Aimee Peltier

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Character Name

   Martial Prowess
   Magic Affinity

A young woman raised within the forested city state of Gridania, Aimee was an orphan found on the outskirts of the Shroud as an infant. No one came forward to claim the child, and nothing was found with her save for the blankets she was wrapped in to starve off the cold and a name penned across a leaflet of paper tucked inside the folds. One of many without a family to care for her, and perhaps because she never knew what it was like to have an 'official' one, she seemed to adapt to the life easily enough; never acting out or against her fellows and becoming friends with other children both and in and out of the orphanage. There was one small peculiarity about her though - her mismatched eyes, and a brief stint that her Matron would remember when she claimed that she was seeing things...wisps of light and vibrant colors that not only haloed people but was inside of them...


Appearance & Personality

Glass-lips.png Appearance & Personality

Nature & Demeanor

Nature & Demeanor

Demeanor: Generally soft and feminine, with just a slight undertone of tomboy. She seems to enjoy laughing in a group, but very easily can slip off for quiet time on her own.

Nature: Giving and good-natured. Slow to temper and with a very short burning fuse when she does become upset, unable to see the point in staying angry for long when most of it can be talked thru.

Habits: Fiddling with something when she's nervous. Stammering and stuttering when she's not being all the way truthful. If she ever finds herself feeling too scared or overwhelmed, she will often throw herself even more deeply in to work; though there will be papers everywhere, she is actually getting very little done.

Notable Features

Notable Features

Common Appearance: Aimee usually opts for a clean, fresh appearance. The only time she is ever mussed is when she's just rolling out of bed, or after she comes in from a hunting trip, and both of which are generally rapidly seen to when in the company of those outside of the most intimate relationships.

Scars & Markings: No visible scars or markings. The only thing that could be close to being considered as such is when her right eye, the violet one, is activated. The pupil will dilate with only a thin ring of color left on the edges, then crack, divide and reform in to an runic pattern, showing more of the normal eye color between.

Voice: Having picked up some very bad slang from all the male friends she's grown so close to, Aimee can go from being a very proper hostess to cracking some pretty bad jokes when she's with the right people. She does not really have much of an accent, though occasionally, she will slip to shortening her words with just the faintest bit of twang.

Clothing: Aimee's closet has everything in it from pure black and white, to every color inbetween of the rainbow. She likes to keep her wardrobe diverse; casual clothing of shirts, skirts and shorts intermingled with things inlaid with armor; soft materials very carefully stitched with spikes and metal added bits that serve no real purpose other than decorative. She loves big and fancy hats for no real reason in particular other than they give a flare to personality when having even the simplest of conversations. Very rarely does she ever wear jewelry save for the earrings and necklace she'd gotten from Oni, the bracelet from Raiden.




  • Chocolate
  • Candy
  • Roleplay


  • Dentists
  • Rotten Fruit
  • Wiki Code


  • My Profile
  • Winning the Lottery
  • Final Fantasy


Talk about character prejudices


Glass-sword.png Abilities



Strong points



weak points


combat proficiencies

People & Places

Glass-people.png People & Places
Romantic Attraction Attraction Platonic Love Family Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral Unsure

Relations (NPC)

Relations (NPC)
Character Name ( ) - Descriptor
Something : Details about the character

Relations (PC)

Relations (PC)
Another Name ( ) - Another
title :Basic



Common Rumors

  • TBD
  • TBD

Rare Rumors

PC Rumors

  • This
  • this twoo


Glass-hourglass.png History


Glass-pictureframe.png Art

OOC Information

Glass-heartlock.png OOC Information

Hard Limits

Hard Limits
Information about limits

Hooks & RP Favorites

Hooks & RP Favorites
Information about limits

External Links

External Links
  • <a href="">Tumblr</a>
  • <a href=">Another Page</a>
  • <a href=">Another Page</a>