Rinette Molkoh

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Gridania-transparent.png Rinette Molkoh
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship Gridania
Guardian Menphina, the Lover
Nameday 10th Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon, 1554
Age 23 years
Occupation Adventurer, Botanist, Hunter





Height: 5 fulms 3 ilms. Rinette is quite tall for a miqo'te female but still considered short in comparison to other races. She stands out like a sore thumb next to an Elezen.
Weight: 110 pons. About as average as it gets for her height and body type.
Body Type: Rinette is petite and has a pear shaped body with wide hips, a small round bottom, and an ample amount of breast. She is not overly muscular but quite toned due to her training as a huntress.
Face: Her face is diamond shaped with high cheekbones and a pointed chin. Wide heterochromic eyes are surrounded by long dark lashes making that her most noticed feature. A small button nose with a narrow bridge sits above wide full lips that hide her sharp fangs. Her eye brows are thin and arched giving her a slight look of surprise if her bangs aren't covering them.
Hair: Thin honey-wheat hair flows to her shoulders which makes her stand out from other Keepers who usually have dark hair. She wears a headband between her blunt bangs and bushy ears to keep most of her hair out of her face. When she is hunting, though, she will tie it into short pony tail.
Tail: A bushy, long tail the same fair color as her hair wiggles behind her constantly. When in a particularly fowl mood it will flick sharply back and forth. If she is concentrating it will sway slowly. Rinette doesn't care for people touching her tail (or ears), it is a quick way to get her into a bad mood.
Clothes: Rinette like to keep things simple, especially while hunting, she can normally be found in thigh high boots with metal worked into it for protection, leather gloves, and a wide rimmed hat adorned with feathers to protect her sensitive eyes in the day light. Her choice of leg wear and shirts changes often, when hunting she wears simple leather leggings and a leather miqo'te top without sleeves for mobility. If just around camp she can be found in a simple skirt.







Bows: A simple shortbow is Rinette's weapon of choice in any situation. She is particularly skilled in firing arrows on the move and multiple arrows against several enemies. She has been known to use a longbow on occasion.
Unarmed: Rinette is moderately skilled in unarmed combat but will only resort to it when a bow is not readily available.
Staves: Rinette spent a few years training with a staff and hates to use them.
Daggers: Another last resort weapon for Rinette, she feels they are better suited for dressing kills and keeps one on her person at all times but in a pinch will use it to protect herself.



Alcohol in various forms (wine, ale, liquors)
The Black Shroud


Garlean Empire
Hot weather


Expert Archer
Adept Botanist
Natural Healing (non-aetheric healing)
Quick at field dressing her kills


Extremely interested in Alchemy, but doesn't know anything about it
Hunts only for what she needs to survive


1554 - 1572

Age 0: Born into The Ochu Clan in The Black Shroud.
Age 4:
Age 5:
Age 6: Began to show signs of latent magical abilities, elders discussed training her to wield the elements.
Age 7:
Age 8:
Age 9:
Age 10:
Age 11:
Age 12:
Age 13: Began her Coming of Age trial.
Age 14: Finished her Coming of Age trial and was matched with a male of the other family in The Ochu clan.
Age 15:
Age 16:
Age 17:
Age 18:

1572 - 1576

Age 19: The destruction Bahamut unleashes takes the lives of her family, and most of her clan, leaving her alone and unsure as to how she survived.
Age 20:
Age 21:
Age 22:

1577 - Present

Age 23: WIP



Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated.

Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
"Rinette, ye say? Is 'at the name of the damned miqo'te that runs around 'ere? She ain't nothin' but a no good poacher."
"Right, that's the Keeper who camps near by... She once killed an imp that was harassing my family, she ain't so bad if you ask me."
"I don't know her name but I've seen her about, she don't come in town much, keeps to herself when she does."
Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
"I seen 'er get all shifty eyed around a Lalafel in the market the o'er day.. I don' think she likes 'em."
Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
PC Rumors


Romantic Interest     Platonic Love      Good Standing     Poor Standing


Name: The Ochu Clan
Families: Molkoh and (unnamed family)
Location: Nomadic, stays within the Black Shroud
Sexual Mores:
Outsiders - Only males who prove themselves strong enough are allowed within the clan for a short period of time to breed with the females. Usually no less then two females.
Breeding - Males are expected to be with at least one female from each family. While breeding isn't required of any member of the clan it is of the Matriarch to ensure the strong blood continues on.
Matriarchs - The matriarch changes families to avoid conflict.
Child Rearing - Children are raised together by elders of the clan.
Coming of Age - Coming of Age trial begins at age 13, it is not uncommon to not complete it for many years. Once finished they are considered adults and ready to breed.
Huntress Trial - Young females are watched to see if they show natural talent for hunting, if they do they are groomed to hunt and begin their trial. If not they are passed off to the elders of the village to have their talents assessed to be applied elsewhere.


Template by: Bancroft Gairn