Tyo'li Tayuun

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Gridania-transparent.png Tyo'li Tayuun
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship Gridanian
Patron Diety Menphina, the Lover
Age 38
Marital Status Estranged
Height 5 fulm, 9 ilms
Weight 180 ponz
Orientation Bisexual
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General Information ( RECENT History )

For a long time, anyone who had bothered to look up while walking the paths of the Black Shroud would find evidence of his passing, for the man called the stripped boughs of the great trees his home and still does on occasion. Tied supplies and small outposts in crook'd treelegs more often than not hold his mark, though usually far out of reach of casual passerby.

The Rainbow Fletcher's vigilante work alongside the Wood's Reach was often unnoticed and unthanked, the quivermen who found his obsidian-tipped arrows in encroaching marks only dubbing him as nuisance. He'd been no friend to them in any official capacity, as his bow found beasts and beastmen with the same unbiased fury as it did Gridanian loyalists and poachers. The Fletcher's motivations were unclear, though his offenses against the commonfolk of Gridania only seemed to occur when they delved too deep into the Sylphlands. Official channels are glad to have heard naught of him for some while now, namely because he's fallen off the Gridanian grid for months.

The primary reason for this silence had been because of his taking on the responsibilities of a research head for an organization called NEO-NOAH out of favor and obligation to his then-mate; a civilian outreach branch of an Allagan research corporation headed in Mor Dhona. It fostered and blossomed his intellectual side, and it was not long before the vigilante settled down and put his efforts towards something more permanent: knowledge, and the pursuits of. Soon he set down his bow and picked up tinkering and management, beginning to build upon the information he'd learned while travelling with his sisters in similar pursuits before the Fall.

This organization would prove ephemeral when its founder and the miqo'te's then-mate simply put down his title. Tyo, his division in the company long harried through his growing reputation as a man who cared little for rules and regulations on study and aetheric limitations, was more than capable to pick it up. He refused, and eventually had to leave the company altogether. The miqo'te has no knowings of what has become of the scholars of NEO-NOAH to this day, and when he occasionally passes by one he knows he does not ask after the organization's status. He became somewhat of a waif, sinking into and even now still indulging in opiates to the point of addiction...


The Keeper has skin the color of night and shadow, marked and pocked with a few scarred tales of his life among trees and violence. The worst imperfection of all that black skin being along the width and breadth of his back, where a terrible mess of thick mottled scars trail from nape to tailbone and mark an event where he was forced to savagely remove a scholarly seal branded upon him to dampen his attunement to aether. The man seems in fine form otherwise, his lean body built for speed over strength. His hair is often dyed, and Tyo'li has lost his taste for keeping his strands free-flowing and long; the man favors shorter styles now. He keeps a charcoal stripe wiped across his eyes to help absorb the bright light of day, which makes him uncomfortable.


In his youth Tyo'li was one of the quiet thinkers, a capable male who was content to let his more aggressive brothers and cousins squabble for note and rank with the females of the tribe while he watched and learned from their errors. His essence has not changed, though the world has hardened him quite a bit; he is still overly fond of watching and planning before action, and more so of letting others take aforementioned action for him while he offers due course from distance.

In conversations the man tends towards blunt honesty and gives the impression of simple-mindedness, though he is not above offering lies and falsities to sway actions or opinions to whatever cause he pursues. The miqo'te is not against using this perceived simpleness to his advantage and allow people to underestimate his mind or wit. In rare intimate situations, Tyo'li is playful and capable of dispensing sound advice worthy of his age, and this sometimes surprises. His keen sense of objective lets him quickly dispense due course, delegating those around him to tasks best suited to their skills... and his aims. Rare is the acquaintance that becomes true friend, wise enough to see that many of his untruths aim to manipulate others to make up for the many things he personally lacks.

He is a firm believer in free will, only halfheartedly railing against the decisions of others if such goes against his better judgement. Tyo'li is also all for learning through harsh lessons, more fond of allowing failure to be achieved in order to aid in the understanding of shortcomings. Depending on the person's relationship with him (and often times their gender, as he treats women more differently than men), Tyo'li can turn into an overprotective and overbearing presence, his care turning into the far less positive smothering of an enabler.

