Mir'a Ain

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 Miir'a (Mir) Ain.
Gender Male.
Race Miqo'te.
Clan Keepers of the Moon.
Citizenship Thavnair/Ul'dah.
Age 19 years old. (16 at 2.0)
Marital Status Single.
Occupation Mercenary / independent researcher.
Job Dark knight.
Height/Weight 154.5cm (5'1) / 91 pounds (6.5 stone)
Orientation Pansexual.

Basic Info

A young male miqo'te gifted with an unnatural aptitude for arcanima, wisdom beyond his years, and a thousand yalm stare to match - but marred by a very anxious nature and distrust for all around him.




The four citystates.
Keepers of the Moon.


Alignment: Neutral Good.
Vice(s): New books.
Favorite Food: Fish.
Favorite Drink: Tea.
Favorite Color: Black.


Miir'a stands at five fulms and one ilm, and is thin. He has outgrown grey hair with silver streaks which is loose, messy, and in sore need of a barber's attention. He possesses a set of large yellow eyes and small fangs. He possesses small facial markings denoted to males underneath both eyes, and a lunar symbol upon his forehead. His features are small, and his tail is long.


To some, Miir'a is a gifted archmage which left his field of expertise for unknown reasons. To most, Miir'a is a dark knight and nothing more.

Miir'a is a quiet individual who prefers to keep to himself. While generally good natured, he prefers to give people of all nationalities, creeds, or races an extremely wide berth and actively avoids all contact with strangers whenever he can - even going as far as to change course based on proximity to others. For this reason and a past betrayal- Miir'a does not call anywhere home. He is nomadic, conducting research on varying aetherial phenomena and offering his services for this and that in exchange for enough funding to continue to roam. If forced into interaction, Miir'a remains mostly silent, and when conversation is forced from him he responds awkwardly and tends to stammer, often unto the point of seeming idiotic. However -- this is merely a rather deliberating social anxiety which rest assured, does ease when he feels comfortable around the speaker. Miir'a possesses an intelligence far beyond that of most. He pours himself into all manner of study, and as result excels in all fields of aetheric manipulation (thaumaturgy, conjury, and arcanima) and some sciences such as alchemy -- though due to a past incident, remains tightlipped about his talents. He struggles with the concept of vengeance most of all, though recent developments mean all thoughts of it are sated... for now.



Miir'a is originally of Thavnair, and the only son of the (notorious, in the Thavnairian desert, anyway) Matriarch Ain Lafihna. Miir'a wasn't exactly an asset to his unit, due to being absolutely appalling at archery, hunting, and most of the known disciples of war. Within an active hunting unit, he was more of a hindrance than anything. His sisters overtook him astoundingly quickly, and Miir'a himself was deemed useless after multiple, repeated attempts at teaching him how to hunt. Ain contemplated whether the best thing to do with her son would be to trade him at the desert state of Thavnair for supplies, or just leave him behind. Miir'a learned to repair his sister's bows and lances in order to try and contribute something, and to put off his own demise - but anything he could muster wasn't quite enough. On a certain expedition (of attacking a merchant caravan bound for Thavnair proper) he expressed interest in an artifact his sister, Mihl, took from the caravan and was planning on using to fuel the unit's fires that night. A dusty tome - a relic of Gelmorra - detailing extremely basic conjury. Most likely training material for prospective Gelmorran white mages, yet Miir'a was entranced by the pictures within the book. Mihl allowed him to take possession of the thing, deeming it useless, and Miir'a studied it, picking up the basics of conjury astoundingly quickly - learning the contents of the entire book within a single night. Ain, seeing some use in her son after all, decided to allow him to remain with the unit as a healer. (And to repair bows.) Mihl made a point of collecting varying aetherial items from raids for Miir'a from that point on, and he studied fervently, finding the subject matter of great interest. He was good at it too - Even Ain had to remark that although Miir'a's physical suitability was unlikely to ever become half of what she required of all members of her unit, his mental suitability was higher than any conjurer she might have seen.

