Cerelaut Levesque

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 Cerelaut Levesque
Ffxiv 27022016 062036.png
"I dont lie- I'm an awful dancer."
Gender Male
Race Elezen
Clan Wildwood
Citizenship None
Age 60
Height / Weight 6'1 / 138lbs
Relationship Status Single
Orientation Pansexual/romantic
Server Balmung
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[Profile will improved and expanded on at a later date... when I remember.]

Basic Info

Cerelaut is a little shorter than the average elezen, similarly his naturally slim physique seems even more sharp- to the point that those observant would note him being borderline underweight. His dress is often on the more casual side, though almost always as clean and pristine as the silvery white hair that sits just above his shoulders.


Cerelaut's life began on the outskirts of the Shroud with parents who doted on him entirely. His Wood Wailer father was always very animate and light-hearted in his ways while his academic mother had a much quieter, seemingly reserved approach. It is rumoured that when he was 9 his father was lost in some bizarre Ixal uprising, then just 3 summers later his mother went missing suddenly and he found himself being taken in proper by the small school of arcanima that he had been introduced to not too long before due to his quickly growing interest in their studies. There he learnt, enthusiastically, for the next few years before expanding to do his own research on the side. Few know what happened in those last few months and even less are wont to speak of it, but it is said that the spinner turned a blind eye to the young elezen that day and he fled the Shroud to hide himself from those that would follow. The next near 40 summers would have any who frequented Thanalan noting a man downtrodden or in the company of some wealthy Ul'dahn- often both, as he turned to whatever methods would keep him alive. Back alleys and dark corners were soon seen occupied by him with different people for different purposes, each as shady as the next.




Other Notes