U'zhan Tia

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General Appearance

Being a member of the U tribe who reside in the Sagolii desert it would be expected for U'zhan to have darker skin but even among his kin he is considerably darker. U'zhan's dark skin and white fur sometimes gets him mistaken for the son of the Tribe's current Nunh, despite the fact that he was born nearly two decades before hand. Still the dark skin and white fur have give the male quite the contrast, one that is often accented by the white face paint he is almost never seen without. While he generally keeps himself fully covered, a trait that many miqo'te of both sexes seem to not have, the times he can be seen without a shirt displays the numerous scars the male has as well as the large tribal tattoo on his back. There are a couple of more noticeable injuries on the male, half of his right ear looks to have been cut off and he walks with a slight limp favoring his right leg.

Some of the rumors herein are grossly over-exaggerated and could be outright false. Feel free to add your own in the PC Rumors.

Common Rumors (Easily overheard)

Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)

Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)

PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)



Romantic Interest     Platonic Love      Good Standing     Neutral     Poor Standing
Sexual tension    Deceased

Toqto'a Dotharl "Strong of body with a tempered spirit. Don't let this Xaela's calm exterior fool you, he's as fierce as any Sun Drake."
The first and only Au Ra under U'zhan's employ, the two met shortly after the Xaela's arrival in Ul'dah. Seeing as the man needed work, U'zhan hired him to help with some of the heavier lifting that comes with moving ore and weapons. All in all the two have a mutually beneficial working arrangement.

Special Thanks

This Template was created by Bancroft Gairn.