Shae'ra Raih

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Garlemald Flag.jpg Shae'ra Raih
"There was a once when I never thought twice."
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship Garlean
Guardian Oschon, the Wanderer
Nameday 24th Sun of the 2nd Umbral Moon
Server Balmung
Shae'ra Raih

Shea'ra Raih [Pronounced: /ˈʃeɪ ˈrɑː ˈrɑːi/ Shay-ra Rai], born on the 24th Sun of the 2nd Umbral Moon, was brought into a realm of chaos and bloodshed. While at a young age he was taught valuable life lessons and how to protect himself, at the core, the male still has a dim flame of hope for the kindhearted. While he may be less physically strong in comparison to others, he makes up for it with inner strength.

Personality & Appearance


Birth Name: Shae'ra Raih
Age: 20
Height: 5 fulms, 8 ilms
Weight: 142 ponz
Occupation: Freelance
Residence: Wanderer, None
Marital Status: Single
Sexuality: Bisexual


Attire: Shae'ra isn't specifically picky on his outfits, so long as they will keep him warm in the cold but won't be terrible restrictive. When he is trying to move around, the last thing he wants is the material clothing him to be holding him back. He prefers to either remain nearly monochromatic or pick greens and blues to dress in.
Treasured Belongings: He always carries around a small key that hangs from a chain on his neck, typically it is tucked down into his shirt if he is not fiddling with it.
Scars and Markings: The Miqo'te has a small, scarred tattoo of the Garlemald symbol upon his right hip, hidden below his underwear line. It is one that he attempts to remain concealed at all times. For the most part, he is free of many large scars except for an 'X' shaped scar upon his left shoulder-blade.


The young Miqo'te attempts to do his best to get along with those around him and appear seemingly carefree and light-hearted, however, seemingly being the key word. He takes his work seriously, but enjoys making jokes and having fun with friends. He can be a bit stand off-ish when it comes to approaching large groups alone. Like anyone, he has his pet peevs and his fuse can be lit, but for the most part he tries to keep himself calm and collected, always observing those in his presence and trying to determine more about them. At the core, he can be quite devious when he wants to be and has been known to enjoy higher risk environments. He has been known to be mentally stronger than he is physically, which he believes in the end is more beneficial to him anyway. With that strength, he attempts to lift the spirits of those around him and would do just about anything to help a friend out. Wanderlust consumed the stargazers heart at a young age and has yet to withdraw it's hold upon the Keeper, sending him from one city-state to another all on the whim of the wind.

Primary Motivator:Discovery 
Emotional Disposition: Curious
Moodiness: Even-tempered

Core Traits
Outlook: Neutral
Intergrity: Conscientious
Impulsiveness: Spontaneous
Boldness: Interpid
Flexibility: Flexible
Affinity: Warm
Comportment: Agreeable
Interactivity: Engaging
Disclosure: Secretive
Conformity: Heterodox

Orientation: Bisexual
Libido: Low
Sexual Demeanor
Expressiveness: Modest
Style: Romantic
Openness to Experience: Moderate
Promiscuousness: Monogamous

Habits and Hobbies

For explanation on the terms as well as credit: see here.


Listening to AnotherSing
Thrill of the Hunt
Miqo'te Courtesans
Unreasonable People
Restrictive Clothing
Being Cold



Strengths: The Keeper is rather agile and balanced, as most Miqo'te's are. The racial ability to hear amazingly aids even in combat. Shae'ra prefers to tinker and play with his mechanisms and put them to the test in combat, having learned how to use them in a safe way - or at least to the point where he isn't hurting himself trying to get his opponent anymore...for the most part. He also has an elevated endurance which comes into play for when he is taking hits.
Weaknesses: Other than running his mouth off at times when he shouldn't be, Shae'ra lacks the physical strength that many others have which forces him to find other means to make up for the lack. In a straight up, clean fight: he has the underhand in the situation. He is rather poor at getting out of proper pins as well. The keeper has been known to snag himself a few times with his own devices, though, he has been improving - doesn't mean that it's not bound to reoccur.


Taloned Gauntlets: Shae'ra prefers to use a set of taloned gauntlets for close combat purposes.
Electric Glove: Rarely used, but serves it's purpose. His left gauntlet is set up to provide the effect of a taser should he need it.
Trip Wire: Upon small reels that are attached to his special gauntlets, he has a wire mechanism on his left arm in which he can trigger to release the wire to then use it to trip, choke, bind, etc his opponent. Due to the fact that he is not as physically strong as others, in a serious fight he will resort to trickery.
Bow: Used primarily for hunting, however, it also helps him for if he is able to keep his opponent at a distance.
Smoke Screen Belt Buckle: Upon his belt buckle are two tabs, one is simply to remove the belt, however, the other when pushed backward then up sends the front plate of the belt buckle outward on a hinge and releases a very brief smoke screen only meant to cause an immediate distraction.
Spiked Boots: A small notch on the back of his boots allows him to trigger 4 spikes in which come out from the heel of his boot: one on each side and two in the back.
Paralyzing Ring: When his gauntlets are removed, a small sage colored ring remains on his finger in which can be flicked (with a small tab) open to reveal a small needle laced with paralyzing poison, however, this requires very close quarters and is rather obvious so it has yet to be actually used.



Father: Khit'a Lihsa
Mother: Shae Raih

  • Shae'a Raih (ill)
  • Shae'to Raih (deceased)
  • Torihn Raih
  • Tahra Raih (deceased)
  • Kema Raih
  • Kirin Raih (deceased)
  • Shae'il Raih (deceased)
  • Tehf Raih
  • Tahni Raih
  • Shae'sae Raih
  • Talha Raih
  • Kehda Raih
  • K'aria Raih


Dieuvont Pelletier


Free Companies: None
Linkshells: Intermission 3 & The Grindstone

Out of Character

♦ Eastern Standard Time (EST)
♦ No perma-death, no ERP
♦ Open minded, just ask
♦ Open to violence; require good ooc communication
♦ Fights: RP fights only (no duel/pvp)
♦ Top Image: Drawn by Me
♦ Color Template Credit: Xenedra Ambreaus