Suna Yari

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Garlemald Flag.jpg Yari no Suna
Gender Female
Race Au Ra
Clan Raen
Citizenship Doman
Age 24
Marital Status Single
Occupation Spearmaiden
Height/Weight 110 ponze (50 kg) / 61 ilms (155 cm)
Orientation Bisexual
  • Yari no Tenzo(Father)
  • Yari no Saya(Mother)
  • Yari no Tenjin(Brother)

Yari no Suna (Eorzean: Suna Yari) (1st Sun 4th Astral Moon (1 Apr)) is a Doman Au Ra spearmaiden displaced by the destruction of her homeland by the Garleans. She currently roams Eorzea, exploring and assisting anyone she encounters in the name of defending her new home.


Watching People




Alignment: Neutral Good
Vice(s): None
Favourite Food: Apkallu Omelette
Favourite Drink: Ishgardian Tea
Favourite Color: Dark Blue

Appearance & Personality

110 ponze packed in 61 ilms, Suna hardly stands out anywhere. Her chestnut brown hair is kept fastidiously braided, albeit loosely and her dark blue eyes are capped with an only slighter hue of umbral rings. Her pale skin belies the hours spent in the sun, though her cheeks get red from exertion should there ever be a need for them to. Her chin juts out, providing a nice contrast from the smoothness of the rest of her face while her eyes are almost always wide open, searching for something, anything, to lock on to.
Very few had ever heard Suna speak more than a few terse, clipped words as if the very act of talking caused physical distress on her. Perhaps it did, though none had ever asked. She speaks through other means, a small smile, a wince, laughter quickly ended before it could truly begin. She spoke with her hands, giving people things for reasons known only to her. Most of the time, however, she is alone, quiet, watching others go about their lives, her hands move in small gestures, a habit forged by one used to wielding a spear where sweeping motions were reserved for decisive blows. She is partial to food, and would like to eat new things. Perhaps, if one were lucky - and the food good enough - one could see her eyes crinkle into a smile masked by quick chewing.


The Lancers of Gridania and the Dragoons of Ishgard, believed the spear to be an extension of their bodies. The Yari, however, believed the opposite, that their bodies were an extension of the spear, whose will was carried out by the spearmasters and spearmaidens that devoted their lives to the craft. High up in the jagged spires of Eastern Othard where good footing was a luxury, the Yari family had grown from one, to several smaller families all claiming the name of the spear.
By tradition, the second child of every household of the Yari was offered to the temple of the Dawn Father on their ninth nameday, where hewn rocks had been molded into a suitable training ground for the future defenders of the Au Ra. Yari no Suna’s parents had two children, a boy and a girl. She was the second.
She would never speak of it, but sometimes, she had to strain to remember their faces when they came to visit on her name day, the only time of the year during her training that she would get a reprieve from the painful task of training her body and mind into the singular devotion of the spear. They were a happy couple, though her brother seemed ill at ease around her for reasons unable to be explained in one full day. The only day they had.
She loved them, in her own strange way, and they loved her. Although they knew that the young child that had run around their home as her father toiled in his workshop was gone, replaced by a spearmaiden who they could be proud of one day. Gone was the little girl that had demanded to be brought to the market to watch the merchants from Doma go by on their way to the inn. Suna had turned quiet, closed to them. Hours upon hours of meditating and training had changed her. On her 17th name day, they did not visit. Suna understood. She shed many tears that night, and very rarely ever since.
She trained, for there was nothing else to do now. For a year she trained long and hard and became even more of a recluse than was normal. She rarely spoke, even to her masters. She nodded, she bowed, and she did her drills daily. Her masters did not care overmuch if she did not speak, only that she performed admirably. Suna performed admirably, and that was enough for them. No one could claim to have seen her smile.
On her 18th nameday, she went to the market and watched the people, committing their faces, their actions and reactions into memory. It reminded her of what it meant to be human, to be less of the spear. It was her one indulgence having nothing else.
She wed her spear the next day.
The Wedding of the Spear was the end of her apprenticeship. Now she was to journey through the mountains, giving succor to those in need. The Yari had no official command, only that they were to take the teachings of honour and courage to heart. Suna left her village and never came back.


