Mungentuya Kagon

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Mungentuya Kagon

Name...Mungentuya Kagon
Age... 26 (Physically)/ 60-ish (Biologically)
Race...Au Ra
Orientation... Asexual
Marital... Single
Deity... Menphina, the Lover
Tribe... Kagon
Occupation... Wanderer
Alignment... Lawful Neutral

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Stands at a little over 5 fulms and weighs around 90 ponze. Her short, messy hair is a snowy-white, seemingly cut almost haphazardly. Her "good" eye appears to be dark-brown, almost black, in color. Her other eye bares a bright reflective limbal ring, white in it's coloration. Her skin is ghostly white but free of any scars or blemishes, save for her tribal markings. Mungen's nails are longer than most of her kind and goes through the effort of keeping them sharp.

Scars & Markings: None other than her left eye, which tends to draw a lot of unwanted attention towards her.

Clothing: Despite being an outcast from her tribe, Mungen still upholds their beliefs to some extent. On the rare occasion she has to travel outside of her home while the sun is out, she is always seen in full robe, with even her face being partially covered. However, at night or while she is home, she tends to wear lose fitting casual clothing.

Abandoned in her youth, she has come to resent her parents as well as some of her tribe and, because of this, has always had trouble with trusting others. Language isn't her strong-suit, so she relies a lot on her expressions and actions to get her points across, especially when she is emotional. Despite seeming quiet or just in a perpetual state of thought, Mungen is quite knowledgeable about the more scientific side of the world around her. Social situations are where she normally fails completely at, but she blames that mostly on others lack of understanding her. Is normally a loner but won't turn others away if they come in search of her help.

  • Sweet fruits, especially raisins
  • Alcohol/getting hammered
  • Meditating
  • Nighttime
  • Reading, despite it being difficult
  • Cool, dry, and shady places


  • Daylight
  • Salesmen
  • Bright lights
  • Spicy foods


  • Being in public
  • The ocean
  • Her family/Being hunted


  • Favorite Food: Raisins; always has some on her.
  • Favorite Drink: Water, but has never had the funds to buy anything else. She once licked up some beer from the side of a leaky barrel and absolutely hated it.
  • Favorite Color: Yellow

Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under the Player Character category!


◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!

    "Yeah, she comes here every few months or so for some supplies then disappears back into the wilderness. Never says a word neither. - City Guard
    "Always glares at me whenever I say anything to her...then again, she glares at anyone who tries to sell anything to her." - Merchant
    "I stopped 'er once cause I thought I saw 'er stealin'...turns out she just 'ad 'er pockets full a raisins." - City Guard

◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!

    "I thought I saw someone like that actually while I was passing through Camp Tranquil." - Travelling Merchant
    "Caught a glimpse of her eye once and she bolted off...must not like people seeing her face." - Chocobokeeper

◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!

    "She's a witch, I swear! I happened across her tent while making my rounds through Rootslake. I can't say for certain /what/ she was doing but Gods am I certain that it wasn't something good." - Wood Wailer Sentry


◢ Player Character Rumors - Feel free to add rumors of your own!

    "Add rumor here." Name

Stories are in chronological order.

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"...In crimson twilight through the earthly veil..."