Ziuz'a Nelhah

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Ul'dah-transparent.png Ziuz'a Nelhah
Placeholder person.gif
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Mixed Breed - Seeker of the Sun and Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship Ul'Dah
Height Five fulms, four ilms
Weight One hundred and twenty five ponze
Age Twenty-Three
Martial Status Single
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Ziuz'a is a rather average-sized Miqo'te male with white hair and a white tail. Unlike most Miqo'te, Ziuz'as eye color are the same light blue in each eye, and appear as if he were a Seeker of the Sun. Two black markings are on either side of his face, and come to a point at his cheeks. Around his eyes are also several lighter markings similar to the ones on his cheeks though they seem much more faded, seemingly rounding out his eyes as a center of focus. Two scars, hidden under his hair form an 'X' between his eyes, and there's also a small little nick on the left side on the young Miqo'te's chin.

Being a purely physical fighter, Ziuz'a has a rather athletic body to show for it, most of his muscles being more 'defined' and cut, rather than large, though they're certainly apparent from the amount of workouts he does. Around his chest and shoulder are a few tribal tattoo's, though his markings were more of a symbol to 'stay away' during his younger years.


Ziuz'a isn't a very caring or kind person in the least bit, mostly due to his upbringing. He doesn't fully trust many people, and if he's off with someone he's usually eyeing around if there's going to be an ambush on him - especially during certain circumstances revolving about him. Most of his vocabulary comes after a curse word, and he isn't going to shy away from a fight no matter if it's a tiny Lalafell or one of the largest Roegadyn he lays his eyes upon. Should Ziuz'a feel disrespected, he'll certainly mouth off anybody until it leads to him getting into a fight. As per usual, he'll provoke his enemies or anybody he dislikes, trying to goad them into a fight as often as possible. The young Miqo'te is surely not shy about making it known who he doesn't like, either.

While he isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, Ziuz'a has extensive knowledge in hand-to-hand combat with his fists and even his daggers, though he really shines when it comes to any sort of crafting or gathering abilities. Able to cook, work with metal, wood, leather and even potions and other concoctions that he might need to whip up. Most of it is simply thanks to the ability that he is good with hands-on work, and memorization.

Despite being cold to other people, he feels extremely bad killing animals even if it's for his own survival. Though he'd never admit it, when he trains against some of the larger animals - even if they're incredibly aggressive, he'll usually only aim to knock them out with his fists rather than go all out using his much more lethal daggers.



Hand to Hand - From a young age Ziuz'a was found in the pugilist guild, mostly to just help bring things to the trainers and what-not, but a lot of the times he was studying the fighting techniques by those who entered and trained, figuring out a couple of techniques from that. The main style Ziuz'a is similar to Muay Thai, utilizing anything from jabs, strikes, hard elbows, kicks and knees to some submission moves, usually aiming for the legs or the arms. One of his most used technique is a 'clinch', in which he holds his opponent in place and keeps their head tucked downward, allowing for him to strike the foe with a barrage of knees and wear them out. Speed is one of Ziuz'as main advantages, often able to evade his opponents, or redirect their attack to throw them off balance and allow for him to gain the upper-hand in positioning.

Daggers - Thanks to a certain Miqo'te named Val Nunh, Ziuz'a became interested in learning how to utilize a lethal weapon such as daggers, since he felt pole-arms weren't 'quick' enough for him and clashed greatly with his high octane fighting style. Like Val, Ziuz'a wields his daggers in a reverse-style, aiming the sharp side of the blades outward which allows for him to feign a bad defensive stance and pretend to leave openings, while having his opponent all but trapped. Similarly, he uses counters and tries to outwit his opponent in pure combat ability. Ziuz'a has managed to combine the two fighting styles slightly, often sheathing one dagger every so often and mixing a flurry of stabs, slashes, jabs, strikes and many more techniques to keep his opponents guessing.

