Azure Val'Kha

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 Azure Val'Kha
Placeholder person.gif
Gender Female
Race Xaela
Clan Kha
Citizenship Unaffiliated
Age 22
Weight 117 ponze
Main Class Bard
Server Balmung
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Basic Info



Azure Val'Kha was born into a Kha tribe under the name of Valria Kha. Born with the royal blood in her veins, she was the daughter of the small tribe's Chieftan. Though she held no real power or authority, she was very popular and praised in the community. Most, including her mother, called her Val. As a small Xaela, she was tasked with venturing out into nature to gather herbs and supplies for the tribe. But, in her spare time, she learned many healing practices from her mother - who was the tribe's healer and Oracle. Val was very nosey and loved to learn new skills. While women in combat was not prohibited, it was not supported either. Inspite of her limitations, she pursued combat and it's skills whenever she could. She was most intrigued by archery and the art of the bowman. Their potential stealth and deadly tactics caught her attention the most. Her main teacher was her older brother, Odagai, who recieved the family bow when he came of age to become a warrior for the tribe, the mark of adulthood. After a year's worth of training, Val had become fairly proficient at the art. She kept it hidden from most to avoid disapproval from the elders and friends.

Val's tribe was generally a peaceful tribe, but as she grew older, the tensions between the Kha and the Dotharl grew in the region over land and hunting grounds. Moonly casualties grew to the point where war was inevitable.

As the stench of war grew near, preparations were being made in Val's tribe. Resources were being harvested seven-fold, as was the training of younger men. The Sky-Seer visioned the war to begin at the dawn of the seventh sun. Were if it had occured then... Val and the girls had been sent out to harvest herbs in preparation for the war to tend to the wounded. The dark of the night approached and it was soon time to return to the village. In the valley where she was gathering, a stream passed through. Legend told it guided her ancestors to the edge of the Doman mountain range, which overlooked the vast continent to the south. It was a symbol to her tribe: the path to the future is to leave the past behind. As mischevious as Val was, she listened to the sound of the trickling water and the vast world around her in awe and at peace. She considered it to be the last moment of peace before moons of hardship. As she waited by the stream, dusk turned to darkness and Valria began to doze into a light slumber...

Val was suddenly awoken by horns sounding through the heavens. The peaceful wildlife transitioned into chaos as Val journeyed up the mountain to her village. What she thought was the light of dawn became walls of flame as she ran closer. The sounds of screams and battle surrounded her as she entered the village. The unmistakeable clothing of the intruders caused her heart to sink into her stomach. The Dotharls had arrived, much sooner than expected, and the years of expansion and family heritage were being razed within moments. Val was too shocked to move. Terror filled her eyes as she saw innocents and friends slain before her, a sight no child should witness. Before the ability to act, she was suddenly pinned to the ground by an unidentifiable figure. What she thought would be her demise became a beacon of hope and comfort, it was Odagai. Her kin rushed her inside one of the hutts away from the fiery battle. Without words, Odagai hurriedly began to throw around the furnishings and decorations before settling on his purpose. Without mentioning a word, he beckoned Val over, holding a finger over his mouth. Val climbed into a hole in the floor where a small crawling space remained. He mouthed a few words, but she couldn't understand him. He left and smiled at her before hiding her away. Val was alone again, but instead of relaxation she found herself on the brink of an emotional breakdown. Sobs slipped out here and there, but where easily overwhelmed by the crackling fire, the screams, and the clashing of family and enemy. She waited out the battle the best she could, trying to keep silent as footsteps sound overhead. After they had left, she felt slightly more at ease. Little did she know, the temprature was rising. The hut was going to be engulfed in fire. Before she could notice the changes, her hyperventalation causes her to pass out.

Val is awoken again by the searing pain of charred debris that burned through the clothes on her back. She is greeted in utter silence, only seeing rays of sunlight passing through the holes in the structure. As she gains her awareness and pushing off the debris that lay atop her, she realizes the floors had collapsed. Val was still in disbelief and shock, but she pressed on. She climbed over the fallen debris that was still warm to the touch and out the front archway to the village. The blinding light from the sun delayed the inevitable scene before her. Everything Val once knew, and everyone she once loved amd called friend, was gone. The vibrance of the village was replaced with emptiness and charred skeletons of structures. Val fell on her knees in disbelief and unleashed the mass of emotions that had swelled up in the past few hours... Valria Kha was utterly alone among the burial site of her tribe. Varia waited for days, hoping something good would happen. But nothing came. She decided to gather what she could around the village. Nothing was left for her there. She found few supplies in good condition, but the one thing that seemed untouched was her brother's bow. A small part of her sparked with hope, but was immediately crushed after having to pry it from his cold and discolored hand. Once she was ready, she arrived at the entrance and quietly said her goodbyes. Valria ventured off back towards the valley when she arrived at the stream again. Her tribe came to mind, and instead of returning to the clan upstream, she decided to leave everything behind and make something for herself, to honor her family. She journeyed south. The mountainous scenery turned to hills and the hills turned to the city streets of the more established clans of the Raen. Being a Xaela, Val stuck out like a sore thumb and most Raen ignored her or avoided her pleas. She was hopeless, a lost child with no where to go. Val arrived at a small establishment where many tourists and foreigners come and go, hoping to find more relief there. Most continued to ignore her, but one group did not resist her advances. A small hyuran family from La Noscea was about to head home when Val confronted them. Val wasn't asking for much, just information on where she can find help. The family was very friendly and informed her on the best places to go. As a result of the first good news from the past few days, Val broke down into tears and sobbed up the whole story. The family quickly took her under their watch and offered to bring her back to La Noscea with them. She was no fool to pass up their generosity, so she agreed and they set sail the next morning.

On the voyage to La Noscea, the hyurian family shared many stories about themselves and the land, which intrigued Val and allowed her to ease her mind from her traumatic experiences. As each day passed, Val grew closer to the family until they were basically family. They shared laughs, food, stories, anything that a family would. And on a clear day on the sea, Val was gifted a new nickname, Azure, when the mother compared her eyes to the azure sky overhead. From that point, Valria started to go by Azure Val'Kha, retaining her real name, but utilizing her new name as she became a new person. Every night she is haunted by the terrors of that fateful day, but each day they are slightly worse than the day before. Azure still held the past dear to her, but she allowed herself to be assimilated into the hyuran's culture.





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