Ul'dah and Thaumaturge

He would have been contented to stay with his mother and sisters throughout his life, but at his and his sister's maturity, they were sent away from Ain's unit (as per their unit's custom) for Ain to raise new young unhindered by her old -- and unhindered by their "claims" to territories within the Thavnairian desert. He and his sisters found their way to Eorzea and later separated -- Miir'a taking a position within the newly reforged Immortal Flames of Ul'dah - sidelining, for money, as an alchemist within Ul'dah in addition. Eventually, Miir'a found his way into the Thaumaturge guild of Ul'dah and found work completing Vengeance orders and learning the art of thaumaturgy. (Vengeance orders are a 1.0 Thaumaturge storyline thing. Essentially, the deceased surrenders every iota of wealth they possess / have possessed within their lifetime to the Ossuary in order to pass to the realm of Thal. Thaumaturges are then dispatched to make sure whomever ended the deceased's life ends up the same way as the deceased.) Miir'a worked his way to becoming quite an asset to the order by completing a number of vengeance orders promptly, swiftly, and without complaint. How well he performed earned him the good graces of the Order -- though also earned him a number of enemies within the guild -- novices, alike himself, which could not compare to the young miqo'te's gift at aetheric manipulation, much less the attentions of a Prelate Thaumaturge named Burning Star.

It was easy to get rid of Miir'a for them. They were hardened and jaded Ul'dahn citizens, and Miir'a was a trusting, ignorant outsider that had absolutely no idea, thanks to his life with Ain's unit within Thavnair, of what it even was to lie. Miir'a's rivals formulated an event which led to a respected and high-ranking Ul'dahn official's death - the blame placed solely at the feet of Miir'a's mentor within the Thaumaturge guild -- Burning Star. Doctrine dictates that a Thaumaturge cannot take vengeance against one of the Order. Miir'a obeyed that doctrine - but when Burning Star died in very suspect circumstances, became subject to vengeance order himself thanks to "eyewitness testimony" from his rivals, accusing him of stabbing the Hellsguard to death with a ceremonial dagger -- something which was planted on him.

Limsa Lominsa, and Summoner

Miir'a fled Ul'dah to Limsa Lominsa, and picked up a job as an appraiser of imports. His skill at aether manipulation meant that arcanism came particularly quickly to him, though he was changed. He became utterly inward - he barely communicated with anyone, and kept himself to himself. He was worried of course that the Ossuary would find him, and his ordeal had led him to believe that he couldn't trust anybody. While he attempted to be nothing but average at arcanism, talent is talent, and he found himself rising quite quickly within the guild. He eventually left, much to the guild's dismay, having heard rumours of men called "summoners" which held the power to harness Primals to their wills, and a dark swordsman within the South Shroud. And he researched. He researched and researched the lost art of summoning, and eventually, finally, came into possession of a Soul of the Summoner via trade with a particular pirate, whom had discovered it in the cargo hold of a captured vessel, deemed it a precious stone, and hoped to sell it - finding it worthless within Limsa Lominsa as no buyer knew exactly what it was. Having the Soul of the Summoner made Miir'a consider the possibility of vengeance against the thaumaturges that conspired against him, and he put everything he had, over the course of a year -- into researching the mounted swordsman within the Black Shroud and the Allagan legend of Wiyu and Urth- summoners which were said to have sealed the elder primal there. With the power of Odin, Miir'a decided that he could obtain his vengeance, and after a year, set out to the Black Shroud to find, and challenge, the Dark Divinity in order to convert some of his energy into his first egi.

The Dark Divinity (Fission mailed.)

Three months of searching later, Miir'a finally realized what it was to miscalculate.