Misc. Info


  • Whiskey
  • Fighting
  • Napping
  • Crafting
  • Exploring
  • Swimming
  • Training
  • Beaches
  • Moogles and other Moogle related things


  • Incompetence
  • Obnoxious People
  • Loud Atmospheres
  • Awkward Silences


  • Crafting
  • Fighting


Romantic Interest Platonic Love Good Standing Poor Standing


Ziuz Nelhah - Ziuz'as mother, whom the two mutually hate each other. When he was born, she immediately gave him up to one of the elder women of the clan, who placed several facial and body markings on the young Ziuz'a that were infused with a bit of aether to 'stretch' with his body. The woman was found in the forest by a certain Nunh who had a certain..lust for her. Needless to say, Ziuz'a wasn't sprouted out of love which was likely her hate for him. Often called him the 'disgrace' and washed her hands with him when he was only but five.

X'hirho Nunh - Ziuz'as father, a Nunh of a Seeker tribe that didn't live too far off from his Keeper tribe. Ziuz'a never met him, not does he really even want to. There's little known besides the fact he's of course, a Nunh, and a rather ruthless leader at that.

Haru Amariyo - The woman who took care of Ziuz'a and acted as his mother for several years - and also the woman who put the markings on him. At a young age, Ziuz'a adored the woman for her caregiving, but later on in life when he returned to give her supplies, she freaked out on the 'disgrace of a Keeper' and attempted to stab those Seeker eyes out of his head, she failed, and no question, the two would never return to good standing again before she passed away.

L'Shun Shinozaki-Nelhah Ziuz'a's first-born son with a woman by the name of Celestus Shinozaki. The young baby is the one person Ziuz'a cares more for than anyone else in Hyadelyn for, and someone that Ziuz'a hopes to have more time with in the near future. His son seems to be happy in nature, and resemble a lot of Ziuz'a, having the white hair, ears and tail - but reddish eyes as his mother has.




Common Rumors

  • "That guys an asshole." - Almost every Ul'dahn, Lominsan or Gridanian citizen who has the unfortunate luck of speaking with Ziuz'a.
  • "Always comes in and asks for a whiskey, drinks it, and then tries to start a fight." - Ul'dahn Bartender

Moderate Rumors

  • "Used to work here when he was a kid, and kept his mouth shut. Now that he grew up a bit and can fight, all we hear is his constant bragging." - Ul'dahn Pugilist Trainee
  • "Saw him outside the Quicksand getting beat up by two guys. Wonder if he thinks he's tough shit now." - Annoyed Citizen

Rare Rumors

  • "He used to be a bit more modest, now he seems to stare at the women about here..mostly Elezen and Roegadyn seem to catch his eyes." - Quicksand Waitress
  • "Saw him around here a couple of times, sneaking around. Don't know if we should take action or not." - Yellow Jacket
  • "Been in a couple of 'bouts outside the Quicksand now, I fear for my customers." - Quicksand Proprietor

PC Rumors

  • "Ziuz'a? Aye, I know 'im. E's a right grumpy sort, but e's m'friend, an' one of th' few people I trust." Calais Erbryn
  • "Oh you mean ol' Catboy Zi? Yeah, he's alright I guess, jus' make sure you watch any female friends you 'ave around him, he's bound to try 'n invite them to bed." Emelc Vrand
  • "Despite our history, I still have a somewhat soft place in my heart for him. I do hope he's not getting into too much trouble." J'Maaira Tuhl


Ziuz'a was born to Ziuz Nelhah and X'hirho Nunh, though it wasn't a child born out of love. Deep out in the forests one evening, the male spotted the white-haired Ziuz gathering a couple of herbs to bring back to her clan for medicines and what-not. Being late at night, she didn't think any Seekers would be out - but X'hirho had always wanted to see what it was like, being taboo and with a Keeper. Springing on her, of course, X'hirho had his way with the Keeper and left her in the woods afterwards. It was only a matter of time before they figured out a baby was to be born, and with no painless ways to kill the unborn Ziuz'a, nine months later the disgrace was brought onto Hyadelyn. Almost immediately, Ziuz hated him - but Keeper tradition remained that he would keep his mothers name and no different, though there were talks his name could have been Haru'a. After the first few months, he was sent to Haru Amariyo's care - and care for him she did. First, she'd brand him with the markings that bring attention to his crystal blue eyes, perhaps a defect that his eyes were in fact, the same color. Next came the dark tattoo's all over his body, easily identifiable during the day, which in only a couple of years he, unlike most Keepers, would be awake during.

