Alexander Garamsythe

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Revision as of 11:22, 1 February 2016 by Ladyrochester (talk | contribs) (Appearance)
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Ul'dah-transparent.png Alexander Garamsythe
The bastard
OOC Character Information
Main Job(s): Black Mage
Main Tradeskill: Unknown
Preferred Role: DPS
Server: Balmung
Alignment: Neutral Evil/True Neutral
Reputation: Unknown
Occupation: • Wandering Merchant
• Socialite
Education: Private tutorship
Marital Status: Single
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Guardian: Rhalgr, The Destroyer
Free Company
Items Carried
Race: Hyur
Clan: Midlander
Age: 25
Height: 6 fulm 1 ilm
Weight: 170 ponze
Eyes: Silver
Hair: Platinum Blonde
Complexion: Pale
Physical Build: Medium/Toned
Notable Features: Unknown
   Martial Prowess
   Magic Affinity




Despite being relatively tall for a midlander, Alexander is anything but intimidating. Everything about his appearance seems washed out and calm. His skin is pale, with a tendency to freckle under the sun, his light strawberry blonde hair is kept short and neatly brushed to his right. His most remarkable feature are his icy silver eyes, which peer at the world with a kind, orderly, and refined demeanor. Alexander likes to dress fairly casual, avoiding flashy colours or jewelry that might attract too much attention.

Voice & Speech

Alexander's voice can be best described as "silvery", it's clear, light, and pleasant. When it comes to his vocabulary, he's highly articulate, remaining very formal, even inappropriately so. He may speak in a tone that is condescending, but it's usually unintentional.


Raised strictly as a noble and as a possible successor to his family's business, Alexander keeps a prim and proper disposition to the world. He's polite, calm, cheerful, and well-mannered. Alexander is extremely patient, having a rather level-headed outlook on most situations. The only emotions he ever reveals to the world are those of joy and mild annoyance, anything beyond that is kept private. Despite his cool disposition, he loves keeping people close and grows concerned if they distance themselves, almost to the point of being possessive.

Alexander doesn't see people as tools, he sees them as pets. The world is a stage put on just for him, and the more chaotic it is, the more entertaining to him.


  • Being part of a family that focuses on the crafting and selling of weaponry, Alexander has a child-like fascination for all kinds of weapons, especially those of rare, high-quality.
  • Despite being very patient, daring to insult or harm his younger brother or goals can send him into a frenzy.

Positive & Negative traits

Positive traits

  • Well-mannered
  • Friendly
  • Loyal
  • Clever
  • Unflappable
  • Protective
  • Headstrong
  • Thoughtful

Negative traits

  • Cold
  • Conniving
  • Obsessive
  • Cynical
  • Stubborn
  • Spiteful
  • Mildly Sadistic
  • Jealous


Despite being an adept mage, Alexander prefers a more stategic approach when it comes to fighting. He doesn't fare well with surprises or abrupt confrontations, but if he's given time to study his enemy and analyze his surroundings, the balance will shift on his favour.

Likes & Dislikes



  • Socializing
  • Making allies
  • Drinking
  • Challenges
  • Competition
  • Stroking his ego
  • Gil


  • Incompetence
  • Impulsiveness
  • Overly emotional bullshit

Family & Relationships (NPCs)


Relationships (other RPCs)

This character has yet to go out into the world!

Rumors (True and Untrue)

Common Rumors

  • "He's a sweet kid, he just doesn't seem to reveal much about himself."

Moderate Rumors

  • "Ain't he a bastard? Heard his father had an affair with a maid or somethin'."

Rare Rumors

  • "It's real easy to piss 'im off, just poke him about being lesser than Sebastian or unable to protect his younger brother, sends him over the rails!"

RPC Rumors

None yet! Feel free to add your own! It can be good or bad, but make sure you stay IC please. :)
