Staelhundr Untawhasyn

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Staelhundr Untawhasyn
Highlander Son of the Sea Wolves

Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png Staelhundr Untawhasyn
Ffxiv 11282015 231000.png
Gender Male
Race Hyur
Clan Highlander
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa
Age 31
Occupation Ex-Pirate Captain
Marital Status Single
Sexuality Straight
Religion Rhalgr
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Basic Info

Raised by an odd family of Sea Wolves, Staelhundr never knew his real parents. He was seemingly plucked from an orphanage in Limsa Lominsa when he was only 6. A local Sea Wolf family, unable to have children of their own, had adopted him into their family. Though they cared for him and loved him as much as he figured they'd of loved any of their own children, he had to work hard to earn his keep. His family were a small band of "shipping merchants" who took care of their bartering and trading in small uncharted islands and outposts away from the prying eyes of the City-State authoritites. At these small outposts they were often joined by both smaller and larger vessels alike, many of them strapped to the teeth with mortars and cannons on their decks. The men who sailed them were a rough and tough lot and their language as foul as their body odor. The crews of several of these ships would often come aboard, and though Staelhundr didn't know why, they would often show his parents great respect. Still, as a child these men frightened him and Staelhundr kept as wide a berth from them as possible. These meetings happened every 2-3 months and over the next several years Staelhundr soon become accustomed to the sailors, of which by now he figured to be employed of his parents.
At the age of 16 and one of these ventures out, his parents sat him down and gave him a rundown of their business. As expected the business was not exactly legit and more often than not, divulged into piracy and smuggling. He had already assumed this so the news came as no surprise. What did come as a surprise was when his parents attached him aboard one of the heavy warships and set him out to see with them. He was quickly given a brief rundown of what was required of him. He'd soon be learning how to navigate the waters, to manipulate the winds into their sails. He learned how to set the rigging and man the wheel, to prime and fire the cannons and mortars. He was taught in the way of firearms and bladed weapons. How to defend himself from his enemy and how to push the attack. The Captain of the ship would explain Staelhundr's progress to his happy smiling adopted parents at their rendezvous and then it was set to sail again. But he didn't mind, he had began to love the sea and the excitement and adrenaline of what they did an it flowed into his blood and he craved it.
By the age of 18 he looked nothing like the 16 yr old boy that was sent to see. His body was tan and he began to put on muscle. His weapon of choice was a mighty battleaxe and he practiced long hours with it and it sowe by the definition in his arms, legs and chest.
However, Staelhundr's piracy days were about to become numbered. They were en route to port to repair damage caused by the Captain sailing the ship straight thru the eye of a hurricane when they happened upon a large ship looming in the distance. A spy glass was called and the captain surveyed what he thought to be a fat merchant ship. Pirate colors were struck as the 2 mighty ships turned sail towards another. Staelhundr wondered at this as most ships upon seeing the pirate colors struck, had turned and run tail. This ship however was coming along to go broadside for broadside with the pirates. Only to late when the approaching ship set Maelstrom colors flying from their masts and the hatches flew open and mighty guns roared from the vessel, was it realized this was a trap set for them.
The first blast knocked Staelhundr's feet out from underneath him, he tasted blood in his mouth and felt it trickle down his forehead. As he stood to his feet and charged to leap across the span between the 2 ships, another cannon blast shattered the wooden deck in front of him, wooden splinters shot towards him like shrapnel, one piercing his left eye. He dropped his axe and grasped his eye and staggered back and passed out. 1 week went by as he slipped in and out of blackness before he'd awaken for good. He awoke to the creaking and the cracking of the limping pirate ship as it struggled it's way back to port. I ventured on deck and noticed the deck still should signs of battle, blood and powder stained the one white sails and the wooden decks, several cannons lay crippled still tied to their deck mounts. Black soot covered the decks as a sign of fire.
Staelhundr was still taking in what happened when he was summoned to what was once left of they Captains Quarters. The Captain was nowhere to be found and instead the remaining sailors crowded into the tiny room and filled him in on what happened. Someone had tipped Maelstrom off to his families dealings and they had promptly been arrested and executed. The mighty Warship they encountered just a few days before had been left to seek out any remaining pirates. This ship would have destroyed them if it wasn't for the lucky shop from the pirate sheep into the stern of the Maelstrom vessel damaging it's rudder. Unable to maneuver, the pirate ship slowly turned away and retreated into the thick smoke that hung over the sea as a result of the battle.
It was then that it was announced that the Captain had passed away during the fight and in his stead, that a new captain would step into the role. Staelhundr would then become first mate. Under the new Captains order, the ship miraculously made it to a small hidden port and repairs were soon underway. This would take nearly a year as most the ship was heavily damaged and needed major repair work. Upon completion the new captain ordered set sail for the Sea of Jade, far away from Maelstrom's reach.
2yrs came and went as the pirates roamed the open seas, preying on the few ships that had crossed their paths. Shortly after those 2 yrs a complication arose between the Pirate captain and the crew, with one of the crew members realizing the Captain was skimming extra shares off the top. He was quickly thrown overboard and as first mate, Staelhundr moved into the Captain's spot without objection.
For 10 years he plagued the surrounding waters of the Sea of Jade and quikly but a name for himself. Fellow Pirates and Foes alike soon came to know his ship as "Steel Thunder" a play of rhymes on his name and the steel plating he incorporated onto the sensitive areas of the ship. With mighty cannons and mortars aboard the vessel, "Steel Thunder" soon became an appropriate nickname.
After those 10yrs, and the crew growing older and more sober began entertaining thoughts of hanging up their sails and cutlasses. Staelhundr would soon set sail for Limsa. Upon reaching it's waters he'd split the shares to their appropriate portions and dismiss his crew. He then sailed to a hidden cover where his parents would often hide out and he'd stash the ship in a cove incase need of it would rise again.
He set a small row boat into the shipping channels and flagged down and secured ride above a Merchant Freighter bound for Limsa. Limsa, a place he hasn't seen since 16yrs old


Tall and strong, Highlander features run strong through his blood,
His body is tan and covered in muscle as a result of eating healthy and a strict workout routine.
Sandy blonde hair hangs over his eyes, usually kept unbounded as he enjoys feeling the breeze on his face


A man of different moods, it's easily to know which he is in. He's usually friendly when he's in a good mood, which is more often than not.
He can be a bit flirtatious but will often withhold the comments he'd usually make to tavern wenches if it's a decent proper woman.


He is a pure battleaxe man, but he does know how to handle several different types of weapons, all with varying degree of success.
He is capable with a sword, lousy with daggers but a decent shot with a bow
Sailing & the Sea
Rum & Alcohol
Training with his Axe
Excitement and Adrenaline
Taverns and Inns

Nosey People
Empty Gil Pouch
Entitled People

Maelstrom Navy
Pirate Hunters
Hurricanes and Rough Seas

Alignment: Moraly Grey
Favorite Food: Aldgoat Steak
Favorite Drink: Rum or Ale
Favorite Color: Black & White
Hobbies: Training, Hunting, Fishing


Romantic Interest      Sexual Desire      Platonic Love      Good Standing     Neutral Standing     Poor Standing


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