Throughout the five years he remained with his tribe, he was kept away from the other curious children in favor of teaching him how to survive and give him a fair chance at life. Haru had taught him tool usage and how to fend for himself, of course being so young it was a concept that was hard to grasp for him. There was no power in his lunge, no ferocity in his pounce. How could one kill like this? Simple. They didn't. Any animal Ziuz'a had attacked went away relatively unscathed, but deciding not to kill Hyadelyns creatures for a disgrace, Haru would not go out of her way to assist him in getting his meal. There were difficult nights where he was hungry, and others where he couldn't sleep. The Elder's spoke loud, and the young boy weeped. His time coming to an end, the 'cushy' time in his life when he at least had someone walking with him. These days, Haru forced him to be awake during the day time and sleep at night, ensuring he'd become used to it and also helping the others lose interest.

Finally, the day came and Haru brought him to Thanalan after a long journey in the shroud. Just like that, she gave him a push, a goodbye, and vanished from his life for the next few years. Scared and alone, with the sun beating down on him to keep him from believing this was a dream, he moved on towards a Camp Dry Bone. The native language, Eorzean was foreign to the tribal-speaking Miqo'te, but his innocent face and nervous demeanor garnered the attention of a few merchants, who'd give him a canteen of water or a snack for him to munch on throughout the day. Perhaps, the cute tail wagging behind him and the perked ears were a means of survival, wiggle them a bit and they'd respond with joy, and usually food. This was no way to live, though. A show dog, working for mere treats.

Fast forward a little while and the young Miqo'te was bouncing from refugee family to refugee family, finally making it to the Golden City of Ul'dah, but making it inside was no mere cakewalk. The guards hated refugees entering their wonderful city, filled with the rich or the prospective. Every time he tried to gain entry, he was usually refused and threatened before the young man scampered away out of fear of attack. A couple of days had gone by since he'd tried to enter, and a large Roegadyn man seemed to be walking around, scouting the refugees. He was clearly part of a mercenary group, but he seemed to have a soft spot for the people of the outskirts, aiding some people with gil and talking to some. Ziuz'a himself had walked up, tail swaying behind him and with a gleeful look in his eye, ears tilting to the side slightly as he tried to butter the Roegadyn man, who took the bait. A couple of gil coins were tossed Ziuz'a's way, but he refused, handing it back and trying to explain how he wanted to get into Ul'dah. "S-seatee." he murmured, pointing at the gates. "I...wunt ta' getunta th'seatee." he pleaded, the man taking a bit to understand the odd speech of the young man - who clearly wasn't from around these parts. Biting at his bottom lip, Ziuz'a continued to point to the gates and when the man finally realized, he sighed and offered a nod. Little did he know, Ziuz'a was going to take on thievery as his main means of survival - at least for a bit. Surrounding the young man with a couple of mercenaries, the guards didn't even lift a finger as the white haired Miqo'te stepped up into the city, glancing around in awe. With a bow of thanks, Ziuz'a scampered off to explore his new home.

As one might expect, his place to live was Pearl Lane. Beggars filled the area, and Ziuz'a was one of them; of course he was given a little bit more, some people sympathizing with a child. One day it even got Ziuz'a beat up and mugged by a Highlander man; and it dawned on him that perhaps gil wasn't the best to keep on him, or ask for. Stepping through the streets and near the merchants, a swipe of the hand would capture an apple or a piece of bread, and if he was really lucky, even a piece of meat to cook for the evening. Of course, this got him chased around by merchants quite a lot, until one day he ran into the body of a larger man, who glared down at him and shook his head. "Stop, kid. Give it back." This man stated, his fists clad with leather himante. Without much of a choice, Ziuz'a spun around and wordlessly handed the angry merchant his bread, to which he was scolded for a couple of minutes and had to sit there and take it. "Ugh, I couldn't even with good conscious, sell this to a man or a woman! You've diseased it!" he stated, throwing it on the floor. Slowly, Ziuz'a crouched down and picked it up while the merchant stepped away, the pugilist behind him shaking his head. "C'mon, kid." It seemed someone wanted to help him.

