Shin Nelhah

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Gridania-transparent.png Shinnan Nelhah
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship Gridanian
Age 28
Occupation Toxicologist
Guardian Deity Menphina, the Lover
Affiliations The Silver Sigil Guild (TSS)
Server Balmung
Shin Nelhah Toxicologist by trade, professional smartass by nature


Shin is very short in stature if not even one of the shortest Miqo’te to exist. Short ginger hairs and with freckles adorning her cheeks, she is often teased about her looks and it drives her crazy. Vibrant mint green eyes also make her a stand out despite the fact that she always wears glasses due to her very poor eyesight. Odd skin colouring despite being a Keeper and also victim of jokes due to that.

Always wearing black clothes, she also sports a pair of black gloves which she uses to hide all the snakes bites and scars from her work, not wanting to alarm anyone or give any wrong impressions.


She tends to be reserved and anti-social but it's merely a facade to hide her boldness, spunky and slightly arrogant know-it-all nature. Despite her harsh honesty, she is a good person at heart, simply a bit too direct at times with her words. Well-mannered and polite, she definitely knows how to leave a good impression on people when required. She will always pick the people she talks to, and will never interact with worthless beings. Her judgement is almost cruel but it helps her to save time.

Eager to learn more and with a curious nature, she is seen very often with her nose stuck in a book, often crashing onto obstacles while walking or tripping over staircases. Multitasking is not her forte. Shin values her friendships greatly even if it may appear the other way around. She is not the type to show off her good side as she prefers to present herself as generally distant to avoid any sort of overly close relationships



  • Fruit
  • Sweets
  • Reading
  • Annoying people to brinks of insanity


  • People that have no goals in life and are a waste of life
  • Dangerous heights
  • Deep water (cannot swim)
  • People making fun of her looks


  • Books being an escape from everyday dull life, she often indulges in some good books; mostly about her profession
  • Enjoys long walks and being away from big cities, indulging in the silence of nature far away from stupid and useless people
  • Has a very good memory for the smallest details and will gladly remind people of things past
  • A knack to convince and manipulate people with her wits
  • Loves riddles and any other games that stimulate the brain


Known to all Rumours

  • "She's a bitch"

Common Rumours

  • "She is good at what she does... but only if you can ignore her personality"

Rare Rumours

  • "I once saw her smile... And she was helping some refugees..."


Romantic Interest     Platonic Love      Good Standing     Neutral Standing     Poor Standing


Nothing is known about her family apart from the fact that there is a father, mother and four older brothers...

Love Interests

  • Sini'to Shadar (30)


  • Adham Hadad (15)
  • Naoh'to Maimhov (32)

  • Ririfu Rifu (18)
  • Seseli Seli (36)
  • Noir Velacia (20)


  • Satomi Hakase (22)
  • Dietrich Dracht (35)
  • C'kayah Polaali (24)
  • Magnus Beastcaller (32)


  • O'rahn Kevelan (19)
  • L'Dhala Tia (36)
  • Drazi Rae (25)


Born in the Shroud to an agricultural family with four older brothers, she was always the odd-ball which did not necessarily enjoy what her family was dedicated to. Her family relations were not the best due to that. She was never a follower of traditions and she even did everything to break them, as if to prove the point of how ridiculous they were. Her relationship with her brothers was very close though, and most likely it made her grow up as tomboy, always playing tough and refusing to be girly in any way. She even took pride in that, always beating the one to beat up other kids to protect her brothers, instead of them protecting her. When she came of age and got the opportunity to leave, she immediately did without thinking twice, cutting all ties with her past to start anew, and at times only communicating via letters, but even then her relation with her family was cold. She never speaks of her family or roots.

With time, she started to study herbalism, nature being her one passion where she felt at ease and calm. Quickly, the hobby became a passion and she got into it professionally; creating anti-toxins, poisons and other applications for medicine for those that could not afford help. Due to her job, very often she had incidents where she got bitten or poisoned, however, she survived each time thanks to her inventions, and over time became a walking immune system. She is completely resistant to most toxins and illnesses.

The desire to help people and challenge herself brought her to Ul’dah where she is currently residing. Life there is definitely different than in the Shroud but she adapted over time, battling the heat on a daily basis which she despises. The desert became her work space where she often ventures out and studies the plants and all the poisonous animal species. Despite her distant nature and wall that she had built, a few people did manage to gain her trust and became her most treasured friends, for whom she’d do anything to even just see them smile.