User:Beatrice Belmont

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Revision as of 10:32, 23 November 2016 by Beatrice Belmont (talk | contribs)
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Ishgard.jpg Beatrice Belmont
Gender Female
Race Elzen/Hyur
Clan Unknown
Citizenship Ishgard
Age 20
Occupation Assassin (Current)
Server Balmung



Family History

Personal History


Affiliations And Known Associates


  • Name: Beatrice Belmont
  • Alias:
  • Age: 20
  • Gender: Female
  • Sexuality: Straight
  • Marital Status: Single (ICly and OOCly)
  • Alignment: Unknown
  • Body: Petite
  • Hair: White hair
  • Eyes: Red
  • Skin: Pale Peach

Mental And Physical Issues

Mental Issues

Physical Issues

  • None


Regeneration(HEALING SKILL): The way I've made her is that she is able to completely manipulate HER OWN blood. In means to regenerating lost limbs or healing cuts, she would be able to use the blood from said wounds to seal them up, or if it's a missing limb it will take more time to materialize into that new limb. Once the wound is sealed in some way, the red hue of the blood will change to fit the pigment of her skin, and thicken to match the density of her flesh.

Blood Skin(DEFENSE/OFFENSE SKILL): Blood Skin works by forcing blood up through the pores of her skin to create large areas of blood covered skin that can harden flat or create spikes. This works great for defense!

  • Flat Blood Skin(DEFENSE SKILL):

Appearance: Flattened, Hard Blood That Lays against the skin.

  • Spike Blood Skin(OFFENSE/DEFENSE SKILL):

Appearance: Sharp, Hard Blood That Lays Flat Against the skin. Spikes Are Only One Inch Long Each.

Blood Objects & Clothing(NON-COMBAT SKILL): She is able to simply prick a finger and create objects such as tools(Wrenches and bolts) and clothing. She will be able to materialize them to match the colors she wants and the texture.

Blood Transfusions(HEALING SKILL): Elesis has Type O Blood, this means it is universal, and can be used with any other blood type. She can give transfusions to anyone if needed.

Blood Weapons(OFFENSE SKILL): If she wishes to create a blood weapon, she would need to either carry it around with her(Premade), or create it by creating a decent size gash somewhere on her body to withdraw the needed blood from.

Blood Rope(OFFENSE/DEFENSE SKILL): She's able to control her blood with her mind, whether it's connected to her from a wound or lying on the ground, she would be able to force it to solidify into an elastic texture to be used as a rope, or whip.


General Blood Manipulation/Weaponization: She can only use her own blood and is prone to blood loss despite her body being able to produce blood faster than normal beings can. This can cause health problems and possible death if not careful.


The following rumors can be heard about Beatrice. (If your CHARACTER has an opinion about her, feel free to add it here.)

Confirmed Rumors

  • Works as an assassin/mercenary.

Unconfirmed Rumors

  • She may be void-tainted or a voidsent.

Debunked Rumors

Known Haunts

You might have run into or otherwise know Beatrice from:

OOC Inspirations

  • Blood Manipulation: Got the idea from another roleplayer aswell as Deadman Wonderland. Much weebness.