He didn't stand a chance. The Dark Divinity overpowered him entirely and completely, and he prepared himself to die, alike so many others the Wood Wailers had remarked had been found dismembered and decapitated within the shroud when the Dark Divinity rode. His spells did nothing. His power did nothing. His talent, something which had grew and grew throughout the years did nothing. Against the power of an elder primal, he was lost. That is, until Odin himself spoke to him, instead of landing the killing blow. He was called brave, and a fool. Jaded, and a child. Odin had seen into his soul in the battle, and saw what exactly he fought for. Miir'a sought power to right wrongs, Odin had decided -- but he had sought power alike those of Allag had sought power - without concern for where that power would come from. His bravery meant that he would live, but his arrogance meant that he would be maimed. His maiming was worse than any arm or leg being removed. Odin was a primal -- exalted or not -- and he craved aether. Miir'a had every. last. shred of elemental aether drained from him, the same way he hoped to drain the aether from Odin in order to make his first egi. His body went into aetherial shock, and the Soul of the Summoner shattered. By the time the mist clinging to the shroud cleared, he was unconscious and left within the forest in an almost vegetative state -- barely able to form words, let alone move.

Rescue, and Dark Knight

Miir'a, thankfully, was fortunate after suffering what he did at the hands of Odin. A travelling Auri warrior - Tuva Dalamiq - new to Eorzea, hopelessly lost, and having seen a miqo'te for the first time, duly plucked the stammering miqo'te from the ground and carried him away to safety. It took Miir'a around a week in order to collect himself again, and his relief at not dying was quickly replaced by horror at the fact that he couldn't. actually. leave. his. saviour. The Au ra apparently had taken a bit of a shine to him (babbling and drooling nonwithstanding), and in his tribe, carrying someone off meant that they were married. Married. Too weak to leave, Miir'a endured the other's company within his encampment, and listened to all of his chatter, learning that apparently, this Xaela was the heir of the Dalamiq tribe. Outcasted, for generally being an ass. He was supposed to travel the world and learn ~*~ how to be a better person ~*~ before he showed his face again, in fact. He figured that marriage would totally show his parents that he was ready to grow up and be responsible, and Miir'a, apparently, struck him (from the ground) as a female Xaela. Without scales. And with a weird tail. Regardless, he was trying, but the plan to convince his parents he'd actually learned something about being a better person wasn't working. Apparently getting hitched didn't do that. Left on his own during the day when the other hunted, and alone at night when the other slept, Miir'a considered his options. His power was gone to him, but new power had arrived in a very unexpected avenue. This guy, after all, spoiled brat or not, was heir to having an army. An army of warriors, that one day, would be taking his orders. Staying around with this person, listening to him, acting like he wanted to be there seemed the perfect way to actually get vengeance upon the guild which set him up and spurned him. He traveled willingly with the au ra, seeking the finances to train and equip a bunch of savages into an efficient army.

The Crimson Wolves

The pair traveled for approximately a year, eventually finding Ishgard -- and upon doing so, Miir'a witnessed the extent of Ishgard's oppression of the lower classes via spending time within the Brume alongside Tuva. While indeed he didn't become a dark knight in the same manner of the player character, his dealings with a mysterious figure named Frey (some time before being tossed off the pillars into the Brume) led to him training himself as a dark knight, with intention of strengthening himself for the day the makeshift army he and Tuva would one day inherit would clash against Ul'dah. Between trips to Ishgard, he trained and strengthened himself with Tuva's assistance, taking odd jobs here and there for funding though time meant he gained the attention of a small House within Ishgard -- one which sought to arise to the same esteem to the Holy See as the four High Houses -- yet found themselves with the problem that anointed knights valued honour far above payment. Their solution was to take advantage of the influx of newcomers to Ishgard that followed Ishgard joining the Eorzean Alliance and form their own "order" based upon the backs of these foreigners -- They headhunted Mir and Tuva, Mir's background as a dark knight used as leverage to recruit the pair and have them recruit more. Mir found himself trapped by his past. Mir began to work within the shadows for House Trebair, for fear of imprisonment and execution via the Temple Knights, and for the fear of the threat of fresh investigations into Dark Knights among the underbelly of Ishgard.


