Kazha'a Anhsari

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PLEASE NOTE: This Wiki is constantly changing and updating. The information on this page is mostly OOC knowledge, and contains spoilers. Please, do not edit this page, thanks muchly!
Last update made: March 12th, 2016

 Kazha'a Anhsari
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship None
Religion Menphina, the Lover
Age 26
Nameday 14th Sun of the 1st Umbral Moon
Height/Weight 5 fulms 4 ilms, 135 ponz
Occupation Blade-for-hire
Server Balmung

Kazha'a Anhsari is a broody, young Keeper of the Moon that abandoned his clan in search of independence once he came of age. Named a traitor, he can never return, but found himself more drawn to the freedom outside of his family unit as the seasons came and went.

He made a living as a blade-for-hire for most of his life, taking difficult or messy jobs that most would shy away from. Kazha'a also made quite a name for himself tomb raiding and treasure-hunting for various clients interested in trinkets of the past. Currently, he still takes the occasional job if he grows restless, but practicality as afforded him to not do so out of necessity any longer.



Given Name: Kazha'a Anhsari
Aliases/Nicknames: None that he openly allows.
Current Residence: Currently, Kazha'a keeps a room within the Phoenix Ara, Goblet 4th Ward, Plot 41.
Marital Status: Single, not interested.
Sexuality: Demisexual
Religion: Does not follow any set religion, though he was raised under the patron deity of Menphina.


Height: 5 fulms, Blank 4 - Kazha'a is fairly short even by Miqo'te standards.
Weight: 135 ponz - Kazha'a has a small, athletic form.
Body: Like most male Miqo'te, Kazha'a has a short, yet toned form. His small stature make him rather flexible and quick on his feet.
Complexion: Kazha'a has a somewhat ashen tone to his skin thanks to his Keeper heritage. But, it also carries a hint of color from the sun due to his travel and time outside the Shroud.
Face: With a slightly young face, Kazha'a's features are still somewhat soft. He has an angular nose and eyes. He would look quite a bit younger than he is if he learned not to scowl so much.
Hair: Kazha'a has naturally deep brown hair that grows in a pale blonde along his hairline. Curly hair runs in his mother's line, but he only has a slight wave which worsens when wet.
Fashion: Caring little for frivolities of fashion, Kazha'a wears things with purpose or that serve to aid him. While traveling, light armor such as leathers and coats make up most of his equipment. He is overly fond of dark colors and black.


Voice: TBA.
Demeanor: Kazha’a is a man who prefers keeping to himself. He is temperamental, anti-social, and seemingly unapproachable. He distances himself from people because he lacks the experience to freely give trust to those he does not know. But for those who do manage to earn that trust, he is fiercely loyal, protective and slightly possessive. What Kazha’a lacks in social skills, he makes up for in sheer determination, willingness to do tasks most would shy away from, and a need for independence.
Quirks: Kazha'a has a bad habit of getting angry for no reason, or running from his problems. He also has reservations being around women thanks to his open hatred of his mother, and the fear of most the females of his clan.
Intelligence: With more applicable skills in combat and survival than anything in relation to a proper education, Kazha'a was yet another illiterate citizen of Eorzea up until quite recently. After befriending Remioux, the Elezen began teaching him to read and write. He's made progress on reading more so than he has with his letters, as his failure with a quill and parchment is more tangible and easily serves to frustrate him.



Style: Kazha’a is the type of opponent that prefers to be in and out before the enemy even knows he has struck. He is far more used to short, quick bursts to fell an opponent than prolonged stamina-driven fights. Relying on his speed more than his ability to take a blow, Kazha’a’s best defense is not being hit at all. Extremely flexible, adaptive and observant, Kazha'a is a hard target to nail down.
Specialization: Kazha'a is extremely proficient with knives, stemming from years of hunting and skinning animals with his clan. His small size also allows for ease of stealth movement and the ability to stalk an enemy undetected. He has learned precision with throwing knives, able to hit marks several feet away with deadly accuracy. Though his companion, Beringar, has begun to teach him that his hands can be just as effective as a knife can. (Rogue & Monk)
Strengths: Describe.
Weaknesses: Describe.
Armour: Describe.









Favourite Food/Drink: Insert
Favourite Creatures: Insert
Least Favourite Food: Insert
Least Favourite Creature: Insert




Father: Name - (Alive/Deceased) - Info.
Mother: Name - (Alive/Deceased) - Info.


Please note: The below list constantly changes.
Romantic Interest     Sexual Desire     Platonic Love      Good Standing     Neutral Standing     Poor Standing

Good List

Bad List

Name - Info.


Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
"Quote" - Person
"Quote" - Person
"Quote" - Person
"Quote" - Person
"Quote" - Person

Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
"Quote" - Person
"Quote" - Person
"Quote" - Person
"Quote” - Person
"Quote” - Person
Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
"Quote" - Person
"Quote" - Person
"Quote" - Person
"Quote" - Person
PC Rumors (Rumors written by other Player Characters. If you wish to write a rumour, just go ahead and do so, make sure it's IC!)
"Quote." - Insert Player name and remove spaces in front of and this sentence



Template credit goes to Bancroft Gairn
My alts are: Tieve Cadalelle, Idris Cathal, Leh'to Nelhani, and Alexandre Valmont
FFXIV Art and RP Blog: Tumblr