Isranne Valreux

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Ishgard.jpg Isranne Valreux
Ffxiv 01092016 171045.jpg
Red Snow
Basic Information
Gender Female
Race Elezen
Clan Wildwood
Citizenship Ishgard
Server Balmung
Aliases Red Snow, Issy, Isran, Bastard
Nameday 15th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon,

25 Winters Old

Birthplace The Holy See of Ishgard, Coerthas
Free Company The Midnight Pearl, Sanctuary and Brotherhood
Guardian Halone, the Fury; The Pantheon of Halonic Saints

She of mountains, a woman born of the north with whores' blood who strives to fulfill an honor claimed non-existent. To balance rage with mercy, to balance fury with chivalry. An unorthodox knight, one could say, but a knight indeed. A knight of the cold, a warrior of the snow.



Hair: Black of hair

Skin: Light-skinned

Height: 76 inches, 6'3 ft.

Physique: Toned, Athletic

Tattoos & Piercings

One of the defining features of this Elezen is the fact her body and flesh is a myriad of art, an artwork itself not out of arrogance of self but of what has been placed upon it. Isranne has numerous piercings, a variety of silver rings and studs. Her ears clasped with dark metal, her left eyebrow pierced with a silver ring, another identical ring attached to her right nostril to match, although sometimes with a stud in place. Her bottom lip was two piercings, not usually in together, a ring on the center of her bottom lip, and another at the left corner.

This is only a start. Her figure itself is a collage of colored and black/white artistry. Her left arm is home to a written prayer on her forearm and a symbol of Gae Bolg on her upper arm drawn in black tint. A black brand in the shape of the spear-head lays on her skin below her left breast, more brand than tattoo.

The imagery of a barbed rosary, brutal and bloody, is set on her left thigh, snaking around her leg from her waist to her knee, a realistic, colored depiction as if the rosary were piercing into her skin. The beads are black, and blood was worked into the artistry, drawn as if bleeding from the wounds inflicted by the barbs in conservative amounts.

The final piece of artwork rests upon her upper back. A beautiful, intricate black tint art-piece of the holy Saint Cathorine, both Isranne's middle-name sake and her matron saint. The piece stretches from her shoulders to just above her lower back, done with intricate halos and details upon the face of the Ishgardian Saint, half of her bust covered in the robes of her modest cloth of faith, and the other half of the drawn bust decorated in the Drachen mail of saints before and beyond.


Isranne is often seen as cheerful, outgoing and easy to get along with. She often speaks lyrically, as if excited about the very prospect of conversation; and there is a pep in her step that only disappears along with her front demeanor when the armor is on and the weapon is wielded. A difference then, from Isranne Cathorine de Montagne to Red Snow - Whom is a warrior that controls the beast within whilst unleashing its fury.


Fiorasa, her Warrior's axe, was earned from her mentor along with her name. In conjunction with her Warrior stone, she held this ferocious weapon with stunning skill and terrifying power. Now, with the loss of part of herself, this weapon's true power is but a memory, but one she will hold onto always.

Judas, Gae Bolg, forged for the holy knights of Ishgard, the Dragoon. Isranne's unification with this weapon was not a pleasant one. The blood of her kin and of innocents has run upon the tip due to the actions of a heretic. Isranne has been given a chance, however, to wash away the innocent blood, in place of the black blood of Nidhogg's Horde, and mayhaps soon the Great Wyrm itself.

Juliette, the Ishgardian's firelock. Named after the weapon of the late C'oria Vett, this rifle is a powerful mix of Ishgardian and Limsan technology, making it an effective weapon and the perfect better half of a Pirate.


Where does her cheerful act come into play if she is such a cold warrior? Why, in her second passion behind fighting. Singing. A 'bard', one might say, but Isranne sings not for coin, but her own enjoyment, and sometimes, the enjoyment of others. She's skilled in vocals and the lute, reveling in travel for the sole purpose of learning cultural, local and folk songs from the places she comes to visit.

Aside from music, Isranne is quite a physical woman - Enjoying sport, sparring and if it should even count; gambling and wine.


The Beginning

It is certain that everyone who knew the man wanted to know why the proud Lord Antelioux Beaureux forewent his honor that night. He took a prostitute to bed and laid with her - Through no fault of his beloved wife's, so he would tell it. Perhaps this faux-pas would have passed if not for the fruits it bore. For many moons later, the Lord brought a young babe into his home; an infant girl with stranger's eyes. The child would not bear his name, but she would bear whatever her father could offer her.