The Crimson Wolves grew to a small company, and some time later they were tasked with obtaining three stones of a strange material, only known as 'Magicite.' Not much was known about these stones, only the fact that they were utterly priceless and possessing a great power. And that House Trebair wanted them. Busied by his task, Mir didn't notice Tuva start to become distant, and some time after taking the stones found all three missing, and Tuva gone. The xaela had returned to his village upon Alabathia's Spine with the stones -- convinced that the power within them would be able to help his people against the threat of the Garlean Empire. Mir found himself at an utter loss. He managed to form a meeting with House Trebair, and forcefully took (what he thought) was all documentation pertaining to their "household help", the Wolves. He then distributed the paperwork to the Wolves and retreated to the Brume, submitting to the vengeance of all that called themselves Dark Knights. After all, A Dark Knight was not to work for any banner. If he had to die, he wanted it to be at their hands, as in his mind, he had only betrayed one faction -- them.

What came was not death. A mixture of things -- namely Mir's honesty, his confession, the implication surrounding his betrayal and most importantly, the fact a lot of prominent dark knights had met their end at the hands of the temple knights of late -- meant that execution wasn't viable. Instead, Mir was soundly beaten and chastised, and allowed entry into the ranks once more. It was there he stayed, all thoughts of vengeance for past sins committed in Ul'dah entirely gone for the fact the dark knights had shown him mercy. He remained in the underbelly of Ishgard for some time, assisting the poor and the downtrodden alongside other dark knights.


● Mir is the son of a Thavnairian matriarch, and as a result has a unique (In Eorzea, anyway) mother’s name, but hates bringing up the point. He’ll actively lie about it to non-keepers of the moon, and even more so avoids talking about it to Eorzean keepers, whom all find the name strange and his story dubious, given the fact most have never heard of the Ain clan given their location.
● Petrified of Eorzean keepers of the moon. Avoids whenever possible. Attempts to avoid even when impossible. Most likely fails. But tries.
● Adores spriggans.


◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
That keeper that was poking around Urth's gift? Who knows what happened to him. The skies went dark as they're wont to do when the Dark Divinity takes to walking the shroud -- and after? No more keeper. Chances are he got dismembered like so many others stupid enough to look into the Rider. Worrisome thing is, no body was found. The Black Shroud's big all right... Which means that young Keeper's likely rotting away somewhere, in however many pieces he's in. Enough to ruin any recruit's first patrol around here. (South Shroud Wood Wailers)
Miir’a? Bless you. What? A person? No, I’ve never — Oh, Mir? That’s the one. Young lad. Grey skin. He’s guildmaster Severian’s favourite -- or was. One day he took off, you see? Rumour has it some bad dealings at Milranth Sacrarium scared him off. Can't blame the lad really -- last thing good for anyone's continued survival is a pile of angry thaumaturges. Chances are they've a reward for him prepared, if you're the stabbing type. (Ul’dahn alchemist)
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
That one. Someone that fled the guild almost six years ago when Mumepo was in charge. There's no place for him within the gaol. That one's marked for death, and the new guildmasters, even though the place has changed so much since Mumepo got banished, can't exactly turn their backs on old vengeance orders. What'd he do? He killed one of our own. That sort of thing's unforgivable no matter how much time passes. (Ul’dahn Thaumaturge)
Him? Comes frequently, actually! Keeps looking for tomes related to the power of darkness. Kind of strange, isn't it? That anyone would seek that out. I keep refusing. Last thing I want is to be up for heresy. I have no idea if this "darkness" is just simply fooling about or Dravanian in nature, and I don't intend on finding out. (Ishgardian merchant)
Dark Knight. Heretic. Interfered with many cases of Halone's divine judgement of his kind, murdered countless guards. If you've any information, take it to the Tribunal. It's your duty as a citizen. (Ishgardian Knight)
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
Another male? Of course we’ve seen him... A long time ago, that is. A shadow here, some skulking about there. He’s a hag - or a male version of a hag. He's gone now. He challenged the Dark Divinity and was left for dead. Why the Old One didn't kill him, I don't know. Perhaps leaving him to die was a crueller fate? (Couerlclaw)
He's wanted for murder. He was last seen fleeing that old building. You see? The abandoned one? He was seen passing in and passing out at varying days, until that one day. He went in. He came out, covered in blood. Retreated somewhere into the Brume. And the other occupants of the house? All murdered. The Lord, the Lady, their children... their servants. The bastard even killed the cat. (Ishgardian Knight)