She followed the caravans, long trains of pulled carts carrying wares by the Domans, the only people brave or foolish enough to go through the mountain passes. Merchants paid her good coin to protect them and to save them should they fall down, her nimble footing and speed, her willingness to jump into the abyss below to save a merchant were what made her just too important to pass by.
They would say goodbye to her at the edge of Raen land. At the foothills she would find another caravan requesting her aid, to other Raen towns or even farther North through Xaela territory. She did this for a year before her curiosity, the fires of which her masters had thought long since quenched, got the better of her. One day, just after escorting a caravan, she ignored all others and walked on. She would only look back once, with eyes at once devoid of emotion and full of hope. Perhaps she would return one day. Perhaps not.
She had never seen so many people, more importantly, she had never seen so many people without horns nor scales before. The first merchant town that she passed, she wished to have stayed forever. In her village, market day was once a month. Judging by the hustle and the bustle, it seemed like every day was market day. She smiled before going to bed, in a small inn room that cost her far less than she thought luxuries like soft beds should be worth. They never had soft beds in the temple, and any memory of having slept in one from a time before that was long gone.
The weather turned warmer, as she travelled lower and lower into the plains of Othard, where the Domans had a bastion of their arts and sciences. She watched painters on the street, not daring to blink as their canvasses became filled with a beauty Suna had only seen on faded paper. Warmth had forced her to buy Doman attire, for the Raen weavers never truly thought of warm clothing as worthy of their time. Summers this warm were unheard of, after all.
She watched the Domans in their tea shops drinking, talking, arguing. Some merchants would remember her and ask her why she was there. “I wish to see.” She said simply, and that was enough for them. They would ask her if she were willing to go up the mountains again, she would say yes sometimes, but none ever brought her back to the village. Perhaps it was luck that it didn’t. She was different now. She had seen and while she might never truly feel, seeing would suffice.


The Garleans invaded with the speed and ferocity of a snow wolf . Suna would hear murmurs of places she had never been to, succumbing to the might of the empire and soon, Suna would hear tales of places she ""had"" been to. The idea of this beautiful land that, if she were to admit, she called her home, was being invaded did not sit well with her. All her life she was trained to defend the weak and the infirm, it was now time to put those skills to the test.
The Doman Resistance welcomed her openly. Yari spearmaidens were known for their skill and their devotion to whatever cause they decided to throw their lot with. Now she fought valiantly beside them, people who had once given her strange stares due to her lineage now shoulder to shoulder against waves of magitek and men. Sometimes she would speak briefly with her erstwhile comrades in the field and from them she learned much. Of Doman towns in far off places, of the cities across the sea, sparkling jewels in the desert, the ocean, and the forests of that place. She dreamed of these places, in the few hours of sleep afforded to her. Camaraderie aside, she was more than once used as bait. Garlean checkpoints confiscated weapons from passers through and Suna's absolute refusal to part with her spear, along with her unassuming figure painted her as a target amongst the enemy. She did not mind, there were larger things to worry about after all and both she and her allies knew that there was no way some Vanguard or Reaper could best a spearmaiden. These machines that she had never seen before interested her and, sometimes, in the heat of battle, she had been noted to have jumped towards them, poke them once to touch and feel them, before jumping away. Her allies questioned her the first time she did this, with her reply being that she wanted to see what they were made of. As if one simple touch had deciphered the entirety of Garlean engineering to the spearmaiden. In her world, touching them was how she learned what they were all about. Tactile sensations had always afforded her far more confidence than her sharp eyes could. Sometimes she wondered how they would get thems up the mountain paths into the Raen land. She was glad that they would at least have a very hard time about it.
Then it was over. She had thought they were doing so well, ambushing the Garleans wherever they could, liberating a few of the towns that, just a year or two ago, she had visited as an outsider. Now she was being hailed a hero. She never accepted the title, even in those quiet moments. She was Yari. This was her duty. All the nice food they cooked in her honour was good though, she would afford herself a smile at the thought. But it was over. Now, Doma was a memory. She did not know how, or why, only that those same towns were razed to the ground, a fleet of hastily built ships and stolen vessels ferried the remnants of Doma into the sea.
And so came Suna of the Spear to the shores of Eorzea, and here she would be called upon again, the spear and the maiden in the defence of a new land to call home.



Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
"*I've never seen anyone eat that many pies before." -- Ishgardian Culinarian
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)


Romantic Interest     Platonic Love      Good Standing     Poor Standing



TV Tropes: The Quiet One No Social Skills Bizarre Taste in Food Blade On A Stick