L'rah Blackthorne

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Gridania-transparent.png L'rah Tia
Ffxiv 12082015 020818.png
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Seeker of the sun, Viper tribe
Citizenship Gridania
Age 21
Marital Status Single
Orientation The gayest
Server Balmung
Nameday 9th sun of the 3rd Astral Moon
Occupation Astrologian sky pirate

Basic Info

A pretty, wealthy, well spoken and impeccably groomed Miqo'te. He tends to be rather playful and flirty, but can definitely have a sharp tongue if need be. Always dressed nicely, he seems like the kind of young man who has lived a very comfortable life, a little naive about the hardships of the outside world. Even so, he is an enthusiastic learner, even if his resolve is a little shaky at times.


Perhaps a little androgynous, L'rah is shorter than the average, and has a slim, sleek build. He could be considered a little slender from the lack of any hard work in his life, though he does have a pleasing hint of muscle definition around the abdomen and chest. Angled and rounded in all the right places, he is narrow at the hips, and a little broader at the shoulders. His legs are long, and he seems to be very light on his feet.

His skin is soft and rather pale, no blemishes or calloused fingers on this one. His hair is a light blonde, and it's fairly obvious that he spends a fair bit of time styling it and making sure it looks great. It's soft and fluffy to the touch, and merges with the fur on his ears flawlessly. His ears themselves are a little darker at the tips, fading into blonde as they reach his hair. The fur on his tail is longer than usual, like that of a long-haired cat. The fur is silky, with several paler markings near the tip, and it looks just as well taken care of as his hair. He probably shampoos it.

He has quite a pretty face, though the chances are he is a little too aware of that fact. His features are still soft with youth, his nose straight and his lips full. His eyes are pale violet in color, and he tends to wear a rather playful expression most of the time. Unless he's pouting, that's a thing that happens sometimes. His voice is a light tenor, and he speaks in a way that would suggest he was quite well educated, even while making hopelessly flirty comments.

With an affinity for pretty jewellery, his long, slender fingers are often littered with expensive-looking rings. His neck and ears are no better, either. He always dresses well, even his most basic of lounging clothes are made with fine silks and threads. He definitely looks like someone who gets spoiled often, and is more than a little used to living with plenty of wealth. He loves heeled boots and tight pants! And, you know, other questionable articles of clothing that most never get to actually see.


Friendly, good humored and maybe a bit overly flirty, L'rah is fairly easy to get along with. Though, now and then, people sometimes get impatient with his playful teasing, since he doesn't always know when to quit. He is usually quite outgoing and positive, but has a tendency to be a little oversensitive if someone is being harsh with him. He's not entirely used to being berated, and doesn't always take it well. He talks quite big sometimes, but isn't really as confident as he acts.

For the most part, he seems to largely be out to have fun. He's rather naive and inexperienced when it comes to the ways of the world, after having been sheltered from it for most of his life. He is always willing to learn though, and will give most situations he's thrust into his best shot. (Unless it involves mopping.) He has all these romantic dreams of adventure and excitement. Living a life of danger and all that nonsense. So far, he's a little disappointed.

It's obvious that he's a bit spoiled, and used to getting his way. Someone who's never had to do chores, and spent much more time attending parties and social events than doing anything like work. Even if he can be a little bit of a brat when he wants to, he's not unkind, and certainly not stupid or inherently selfish. He likes making friends, and meeting new people, especially if they can teach him something.


Extensively trained by an elderly, totally eccentric Sharlayan Astrologian, L'rah knows quite a lot about astrology magicks, but very little about actual first aid and health care. He is an adept caster, good with aether manipulation, and fast at learning. While he knows a good bit about offensive casting, he is very much a non-violent sort, and prefers to offer support and defense rather than assisting with murder himself.

He is still very green, and while he is an excellent mage on paper, he still has a lot to learn about real life battle, and treating injuries properly instead of just throwing healing spells at them. He gets a little nervous when under pressure, and can't always take it when the heat is on him, but he tries his best.


His mother left her tribe not too long after getting knocked up, deciding that tribal life wasn't really something she wanted. (A bit late, right?) She ended up falling in love with a rather wealthy Hyur merchant woman, and the pair chose to settle down in Gridania.

L'rah was born into a life of luxury and comfort. Well off, with two rather over-protective mothers. He was basically spoiled, and given no responsibilities of his own to worry about. Sheltered from most of the war and violence of the world, his only sources of entertainment were attending social events, reading and taking lessons from an aging, rather senile sharlayan astrologian, who was a client of his step-mother.

He took to the lessons very well, but his mentor did finally pass away after several years of teaching him. With no one left to tutor him farther, and nothing to do, he quickly grew bored, and decided it was time to leave home. Much to the protesting of his parents, he recently set out on his own, and ended up joining a crew of sky pirates. He hasn't been with them very long yet, but already seems to have found himself a mentor and a fun job.



Witty People
Fancy and expensive things
Pretty jewellery
Romance novels


Violence directed at him
Rude and mean people
Feeling unsatisfied
Being mocked


Killing his patients
Being replaced
That one thing he kind of likes


Alignment: Neutral
Vices: So much flirting
Favorite Food: Dark Chocolate
Favorite Drink: Black Coffee
Favorite Color: Purple
His name is pronounced 'Lee-rah' and he dislikes nicknames.
He claims most of his books are for study, but in reality, most of them are romance novels.
Has always wished for a more exciting life, with danger and adventure!


Romantic Interest / Platonic Love / Trusted / Good Standing / Neutral / Wary / Hated

Shiori Eikitaika : The head healer and vice Admiral of the Dreadwyrms. She took L'rah on as a student the very same day he joined the pirate crew. Likely because he was the only other person around with any proficiency in healing magicks, even if he was a little green, and clueless when it comes to basic first aid. He likes her, and finds her to be very pleasant company, though he suspects she may be a bit crazy. He also might see her as something of a mother figure, because he has a habit of doing that.

X'rhen Tia : A handsome Miqo'te Bartender and... quartermaster? L'rah quite enjoys flirting with him, and making him squirm a bit in the process. The two hit it off during a rather overwhelmingly busy party, where they both retreated upstairs and ended up chatting for a good while. He counts Ren as one of his first new pirate friends. Hooray! Too bad he just got married.

Raih Unaze : A new recruit with the dreadwyrms. L'rah doesn't really know anything about her yet, but seemed more than fine to let her drag him around, and scold him for flirting too much. Kind of like a big sister or something.

OOC notes

Anything said or done while in character is just that, purely the character. I like to let RP pan out naturally and that can sometimes lead to all kinds of crazy situations. I'm very casual about these things OOCly, and seeing as I play a rather flirty character, would just like to note that nothing said or done by him reflects my personal feelings.

Something I don't condone is tying up someone's character in RP, and then leaving them hanging. That's just not cool, man. The same goes for stealing RP away from others. I very much like to let my character do what he would do, but if it ends up stepping on any toes OOCly, I will back out. It's meant to be fun, after all, and I'm really nervous about upsetting people OOC.