Safiya Stormcrow

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Safiyya Kurye

"She's got the wind in her hair, moonchild shining bright and she is dancing, with a dream in her heart..."

Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png Safiyya Kurye
Safiyya Avatar011.png
Captivating Dancer
Gender Female
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa
Tribe Ala Mhigan
Birthdate 7th Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon, 1557
Guardian Menphina, the Lover
Troupe Chovexani



Height: 5'2"

Hair Colour: Dusky Red

Complexion: Deeply Tanned

Build: Lithe and Wiry

Distinctive Marks

Safiyya keeps her right eye covered with her hair, although from time to time, it is visible; while her left eye is a vibrant green, her right is an equally vibrant purple. She seems to be bothered by their difference in colour, and this is likely why she styles her hair the way she does.


Safiyya always has a matching set of jewellery on, typically in either copper, brass or antique gold tones with red stones of some sort. She prefers drop earrings when she's not fighting, and simple studs when she is fighting. Most of her sets of jewellery are comprised of a thick necklace, a thick pair of armbands, ornate bracelets, drop earrings, and stud earrings.

One accessory that she never seems to be without is a particular anklet that she wears on her left ankle. It is a wide antiqued gold band with a few chains hanging from it. Even when she wears shoes that cover her ankles, she still has the band on under them.

Due to the fact that she is both an entertainer and a combatant, Safiyya has a variety of clothing and armour. She also has a collection of jackets and hats that patrons have either given her, or been tricked out of; after the first few pieces were given to her, it became a game to Safiyya - once a patron became invested in her troupe, she would "collect" either their jacket or hat through manipulation.

Anything that is the base of an outfit is usually some sort of neutral tan colour, leaning towards a dark gold hue. Pants and skirts are often a darker brown tone, while accents are usually some sort of maroon colour. A few of her dancing clothes use goldcloth, usually the darker hues of such, but those are for special occasion only.



Tsera Brishin Kali Cherkla - A small encampment, part of Little Ala Mhigo. Safiyya's blood family reside here.

Cabana Chovexani - The troupe's chapter house in Costa del Sol. As a founding member, Safiyya is considered one of the owners.

Kaer Brishin Kali Cherkla - Safiyya's bungalow in Costa del Sol. The bungalow is 900 square feet, with a small deck that wraps around the entire house; it is right on the beach, set up on stilts.


Safiyya Kurye

Appearances in Fiction


Motivations: Creation, Hedonism, Play

Disposition: Playful

Outlook: Optimistic

Sexuality: Pansexual



Favorite Foods: Chaunterelle Saute

Favorite Drinks: Ale, mulled tea

Favorite Colors: Dark reds and golds

Hobbies: Acrobatics, music appreciation, cards/gambling, fortune-telling, painting

Positive Personality Traits: Upbeat, responsible, thoughtful, daring, open-minded, empathic, cultured, charming, entertaining, exotic, free-thinking

Negative Personality Traits: Manipulative, capricious, reckless, greedy, mysterious, evasive, rebellious

Misc. Quirks: Safiyya tends to hum while drumming her fingers in ethnic beat patterns whenever it's quiet or she's bored. She's also extremely superstitious, as is most of her family.

Like many entertainers, she is often prone to exaggeration, especially when telling stories.

As entertainers are wont to do, occasionally Safiyya will name-drop, if she feels it will help her or her troupe.




Malika Kellimus - The original leader of Chovexani Dancer Troupe. While she still manages the troupe, Malika can no longer dance due to an injury taken during a bombard invasion.

I'tidal Bashalde - One of the dancers in Chovexani Dancer Troupe. She helps Malike manage the purchasing and sales of costumes and other things the troupe might need.


Goals and Ambitions




Safiyya Kurye

Early Life

Although she was born in Ala Mhigo, Safiyya did not grow up there; less than a year after her birth, her family and many more escaped from the city-state due to their differences with the Garlean Empire. Instead, she was one of the first generations to grow up within what is now known as Little Ala Mhigo.

From an early age, Safiyya showed an affinity for dance. Even before she was old enough to focus on technique, she would dance whenever she had the chance, trying to mimic the adults around the camps. Her mother recognised her talent, and with the help of others within the community, she began to teach Safiyya.

Safiyya also learned how to cook early on, helping the community make the large scale meals as well as helping her mother cook for the family. Although she only learned how to cook traditional Ala Mhigan meals while she was young, she has expanded her repertoire of recipes since leaving the settlement. While she enjoys cooking quite a bit, though dancing is her first love.