Tropes: Cheshire Cat Grin, Wild Card , Submissive Badass, Tranquil Fury, Guile Hero, The Mourning After

Music/Themes: Theme 1, Theme 2 / Theme 2.1



A pacifist by nature, Tyo'li is the first to flee at the first sign of a fight. However, he has the keenly strategic mind of a creature who has survived by watching for a moment's weakness to exploit. If he must engage in a fight the man employs a mix of three distinct tactics in any given situation, though by no means does he demonstrate a trained mastery in any. (Meaning, he will rarely if ever use any skills from the prestige trees of the undermentioned classes)

(Rogue) Stealthy and silent, the man will be the first to flank and end a scuffle before it even begins, and then leave someone else holding the weapon of murder while he himself plays victim.

(Bard) More openly he holds his skill with the bow, though he by no means claims to be a master at it. He is fond of similar tactics as one could expect, striking from cover or distraction and attempting to remain so in any prolonged conflict. However, he is beginning to phase this out, considering it an archaic practice of a past he is trying to escape...

(White Mage)Tyo'li no longer has access to the conjurer's tree, being Deafened.

(Astrologian) A lesser-known gift is his aetherial mastery; his rudimentary skill at conjury has faded, and he has sought other means of magical skills to support his allies... and occasionally, control his enemies.



  • Walnuts / Tea
  • Smoking
  • Shade / Lightning storms
  • Love as an idea
  • Anything Doman/Near-Eastern


  • Overconfidence / Ignorance
  • Bright days / Thanalan
  • Obvious confrontation
  • Stuttering
  • Empty threats


  • Plotting
  • Aetheric Studies
  • General survivalist skills (Hunting / trapping, Foraging / scrimshaw, Leatherworking)
  • General falsehood-telling
  • Pissing people off
  • Allagan Studies



  • Alistair Fry (Estranged Mate)-Once known by his miqo'te name of E'datih. A Sagolii-born, this Highlander currently wanders the expanses of Thanalan in its entirety-- a place Tyo'li is loathe to go. Perhaps this is why he does so.
  • Npah Tayuun (Sister)- An Allag-obsessed woman, she almost singlehandedly led Tyo and his cousins to ruin in pursuit of artifacts. Now a member of the Sons, and works out her workshop in Mor Dhona.


  • An'nai Tir'atha- aka Singing Star, This dark-skinned miqo'te Keeper was a treasured friend for the Fletcher, who found him the only trusted confidante to offer calm when it was needed most. Unfortunately for Tyo'li, the boy has left to travel abroad with his mentor.
  • E'nirah Tia- A hotheaded Seeker Miqo'te whom with Tyo'li has had a love/hate friendship with for years; blind in one eye, from where Tyo'li cut it out of his head.
  • Hawu'sae Molkot- Small and once-shy, Tyo'li calls him Tiny Mot. Tyo broke this young halfbreed miqo'te man out of his shell and still occasionally offers 'tough love' to help the youth blossom into a strong, independent male. They have grown distant because of this independence.
  • Kahn'a Ohditra- A youner miqo'te who is striving to re-inspire Tyo and pull him out of his deep-set bitterness.
  • Ruffwyrd Falvard-A jolly, whiskered Roegadyn white mage who managed to win the wary Miqo'te's trust through kindness alone. Tyo counts both him and his wife, Valentina Jelerouix, among his dear friends. Ruff was the person who introduced the man to smoking and all it's joys... and the healer whose mind Tyo almost broke with a forbidden request for aid.
  • Zalitai Dalamiq - A male Auri scholar who inherited a manse of forbidden knowledge that Tyo actively sought out for employment.


(keep in mind these are his personal opinions, and may not be fact)

  • Kataani Hawkeye- A military woman; her kidnapping, false-telling and harassment has permanently set her on the Tyo'li's bad list. Last known to be based with the military company she works for.
  • Zailin Kir- A Highlander scoundrel masquerading as a white knight (whose wrongdoings towards the Miqo'te will not be listed here to protect his pride), who is actually a dear friend of Tyo'li's estranged mate. Tyo is currently attempting to move past this to un-alienate the man.