Brought into the pugilist guild at a young age, he was given some work to do, and in exchange he'd be paid with a couple of gil, and a bed in the guild; his room just down the stairs and near the storage area. But it didn't matter to him, a bed, pillow and blankets were provided to keep him warm and comfortable, and finally he had a bath to keep himself clean in. Things certainly picked up for him, and over the years he'd picked up on some of the techniques by watching and mimicking them when he was 'on break' or doing nothing. Fast forward to the age of fifteen, and the man who saved him, Syro Faulkner, had decided to begin teaching him the ways of a pugilist. Over the next three years, Ziuz'a acquired some skill in hand-to-hand combat, becoming one of the more skilled members of the guild mostly thanks to his light feet and powerful legs; which gave him strength to propel into people, or use to kick them back. "You've grown quite well, not that street rat I thought you'd be.." Syro stated with a chuckle, only making Ziuz'a grin and shrug his shoulders. "S'pose I ain't never thanked y'fer takin' m'off th'streets, but y'should b'knowin' I'm eternally grateful, I'd love t'elp th'guild in any way I can, but I still ain't got much t'give b'sides m'obvious skill." he teased, known to be one of the more confident members of the guild, borderline arrogant and cocky. Most people wanted to fight him to shut him up, and he'd had an undefeated record in the ring here. Of course, this wasn't anything like actual fighting and he was well aware of that, there were far more skilled pugilists out there that didn't need to train with the guild, and these were just the amateurs who still needed it.

"I think you need to make something of yourself. Doubt you want to stay here your whole life; perhaps a mercenary, maybe something else." Syro suggested, glancing out at the Brass Blades recruiter that had been waiting for people to step out. Many things were known about the Brass Blades corruption, and where some people wanted that power, Syro told Ziuz'a to steer clear from it.

A Lalafellin' man walked in one day with two Roegadyn guards and said nothing, only watching some matches between the guild members and commenting idly to his guards about their styles. Unfortunately, Ziuz'a was impressing him, and the three had pulled him off to the side to speak. At first, it sounded great, be part of a family of mercenaries and get some gil while traveling the world; but they were far more corrupt than Ziuz'a realized. There were often times they'd kill their own 'brothers' if they weren't strong enough to get up from a large scale battle, betraying one another to get a bigger cut of the coin; Ziuz'a would have died once to if it weren't for an enemy taking advantage of his foes turned back and stabbing him through the gut, or else he'd have fallen victim to a greedy mans empty gilpouch. After a cycle, he'd finally had enough and left, never looking back at his short stint with such a corrupt gang.

Through these next couple of years, Ziuz'a went through easier times; becoming more proficient in certain crafts and learning/advancing on gathering his own supplies so he had to pay relatively nothing to get what he needed. It was cheap and efficient, and what fueled the young mans thirst for knowledge in this field of work, so much so that in present day he's had a knack for crafting airships and repairing them. But this was before then; Ziuz'a had begun to enjoy life the way an adventurer should. Seeing the city-states and the lands they were on, having a true rags to riches story of a Miqo'te in Ul'dah after playing the markets. Of course, this wasn't without his downs. Hard relationships, hard break-ups and two fiancees that ended in a split. There was even a time through his life where he'd fight anyone for looking at him funny, taking on a man by the name of Emelc Vrand for a couple of moons and almost fighting to the death with him and a man named Raeaeon Norelia. After being jumped outside of the Quicksand, stabbed through his leg, and having his eye almost cut out, Ziuz'a figured that part of him should be done with to preserve his life, giving up the hostile attitude he had towards everyone and everything for a life that was more leisurely and relaxed.


This Template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea

-Currently looking for long-term Roleplay buddies, message me in-game or even on the RPC if you'd like to either meet up or if you're a pugilist that'd like to talk over them knowing each other from the days in the pugilist guild.