He wouldn't speak of why he took the girl from her mother. Perhaps' growing in a brothel seemed ill-suiting to him. None the less, the child stayed in the family home and grew up alongside the son, Everard. A life in the Holy See is what one might expect, and despite her status, she was treated well enough by her father and brother. Her older step-sibling grew to become a proud warrior of Ishgard, a crusader - And like most who grow to become confident soldiers, they end up bleeding in the snow with youth still in their flesh. Everard was killed in combat whilst Isranne - As she had been named - was a mere thirteen winters old.

She'd never say her father treated her poorly, but since that loss, a sever was there between her and her family. She merely kept quiet. What else could she do? Save for the one time she had the nerve to ask her step-mother of all people about the identity of the woman who truly bore her. 'Whore'. 'Woman of the Night'. 'Open Ledger'. It was these terms that Isranne was given to paint the image of the woman she would never meet. A mistake of inquiry she would never make again.

Growing past the family trade of smithing, Isranne spoke fondly and as often as she could to her cousin Absolonloix, the Elezen who would soon make his name known and his influence burn bright to many people. When he left to seek adventure, a small part of her childhood disappeared, and it was with that - That Isranne knew youth was over.

She finally left the Holy See with little farewell, and took caravan to lower Eorzea. For what purpose, is unbeknownst.

The Warrior

Her lack of knowledge of the land outside of the Holy See proved dangerous for Isranne, the Elezen caught in the fiercest of blizzards. All turned around, with little sense of direction, the young Ishgardian fell into the snow where she had oft poetically stated she would die.

Die she would not, however. Her first bout of consciousness forced her eyes open to the sight of the beast looming over her. When her vision cleared, this was no beast, but a man. A large, hulking Hellsguard by the name of Red Ox. She had been saved by this man, and as she later found out - His village.

Deep in Abalathia's Spine, the Elezen stayed amongst her Roegadyn saviors until a choice was brought to her. She could step into the snow once more, the deep winding valleys and the terrible winds - She could go die in the snow as she had so desired. Her second option, was to stay, to learn and to mature.

Learning the art of the Warrior took years for the Elezen, years until she could earn her crystal, her axe and her name.

Red Snow.

The Pearl

Isranne was ready for lower Eorzea, and her new adventures. They took her to La Noscea, home of the sea-folk and the proud Eorzean Armada. Odd that a woman of the mountains would take to the sea, but she felt a match to this land, and her desires to follow her cousins' legends in the seas drove her to seek out the Pearl.

Now a member of her cousins' legacy and a proud free company, Isranne strives to protect her new family, even through her failures.

The Knight & The Pirate

The loss of the stone that Isranne once considered as much a part of herself as her own beating heart was a deep blow towards the Ishgardian. Yet fate had other plans for what may have been a weakened and dying woman. Upon the defeat of the Heretic which had plagued both the Holy See and the Pearl, Isranne’s return of the weakened dragon soul crystal, and the Gae Bolg which had caused so much ruin gave way to a response she did not quite expect. In a twist of fate, the lance which had harmed so many was thrust into Isranne’s hands, and the stone placed around her neck. The soulstone, weakened from the loss of its former user, has prompted the Knight to find a way to rekindle its fire, so that she might use it to defend her country and her family.

Yet a Knight does not oft find themselves at home in the confines of a ship at sea. Yet even here, Isranne will not allow the loss of her Warrior’s spirit to halt her. Still skilled with an axe, Isranne has new intentions. To master fire and smoke, so she might embrace what she considers a second home; a home filled with pirates.


Romantic Interest Platonic Love Good Standing Poor Standing


Antelioux Beaureux

Isranne's father, and the last remaining Lord of Beaureux. A vassal beneath Fortemps, Antelioux resides in the Holy See to this day. Isranne knows not who her mother is, nor will he tell her. All she knows is that she is her father's mistake. To his credit, he has oft tried to let her know that while mistake her birth was, her being is not. After returning, however, Antelioux is a different man. A changed, albeit still tired, exasperated man.

Josefine Beaureux

Wife to lord Antelioux and mother to Everard; Isranne's step-mother. She has never been kind to the daughter that is not hers, and Isranne never blamed her, truly. Even still, upon her return to Ishgard, Isranne was forced to sleep in the servants' quarters, fostering tension that had simmered for almost a decade that she had been gone.

Everard Beaureux

Half-sibling to Isranne, Temple Knight and now missing and considered dead. Isranne spent much of her time in isolation within her chambers, but her times out and about were spent with Everard; whom was kind to her and even cheerful. Losing him was a difficult time for Isranne.

