Amtat'tomsnii Malqir

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Ul'dah-transparent.png Amtat'Tomsnii Malqir
Placeholder person.gif
"I don't remember."
The Druidess
Gender Female
Race Au'Ra (Xaela)
Clan Malqir
Citizenship Ul'dahn
Age 24 Years Old
Current Status Active - Last Sighted in Ul'dah
Relationship Status Single
Occupation Herbalist
Contact Via Tell, Walk-Ups Welcome

Basic Introduction

Amtat'tomsnii is a wandering Xaela Herbalist that often finds herself at odds with others due to her eccentric nature. Fortunately, she is a harmless individual who wishes ill on no one.

She drifts through the world largely oblivious to the political and social turmoil around her. She holds little interest in the affairs of those around her.

It is not uncommon to find her in the middle of nowhere, nor is it uncommon to find that she has wandered off expectantly. Do not be surprised if those who know her pronounce her "lost" and even "dead" until her feet return her to the Steps of Nald.


Amtat'tomsnii typically comes across as a peculiar individual. She's largely misunderstood and often referred to as foolish, stupid, or oblivious by those who meet her. This is generally down to the fact that this Xaela does not define much of the world by Society's standards, and as a consequence, will often be subject to the disagreements of those who would prefer everyone conform. Therefore, one should not be surprised if they find themselves faced with an individual who seems to demonstrate little concern for her own well being, and appears to believe that those who are self-deprecating, are generally of more value than the nearest mercenary!

To summarise her eccentric behaviour, it would perhaps be easiest to provide examples of how she quite often defies the odds...

When regarding Amtat'tomsnii, one might prefer to view her as an individual who can walk obliviously through a freeway of traffic and miraculously never get hit by a single vehicle. Her luck comes to her in a seemingly supernatural fashion, as though something or someone would prefer that she didn't expire on the spot. No one has quite been able to determine how this particular level of luck works, but it has worked for the woman her entire life and it's for this reason alone that she seems to be alive today. It's a source of contention for those who may have suffered in their journey to Eorzea, when this woman seemingly survived the ordeal with barely a scratch (or so it would seem).

To many, her apparent obliviousness to the world has led them to believe that she's not entirely 'all there', a part of her seems to be missing or have been removed. It is this assumption that results in many failing to realise that she is perhaps one of the most observant individuals that they may meet, perhaps even one of the most insightful.

When she speaks, she favours the truth. When the words escape from her lips, they are done without regard for consequence. Once can always be ensured of honesty, even if it's to her detriment.

Adding to her quirks, Amtat'tomsnii tends to have a habit of speaking in riddles and sometimes requires the assistance of her clans mate to translate what she may be attempting to say. With practice, most individuals can learn her mannerisms and resolve these riddles themselves, but until such times they are free to stare at her as though she has two heads!

As a final note, Amtat'tomsnii is always seen carrying a potted plant which she refers to by the name of "Mod". In her view this plant is a sentient being, and while you can't hear him speak, she certainly can. This plant is of vital importance to her.


Amtat'Tomsnii is a Xaela of small stature and deviates far from the toughened edge that most females prefer to present. As such, she's petite and has a rather attractive face, but tends to do very little to highlight it. For all intents and purposes, Tomsnii favours a natural look and you would be unlikely to find her in any form of makeup, or fascinated by any sort of jewel. This isn't to say that she doesn't look presentable, courtesy of those she has met (or stumbled upon) on her journey, she has managed to amass a number of outfits that would allow her to pass as a decent individual in most respectable societies!

She's not the greatest fan of shoes, and it took many days weeks of negotiation to ensure that she keeps her sandals on.

Generally she can be found with her stave strapped to her back and her potted plant, "Mod", carefully bound to her waist.

It isn't uncommon to see this particular Au'Ra knee deep in mud as a result of her lack of concern for her appearance, but equally so, she isn't inclined to turn her nose up at those who do not conform to societies standards either.

Basic Features:

  • Height: 5'1"
  • Hair Colour: Red with pink tints.
  • Eye Colour: Green
  • Skin Tone: Lightly tanned.


Will list these as I remember them...

  • Argasar Dotharl
  • Qunbish Malqir
  • Yunegin Malqir
  • Ryuuren Ko
  • Sarcire Sinclair

The Story So Far...


Welcomed RP Scenarios



None currently!