Lover Blood relative Good Standing Poor Standing
Mihl Ain : Blood sister. While it is unknown to Miir'a whether or not she is still alive following the unified attack upon Castrum Novum, Miir'a will do anything to find her. Or avoid her. Or both.
Garrett Slater : An old acquaintance from Ul'dah. Miir'a spoke to Garrett at length in regard to the battle of Carteneau, and listened to Garrett's tale of his father's death within it. Also aware of Garrett's trials as he became a black mage. Sees Garrett as something like a friend, brought home with recent interaction with him after a long time. Garrett is the only person which knew of Miir'a's plan to gain power, though has been separated from him ever since.
Tuva Dalamiq : Husband. After Miir'a challenged Odin, he was left for dead within the shroud, body in a state of shock, all elemental aether removed from him. He would have died, were it not for Tuva -- a travelling Xaela whom, new to Eorzea and having seen a miqo'te for the first time, promptly carried him off the same way one would a stray cat. Unfortunately for Miir'a, the xaela happened to think he was adorable. Even more unfortunately, the act of carrying off something you find interesting, in Tuva's tribe, meant that they were married. This of course was annulled in Mir's mind when he was betrayed. Even if some part of him understands Tuva's reasons,and some part of him still worries for him, he can't forget the betrayal and refuses to speak of him, even to his closest friends.

Footnotes / Credits


Miir'a is a character with the strength of being gifted at all forms of magic and learning, and weak at all forms of physical classes and jobs. He knows conjury, thaumaturgy and arcanism, as well as the dark arts -- even became a summoner (albeit, with no primal) but Dark Knight is his only job. I am of the belief that characters should realistically have one job (nothing's less fun than playing with someone that's a white mage and a black mage and a dragoon and a machinist because they're good at everything!!) but should, if it can be explained, branch out into multiple classes since lorewise, that's A-OK.

Soul stones

Lorewise, there are multiple cases of multiple job stones. (Dragoon, Summoner, Dark Knight, Black mage, to name a few) so I find it feasible that a character could find themselves with a job stone under very different circumstances than the player character in job-based storylines. Of course, they're still remarkably rare. Hence, Mir has one. (and has possessed two, but his summoner one was destroyed)


Please keep in mind that Mir studied the dark divinity for over a year via every. single. book. in Eorzea he could get his hands on -- and everything he earned going toward the purchase of said books. This involves legends, myths, and fact. Due to the fact the Moogle delivery quests show knowledge of Odin is indeed common within the black shroud, someone attempting to take a stab at him is feasible, even if a dumb move on their part. For Mir, desperation drove him to take a shot at Odin, even if it was an entirely stupid idea. Fernehawe's commentary about Odin not particularly being a bad guy, just depicted as one via He Who Writes History is a large part of the reason he didn't kill Mir. And yes, as a disclaimer, I am writing this mainly inspired by the past depictions of Luzaf the Blackheart and Lady Lilith within other FF games. Some creative license, of course - but Mir has not gained any power from Odin during their encounter unlike the Blackheart or Lilith. In fact, it was the opposite. He lost everything he had thanks to that mistake - wand the storyline was developed in order to grant Mir, as a character, foresight - something he lacked before.

Aetherial shock

A term that I pulled out of my head. I'll fess up to that. Aetherial shock essentially means that while the aether that makes up Mir is untouched, he is absolutely unable to perform anything which requires usage or manipulation of aether. This includes Conjury, Thaumaturgy, and Arcanism... all gone. Should he feel pushed enough, in an emergency, to perform any of the above, he's actually using his own aether, alike the 2.0 NPC Sylphie, from the conjurer storyline. Put simply, it is not advised. Dark Knight is somewhat different via the fact it's spells are not manipulation of aether. It's manipulation of the darkness of the soul stone holder's soul -- and often a lot of emotion is part of that. So, he can perform dark magic spells with no longstanding effect on his health.

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