Luka'sae Ahzaan

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Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png Luka'sae Ahzaan
"Ah, hello! Eh... Anything... I can do for you?"
At a glance...
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa
Nicknames Luke, Lukey
Age 16 (He'll say 23)
+ Traits Loyal, quietly detirmined, relatively optimistic and kind.
- Traits Shy, private, can come across as anxious and skittish. Easily panics.
Last Updated 27/08/2013

Appearance Details

Though mostly as he appears as his in game model, it could be noticed by other Miqo'te or those familiar with Miqo'te physiology, that he's probably not quite as old as he says he is. He also seems to permanently have bags under his eyes and a tired look about him due to his nocturnal nature. His eyes are also unusually bright silver, almost white, and are very noticeable in the dark. His fairly bushy tail also has a grubby white ribbon tied around it, towards the end.


Luka'sae, at his core, is quite a private kitten. He doesn't talk much about himself, prefering to listen to the stories of others. However, this is probably because his early memories are quite sketchy. His first memory is of fire and the screams of his three older brothers and seven of his eight sisters - He doesn't remember how, or why, nor does it particulary bother him anymore. Only three years old at the time of this event that apparently wiped out the tribe, Luka'sae was saved by his eldest sister, Bekani Ahzaan. Abandoning her duties as the tribe's witch doctor, she made the split decision to take her baby brother and run.

Whisking him away to a safer part of the forest, she plopped him down and promised she'd come back for him, before running back off to try and rescue more of her siblings and fellow tribe members. If she did return, he doesn't know, having been found by Wood Wailers and taken back to Gridania. Though Luka'sae remembers his sister, he does not remember all the events that lead to her dissapearance. He does not know if he has any siblings or family are still alive, but once again, it doesn't bother him and he feels no need to search for them. He doesn't even remember his seven other sister's name. However, he does have a little tug at the back of his mind, looking out for his eldest sister's name, Bekani Ahzaan.

A miqo'te kitten, just three years old, was quite a strange sight at a small orphanage in Gridania. He spent the next ten years of his life there, curious about the other children and why they all slept through the night. Not that he minded, of course, discovering the ability to summon Carbuncle very early on. He might be a bit deluded in the sense that he's convinced it's sentient, and has named it "Isabelle."

How Luka'sae ended up in Limsa Lominsa aged thirteen, he's even more sketchy about than his childhood. It's most likely he somehow managed to sneak onto a night caravan, but once again he's very private about it.


Luka'sae, or just Luke to his Hyur and non-Miqo'te aquaintences, has the nasty habit of being a social chameleon in an attempt to fit into whatever scenario he happens to be in at the time. Though this is somewhat of a defensive reaction from himself, he does have an aching need to fit in with people despite it going against his better judgement. When caught on his own however, he generally comes across as shy and maybe a little on the skittish side but in the right situation (or rarely, under the influence of a few drinks), Luka'sae can chat for hours about anything and everything other than himself. He has (mostly) benevolent intentions and wouldn't hurt a fly unprovoked.

His sense of humour is a tad on the quirky, or perhaps eccentric side, which can sometimes lead to mildly awkward situations, but he doesn't let it bother him.


None, so far!

Recent Occurences

You may know Luka'sae if...

You frequent any area around Limsa Lominsa during the night/late evenings/early mornings. It seems he doesn't leave the city much, and sleeps wherever he can.

He's not affiliated with the Arcanist's guild, but hovers around the entrance to see if he can pick anything up.