Like many others in her generation, Safiyya was also trained in martial combat so that she could protect herself. Between the creatures that lurked in the deserts of Thanalan, and the ever reaching shadow of the Garlean Empire, the leaders of the community believed it best that everyone know how to fight in some fashion. While she showed a slight aptitude for magic, Safiyya transformed her dances into deadly combat by modifying the teachings of the Ala Mhigan monks that fled their homeland.


Safiyya started her wanderings in the desert surrounding Little Ala Mhigo at a relatively early age. She was still a very young teenager when she started exploring, at first slipping out of the settlement in the dark of the night, and then later joining in hunting parties and defensive patrols. As she grew older, her ranging expanded away from the settlement, spending a night or two at a time out in the desert; she always carried a bedroll, a cloth that could be used as a tent or extra bedding, and a set of flint and steel so that she could light fires.

When she was sixteen, her parents finally consented to allow her to travel beyond the deserts of Thanalan. Her first stop was the gilded city of Ul'dah, and while many from Ala Mhigo had a difficult time fitting in with city life, she took to such like a fish takes to water. The fashions from the Weavers' Guild became an obsession, and she continued her studies in dancing with the local entertainers, learning even more techniques and styles while teaching the methods of her people.

She remained in Ul'dah for a year and a half before she continued on to Gridania. One of the Miqo'te dancers she had met was from the Shroud, and the descriptions of the lush forests made Safiyya curious, as even at the oasis that dotted the deserts, trees and lush plant life were a rare commodity; the idea that an entire area could be inaccessible due to being covered in flora was unheard of, and so she had to go investigate for herself.

Although the Gridanians were by and large a peaceful people, Safiyya found them to be far more reserved and prudish than the Ala Mhigans and the Ul'dans, particularly the Elezen residents. Many of her costumes were left packed away, and she had to create many more in the styles that were favourable within the Twelveswood; she also had to be selective with the styles of dance she engaged in, although wearing more traditional and covering clothing alleviated that to a degree.

While she was fascinated by the forests, Safiyya didn't linger long in Gridania; after hearing about the vast ocean surrounding Limsa Lominsa, she left the Shroud, barely spending six months there. Although it took some manipulation, and a hefty amount of coin, Safiyya was able to obtain both an airship pass and a ferry pass.

It wasn't long before Safiyya started exploring the area surrounding Limsa Lominsa. She had immediately fallen in love with the harbour town, and applied for citizenship as soon as they would allow her to; eventually, she joined the Maelstrom as a reservist. While her parents were a bit disappointed that she decided to settle so far from Little Ala Mhigo, however they were supportive of her decision.

Settling in Costa del Sol

After settling in Limsa Lominsa, Safiyya focused on becoming a part of the local entertainment guilds, dancing at places like the Mizzenmast Inn, the Drowning Wench, and special events throughout the city. There were many talented dancers in Limsa Lominsa, yet not as many entertainers as there were in Ul'dah, and she soon found herself a member of a small troupe that specialized in the more exotic form of dance from the deserts of Thanalan ((belly dancing)).

It wasn't long before the troupe caught the attention of the organisers of Costa del Sol. Although the troupe leader took several weeks to shrewdly negotiate the conditions of the troupe's employment, Safiyya got to celebrate her eighteenth birthday by having a house warming party in her new bungalow. Although it is a small place, nothing more than a living room, breakfast nook, kitchen, bedroom and bathroom, she loves her new home even more than her apartment in Limsa Lominsa.

Since then, Safiyya has been performing five nights a week with her troupe, spending the majority of her time relaxing on the beach. She does do a patrol a day with the Cascadiers, clearing the area of the various dangers and helping to keep the tourists safe. While most of her troupe are not combatants, and don't really understand her drive, the patrols allow her to keep her skills honed - who needs guards when the dancer can beat up the riff-raff herself!

The Present, and the Future

Recently, the manager of Chovexani Dancer Troupe was injured in a bombard attack, despite Safiyya's best efforts to keep all of the troupe safe while they retreated. A number of other members were injured, however all but Malika recovered without incident; Malika's left ankle was permanently damaged, as well as most of her left foot. While Malika continues to manage the troupe, she can no longer dance, leaving Safiyya to head up the troupe on the stage.

Allies, Enemies, and Fools

Dramatis personæ

Behind the Scenes (OOC Information)

Played by What Famous Person: May Hariri

External Links

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