Common Rumors

  • "There's naught but ill to be had, consorting with the like of the Fletcher and the Wood's Reach, friend. Cut your lead where it lies, and leave be." (when inquiring anywhere in the Shroud about the title or group)
  • "I hear he likes to take in strays-- you know, homeless kids. I like to think he gives them room and board for a night and helps them out, but these days you .. never know." (a hostess at the Quicksand in Ul'dah)
  • "Oh, that one? One of my best customers! Always reeks of a drug den, though I've had worse." ( one of the paid companions lingering along Pearl Lane in Ul'dah )

Moderate Rumors

  • There is apparently a 'call' that the sylphs of Little Solace can put out, to summon him at-will from anywhere in the Shroud.
  • He once commanded a personnel division of Allagan researchers, implying an unsung skill for both management and scholastic pursuits.

Rare Rumors

  • It's said that he once held enough leverage over a Warrior of Light to force them to a favor that all but shunned them from the Crystal's light.
  • He holds a deep reverence for Ramuh.

PC Rumors

( Feel free to add your own! )

"He's a necromancer! He brought a man back from the dead! He needs to be put down!" - Kataani Hawkeye

"If I'm honest, there are things about Tyo that always bothered me.. lying came naturally to him. It's just in his nature." - Alistair Fry

Childhood / Background

Tyo'li would be hard pressed to tell you anything between the Calamity five years past and today; surely he must have been somewhere, doing something, but some strange force has either blocked or disrupted his mind to such things. He has ceased to question this.

For his young, adolescent, and second decade of life, he had kin and kine. His clan was less of a family and more of a bandit camp, stationed in the outskirts of the East Shroud. There were at least six sons to the clan, and so Tyo was borne and bred within a very competitive group; he had a distinct lack of the trait, however, and was happy to watch the posturing of his cousins instead of partaking in it himself. His parents raised his kit sisters and him in the same mien, as poachers and unwelcome presences under the trees.

Absolutely average, save for his uncanny ability to conjure a fair wind to aim his arrows, Tyo'li eventually set out on his own, following his much stronger sisters and cousin northwards in pursuit of new fortunes. He was content to follow and help as he could, though he had very little practical skills. Aside from being one of the most virile males among the clan, he had little use to his family aside from breeding stock.

Npah, the leader of their little offshoot tribe, had a fascination with the Allagan rumors of history, and had led her 'family' on a march to uncover the Tomb of Xande... The Calamity struck all of them hard, for they were cowering in a series of caves in Brittlebark when Dalamund fell. Tyo would be able to say neither how he survived, or how he 'awoke' back in the Shroud almost five years later-- (the Sylphlands' borders, to be exact)-- and knows only the subject makes him feel extremely 'weird'. Alone, lost, and still used to others fending for him, the man first rushed to old places of refuge. He only found a world he did not recognize.

The man managed well enough on his own to at least garner interest from a few other adventuring types. It was no twist of fate that both were female miqo'te, and that he was well into his prime breeding age. Eager at the prospect of starting a new life, Tyo'li played the proud protector of his new 'wives' on a long trek of their leading. It was across the sea that he realized his error, when he came upon them deep in the heart of La Noscea in a home they three had made for themselves after being sent away for the replenishing of supplies; the lasses were less interested in starting a new clan with him ...than they were with each other.

It was that first night, when the dissillusioned miqo'te man was at his lowest and most desperate, that the dreams finally began. Dreams of a great weapon that he would wield, an instrument that would both bind him, and break him.. Only time shall reveal the sooth or shame of such, however, as he has yet to grasp such a thing... or put stock in such dreams, at all. After all, it was the next morning that the Highlander man E'datih walked into his home and taught him how to punch rocks; Tyo hasn't looked back.

What He's Doing Today

Currently, Tyo'li has found new employment under a man named Zalitai Dalamiq and his Collective. The miqo'te makes himself useful with uncanny regularity, showcasing his willingness to do all from the basest of groundskeeping and butlering all the way to playing valuable social wingman and spymaster. Surely, he has left his employer in confusion as to his true nature.

However, his intense need to remain busy hides a deep wound that has only begun to heal. The man spends much of his free time in Ul'dah now, sunk deep into his somnus pipe and the nearest courtesan, nursing and numbing a final and true separation from his estranged mate E'datih. Only time will tell if the miqo'te ends up destroying himself in vice or rises above it to finally move on.
