and snuck out, spying on the fire where the man and several of the adults were talking.
He spent the whole night there, enraptured by the man's tales of his adventures, his comrades and discoveries. Falling asleep as the sun began to rise, his world had just gotten a little bit larger than the sand and sun he was all too familiar with.


When he was thirtheen cycles, he ditched one of his lessons again, attempting to hunt down a Dodo he had found tracks after, to prove he was more than capable as a hunter.
Instead however, he found a lone Amal'jii and would have ended his days alone in the desert if not for the two adventurers that happened by.
The Duskwight and the Hellsguard saved his life, and confided in him that they knew L'ahru, his elusive sire. They followed him back to his tribe, where he was excluded from the hunt for nearly a full cycle and gave him an earring as a keepsake.
For the second time in his life, he was given a reason to dream of a life outside the tribe.
When L'hela left for Limsa, two years later, he knew he could not stay behind. The call for adventure was strong, and his recent experiences in the tribe had left him wondering if he didn't quite fit in. He left in the middle off the night, barely sixteen cycles old and never looked back.
The trek through the desert had been painful and long, and he had been tired and moody when he arrived at the gates. Accidentally bumping into a larger man, a merchant, his exhaustion and frayed temper got the best of him and several heated words were exchanged.
The resulting fight was short and humiliating, ending with L'ohke on his ass in the burning sand.
He fell in love with Ul'dah at first sight. After the short brawl, the merchant was kind enough to forgive his youthful arrogance and ignorance and give him a few pointers...leaving L'ohke's coinpurse a whole lot lighter.
He was taught both humility and awareness by the same man, and knew he had to look outside his tribal knowledge and culture if he were to succeed here.
Having little money and no roof over his head, he saved up what he had and bought himself a fishing rod to keep himself fed, and spent a long time camped on the outside off the imposing city.


He spent a year in Ul'dah, introducing himself to the Pugilist guild and learning there, where he eventually began to teach some of the new beginners himself.
He came to respect the Sultana and what she tried to do for the city and he found himself trying to help out and follow her words as much as he was able.
Eventually, he began to take trips outside the city, taking on the mantle of an adventurer and joining the guild. This gave him stability in the form of steady work and a room to sleep in, and he quickly befriended the honest Lalafell in charge, Momodi.
He never strayed to far away from the desert, but eventually found himself in both Limsa Lominsa and Gridania, both which opened worlds he had never seen before.
He spent half a year in Limsa as he searched for L'hela but put his search on hold when the call for grand companies reached him.
He went back to Ul'dah and joined up with the immortal flames, barely passing the age requirement. He shot up a few ranks due to his physical skills and prowess in battle but hit a snag due to his inabillity to plan and think ahead.
He never enjoyed his time in the Flames, as the military was far to strict for someone like him. Had it not been for the upcoming war, he would have bolted quickly, gone back to his carefree adventuring.
When the battle at Carteneau began, he was right in the thick of it, tearing down enemies with all the rage and ferioucity his tribe was known for.
It didn't last. He took several bad hits, his anger making him sloppy, his movements wasteful. He could not stand to think that these people wanted to conquer the world he had grown to love, and was prepared to lay down his life as long as he took as many of them as possible with him. He was close to death by the time he was caught up in Louisoix's spell and that was all that allowed him to live.

He had barely any recollection of himself when he awoke, somewhere in the desert. Not knowing his name, his armors in a horrible condition, no wounds and barely able to lift the baghnahks he carried, he began to wander the desert in hopes of answers.
He spent a few hours walking, some of his memories returned, along with his name. By pure luck, he managed to find his way to Drybone, but the place had changed so much he could barely tell.
He traded his weapons for a passage to Ul'dah, an unease creeping up on him. So much of his memories were still muddled.
The Ul'dah that met him was not the city he could vaguely remember. The people were not anyone he remembered. Even the Quicksand, the atmosphere, it felt wrong.
When Momodi did not remember him, he was not sure what to do. Tired and nearly in shock, he had dutifully tried to scrawl out his name on her list, and, like last time, had ended up just telling her his name and watching her write it in in bold, neat letters.
It was still Ul'dah. He told himself when he was standing in the small room offered him. It was still the city that had taken him in. Tomorrow, he would go out and see what damage had been done.
The five years he had missed were not going to be easy on him.



Father: L'ahru Nunh
Mother: L'liah Tham
Sister: L'hela Ahru
Brother: L'thol Tia
Aunt: L'uru Tham (estranged, left tribe)
Cousins: Rhan'yu Knightfall, L'azh Winterborn, L'uzu Winterborn. (Barely acquaintances, non-tribe)





"He won't shut up if you first get him talking. Mentioning food is the only way to distract him I've heard." - Tired member of the Alchemist Guild

Moderate :
"Oh, that guy? Hear Momodi's been watering down his drinks. Guy appearantly can't hold his alcohol!" - Patron at The Quicksand

Rare Rumors:

PC Rumors :
"I hear he's good at taking hard one's to the face." -Koyu Tia