Yan Malqir

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 Yan Malqir
Placeholder person.gif
Gender Male
Race Au ra
Clan Xaela
Citizenship Unaffiliated
Place of Birth Othard
Guardian Thaliak
Nameday Date 25th sun of the 6th umbral moon (Age: 30)
Marital Status Single
Occupation Alchemist and professor

Basic Info

Yan is a 30 year old Xaela scholar. He hails from a tribe where, unlike most tribes where males use fighting to determine the next leader, leadership was challenged through a game of logic. Yan therefore grew up placing a high value on intelligence and developed a love for learning. Unfortunately, his social skills did not develop as much as his intelligence. Yan is surly, unapproachable, arrogant, and rude. Yan views intelligence as the most important trait a person can have and has an inflated opinion of himself, often viewing others as beneath him. He has spent a large portion of his life travelling the world in search of rare tomes.




Complexion: Yan's skin is dark with few scars and the beginning signs of aging evident around his eyes.

Hair: Black

Eyes: Blue

Particular Traits:

Voice: Smooth and warm although his words are cold.

Clothing Style: Yan is far-sighted, a fact he is greatly frustrated by. He thus requires glasses whenever he is reading which is the majority of the time. He's rather stylish and carries with him a series of spectacles of a manner of styles in order to suit whatever outfit he's composed. He prefers button ups and formal looking outfits.

Laterality: Ambidextrous



  • Reading, chess, alchemy, fishing (with a book in his hand as he waits)


  • Books, quiet places, intelligent conversation, fireplaces and comfortable armchairs


  • Idiots, back talk


  • Color: White, Dark Blue
  • Food: Any steak or roast meat, dzemael gratin
  • Drinks: wine
  • Scent: books, freshly baked bread, incense
  • Place: The thaumaturge guild in Ul'dah


Amass a large collection of rare tomes. Retire to a house where every wall is covered in books.


Not very religious but does occasionally make offerings to Thaliak for swift studies.


True neutral


His whole personality is a flaw to be honest. He's surly, unapproachable, arrogant, and rude, therefore having a tendency to push anyone away. Yan refuses to be second best or be bossed around by anyone.




Family and Relationships


Note: This section is editable by anyone. Just keep in mind that the rumors here may be both true or false.


Name and Lifestyle

Name Etimology


Current Residence

Before Dalamud's Fall

Birth and childhood (0-10)

Teen Years


A Realm Reborn (Present, 23)

Other Notes