D'ia Avagnar

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Gridania-transparent.png D'ia Avagnar
D'ia Avagnar.png
Lone Mercenary
Gender Male
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Gridania
Status Alive
Age 28
Height 5'11"
Weight 189lbs
Marital Status Amaretta Avagnar
Job Mercenary/Bodyguard
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D'ia is a lone mercenary, taking jobs as they come his way.


Standing at five eleven, he weights hundred and eighty nine pounds. With his clothing off, scars could be seen lining his body, many made from combat, cut and stab scars. Along his back are scars that cut deep, made from what seems to be whipping scars. There's a single scar that comes across his right cheek, though often it's hidden by his hair. A tattoo is inked onto his left arm, just below the shoulder while another tattoo lines his left cheek. His hair is jet black with dark grey streaks, that fall above his right eye. His eyes are a light blue.


The hyur keeps to himself, rarely opening up to others around him except a select few, though the list is short. A first time impression, one would think he was brutish and selfish, taking little consideration to those around him though in truth he has a strong sense of justice. Many a time he may throw himself into danger or cause himself pain to save or keep someone from being hurt. Though his sense of justice is strong, he isn't very merciful. He's got a soft side for those in situations he's been in or if they are helpless, though his hospitality doesn't go far. Depending on who's talking to him, he can be either vicious or calm, mainly with lalafells, male miqo'te and those that out right wield magics, he can be much harsh and rude.


General (WIP)

The mercenary carries around a variety of weapons, though not all at the same time. His arsenal consists of blades, daggers, guns, greatswords and his bare fists. With his weaponry, he may also be wearing a different set of armour which depends on the type of weapon he uses. His fighting style is completely physical other then his ninjutsu. Since his aether pool is lacking, the most he can do is teleport, so magic of any sort is out of his reach to be used.

Blades, Daggers and Armour

D'ia will most likely be seen with his paired blades. Unlike most dual wielders, he prefers to use swords instead of daggers, and the ones he uses seem to be of Doman making. The blades are very well kept and he can be seen tending the caring for the weapons, sharpening and polishing them on his off time. When using his blades, he prefers to be more nimble and agile then when he uses his greatsword. His armour consists of leather gloves with plated knuckle guard, greaves with plating and a long black coat. He prefers to wear the coat at most times since it helps conceal his daggers and keeps him warm in cold weather. Completing the armour, he wears an armoured visor that covers the top half of his face, typically used when he wishes to conceal his identity. Usually when he travels with his blades, he carries a set of daggers hidden behind his coat as well. Though these weapons rarely see any action, he keeps them on his person incase the time comes when they are actually needed. When using these weapons, he's able to preform his ninjitsu which is the only thing close to magic he wields.

Greatsword and Armour

When D'ia isn't going for a nimble and agile approach, he uses his greatsword and plated azure armour. The greatsword he wields is extremely heavy and it almost looks like it's stained with blood. When tapping into his darkside, his blade shines with a red hue, giving off an aura of dark power. Though this power doesn't really empower him, it does give him strength to keep fighting. With every painful strike inflicted, he'll only grow more stronger, though this doesn't make him immortal since he can die if his wounds are grave enough. The greatsword itself his a large metallic blade, the hilt shaped like a lynx head while the blade is shape to resemble a flame that comes from it's mouth. His armour is made to strike fear into the eyes that gaze upon it, the greaves and gauntlets representing the claws of a beast, which act like ice hooks as well when he's in snowy terrain, climbing mountains with ease while his helmet wears horns. He has a guarded faceplate that covers his entire face, protecting him from alot of injuries. His armour is made from a special alloy and enchanted for a greater resistance to magicks.

Gun and Bow

His only arsenal of range weaponry is a gun and bow. Depending on the job he's working, he'll either be using a gun as his range weapon or a bow, a gun for more of a direct approach while a bow for a stealth approach. His gun his a blade that runs up the barrel, allowing him to strike at melee range if he needs to. His bow has a scope by the handle, which allows him to have increased accuracy when aiming from afar.



  • Apples
  • Chocobo's
  • Gambling


  • Lalafells
  • Male Miqo'te
  • Magicks


  • Fishing
  • Chocobo Racing



With his past forgotten he has no family, only Amaretta Avagnar, the one he's bonded too.


His list of friends is short, consisting of only Amaretta Avagnar, Kessy Silverwind Tyler Thorne, Nuadah Lauzon and Vareyne Shikhu.


He doesn't have much enemies, or at least none that he knows of.



Not much can be said about D'ia and his past. If approached upfront and asked, he'll simply say, "The past is the past and is irrelevant for the present and future." The truth is he's got very little memory of his past, not even his true name can be recalled, so he goes by the name D'ia Avagnar. Though there is very little evidence to support the fact, it's said that his name was taken from two travelling companions that fell in battle. If asked about his past frequently, then he may talk about his time as a mercenary and those he travelled with but that is all.



This Template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea