Olixandre Blaque

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olixandre blaque
the little witch
Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png Olixandre Blaque
Placeholder person.gif
Gender Female
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa
Age Late teens, early twenties
Occupation Witch
Sexual Orientation Heterosexual
Height 5'2
Aliases Olix, Oli, O

Basic Info

Olix was born Olixandre Philyx Yfedra Noxima Blaque to a hermit of a witch and a bastard of a sailor under a stormy Umbral moon. A brilliant woman for her age and beyond, she tends to come off as aloof and distracted on her best days. She is a woman who grew up entirely too fast, however well she hides the scars of her heavy and complicated history. Having been born and raised on the shores of La Nosca in the shadow of her mother, she escaped the weight of her name in the sands of Thanalan. When she isn't floating from sandy region to sandy region and likely looking dreadfully out of place, she can be found offering potions (and poisons) to sell along with charmed talismans in Ul'Dah.

Olix has a heart-shaped face with high cheekbones and full cheeks. Despite her having been born and raised in La Nosca, she looks to have Thanalan in her blood. Her complexion is warm, dusted with freckles at her shoulders and across her nose. Her curly, chestnut-brown hair grows rapidly but is cut to linger just below her jawline. It is a decision based on functionality, not aesthetics, although her short hair does help show her age. She has her mother's eyes--a strikingly bright and cool gray with flecks of silver that, set against the warm complexion of her skin, are perhaps the most noticeable of her features. Try as she might to hide it by standing with her shoulders back and chin up when speaking to nearly anyone over half a head taller than her, Olix is quite short. Her body, however, is slightly curvier than most midlander women. What curves she does have are often masked by roomy fabrics and thick leathers. Olix has the typical La Noscan accent, thick with sea and wanderlust, but it isn't harsh or brash like most of her fellow Limsans. It is a warm alto; not exactly soft, but her voice does have a friendly quality to it. It cracks when she is excited and angered both. An accomplished alchemist (at least according to the streets, as she is very much unlicensed), she carries the sent of herbs and fresh air. She also tends to keep sage on her person, which adds to her earthy and natural scent.

She is always, always, in the company of a small silver-gray rat whose fur has a shine that almost looks magical in the right light. There is an intelligence behind its eyes that are also strangely similar to Olixandre's. It is impeccably nosy and nearly as cute, if not a bit off putting with its too-long tail, flopping ears, and sharp eyes.


Olixandre’s story began on a ship in the middle of a La Noscan hurricane. The product of an unconventional love affair between seaside witch Alessandre and rogue “sailor of opportunity” Oliver Blaque, Olix was born into a tiny makeshift family that was doomed from the start. All was well for the first few years, never mind her having been kept to her mother’s tiny hut on the outskirts of La Nosca. Eventually, the sea called Oliver away, thus ending the temporary union of Olix’s unlikely parents. Olix would know little besides those stormy shores for years to come.

Alessandre was always mad; madly passionate, madly brilliant, madly beautiful and madly difficult to understand. She was a legend among sailors and merchants alike--elusive and alluring, terrifying and fascinating, but to Olixandre she was just a mother who had no idea how to mother alone. Overprotective despite her emotional distance, Alessandre forbade Olix from the more populated areas of La Nosca. She rarely allowed Olix to see her father when he was in town, and when she did the visits were restricted to the swamps and country. Where Alessandre was cold, Oliver was warm--a decent father for what he was, knowing his choices prevented him from being there for Olix in the way he wanted to. Olix's life would fall into a pattern of shadowing her mother for weeks on end save for the one weekend a month Oliver docked in Lominsa until somewhere around her thirteenth year, when Oliver's visits stopped.

Whatever happened between Oliver's absence and the present, Olixandre doesn't explain. Condemned to a life of solitude and unanswered questions, Olix grew up paying careful attention to her mother's practices. She learned how to summon and how to cast easily, taking to practicing in her matchbox of a bedroom. Nymbus, her small rat summon, was born somewhere in those years--a creature she had to constantly hide from her mother's attention. To this day, the two are inseparable.


Olix comes off as distant upon first impression. She is easily distracted but easily entertained. Her aloofness could be blamed in part by her sheltered upbringing. She is slow to pick up on the nuances of social queues, and she has a habit of pointing out what may be obvious to most. "You're angry," she'd observe if the person she accidentally managed to frustrate provided a subtle tell of their frustration, like a heavy sigh or a slight eye roll. --an obvious queue to most, but not Oli. The combination of her social naivete and her appearance would make her come off as innocent and dewy, but she consciously goes to extensive lengths to prevent that impression. She suffers from a rather intense inferiority complex, making her defensive and competitive. Her temper is short, but she rarely (if ever) resorts to violence.

Her size and mild case of naivete have nothing to do with her skill as a combatant. While she is very much green compared to the mercenaries and footsoldiers of the cities, she is remarkably talented for one her age. Having grown up in the shadow of one of the areas most well known witches, magik and alchemy is second nature to her. That does not make her a stranger to hand to hand combat, as the teachings of her father and, later, her uncle helped her learn her way around knives and daggers. Fear wakes her up when it shuts others down, and when cornered she can fight like a rabid coerl. She has relatively good aim and is quick on her feet, able to think well under pressure.

A stranger to the idea of long-term and meaningful relationships, she is wary of those who are overly kind and tends to walk into friendships with the preconception that they are marked with an expiration date. That does not make her any less friendly. Olix, when given the opportunity to be, is a fierce and unyielding friend. The wall built on her insecurities crumbles to reveal a nosy little nerd of a witch whose curiosity often gets the better of her, landing her in situations that she somehow always manages to weasel out of.


Other Notes