Absolonloix Beaureux

The founder of the Midnight Pearl, and Isranne's cousin - The elezen was a hero of Eorzea, and a paragon of which all members of the Midnight Pearl strive to live up to.


Hoshichou Gisei "I see a bastard who has chosen to leave a life of luxury for a life dedicated to aiding others."

A newly formed confidante of Isranne's, Hoshichou is a mysterious woman from the destroyed nation of Doma. Isranne's initial impressions of Au Ra have been mixed, but Hoshi's presence pushed Isranne through a difficult time - An act she will not forget. Hoshichou continues to be an Enigma, no matter how much time Isranne spends with her. A cause to pursue more.

Larkspur Nym "Thank you, Red Snow. You've saved my life this sun."

Larkspur Nym, a fellow kinsman of Isranne's, is a beauty of both Ishgard and the Black Shroud. Trying to control her own beast, Isranne can empathize with Larkspur's plight to control a great power she holds. The duo often hunt Dravanians together in the efforts to protect their homeland. There is a difference between agreeing with what is wrong, and protecting what is right.

Amy Sere "I am going to practice and get stronger! Everyday!"

Isranne's Warrior prodigy, the Ishgardian has taken to her mentor position over the Miqo'te as one of her most important roles in the Pearl. Amy has remained an optimistic figure, even through the hardships she's experienced, and it only causes Isranne to respect her young protege even more.

Cotota Qestir "..."

Cotota Qestir is one of the Midnight Pearl's many rescues. A Xaela from Othard, and unable to speak - It might be odd that a talker such as Isranne could relate so well to a silent young woman; a woman now dedicated to helping others stay away from the fate she suffered.

Braxis Wynterwulf "Always happy to serve th'See."

Braxis is a fellow man of the north, and Isranne's chance to prove to the other members of the Pearl's retinue that Ishgard can produce men of open hearts and strong wills.

Simi Jinkjahl "Your family is -here-, Isranne, and they need you."

The leader of the Midnight Pearl of which Isranne serves, Simi Jinkjahl is a mother figure both to her actual offspring and to the company she leads. As chosen leader of Absolonloix's legacy, Isranne swears fealty to a woman with a strength that is shown not in force of arms, but in spirit and will.

Zerier Romeaux "Whilst I undergo mine own issues regarding mine father, Halvier, I wilt never forsake of thee to seek sanctuary either."

A fellow Ishgardian and ally to Isranne, Lord Zerier Romeaux of the Durendaire - The Black Lion of Ishgard - has proved a valuable friend and ally in Isranne's own efforts to help protect the Holy See. Isranne looks up to him in aspects of respect and honor.

Apples and Snow "Adventure! We -love- adventure!"

A dynamic duo! Apples and Snow, as they call themselves are a pair of adventurous Lalafell who have bright optimism and brighter spirits for the thrill of the quest!


The Garlean Empire The Tyrants of Hydaelyn, enemies to all free peoples.

The Dravanian Horde Those who have fought Ishgard for a thousand years, and those who continue to do so under the dreadwyrm Nidhogg.

The Beastmen Followers of the wicked and destructive primals.

Rumor Mill

The following rumors will have locations attached to them, meaning that characters who frequent such areas can pick up on these rumors and use them to initiate role-play, or pursue interaction with Isranne.

Common Rumors

Across Eorzea

  • "There goes that lass touting her free company up and down the road. Whatsit called? The Kite Pearl?"
  • "Now that mort there- Yeah the elezen - Lovely singing voice, eh?"
  • "Self-proclaimed dragon hunter, hm? She's often with the Convictors."

Moderate Rumors

La Noscea/Ul'dah/Dravania/Coerthas

  • "Ah, so forth goes Antelioux's bastard."
  • "She's been coming out of the Romeaux Manor - Why does she not stay with her own family?"
  • "She defended that Syndicate lady - S'probably a hired thug."

Rare Rumors

Limsa Lominsa/Ishgard/Abalathia's Spine

  • "Red snow, they call her. They say she earned that name murdering a companion."
  • "What manner of weapon is that, that sings... she wields it, the bastard."
  • "Is it true she fights in the colisuem? No, the... Unsavory sorts of brawls. Ain't legal, for sure."

PC Rumors

Across Eorzea

OOC Information

Thank you for reading through my trash wiki! @.@ Below is some contact information if you have any concerns/questions/just want to talk!

Enjin Moniker: Rycas

Skype: rycas.altonese

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- This Template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea. Thank you kindly!

- Consider this Wiki constantly in need of updating due to character growth/story.