Delial Grimsong

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Delial Grimsong, known more infamously as the Kinslayer, is a fugitive from the nation of Ala Mhigo. A known agent of the Garlean invaders, Grimsong was believed to have connections to numerous deaths among the Resistance, including those in her own house.
Recent scrutiny and re-evaluation of anecdote and evidence alike have all but confirmed that Grimsong, despite once believed dead in the chaos following the Calamity, has continued to act as an active threat against the well-being of Eorzean lives. Her name has been tied to the deaths of Remi Marcineaux, Aylard Greyarm, Itarliht Syhrkoensyn, and she has reportedly played the role of an active aggressor against many more. Furthermore, recent reports suggest that she has somehow come upon forbidden magics, though the exact extent or nature of which remains under deliberation.
Grimsong should be considered dangerous, especially in light of growing unrest among members of the Ala Mhigan Resistance. A bounty shall be issued forthwith for her capture, that whatever machinations this known traitor may have may be put to an immediate halt before greater damage may be done.
Delial-Header3.pngFor Coin and Country.
The dose makes the poison. In the right quantities, we call 'em cures. ” - Osric Melkire
Ever heard of the moth drawn to the flame? ” - Kahn'a Ohditra
The poison vine breeds the sweetest wine. ” - Chokho Viqqoh
I trust her. I leave my brother's fate, his very life in her hands. They are far more capable than mine. And... I trust her. Do not ask me why. ” - Roen Deneith
Foolish it may be to expose me back to her, but if'n you dare lay a hand on her you shall answer to me. Me and my axe. Now leave her in peace. She deserves some rest. ” - Kage Kiryuu
She has impeccable taste in both wine and men. A pity they both cannot be shared. ” - Coatleque Crofte
The Bewitching One is cunning and cautious, This One shall have keep her off balance and questioning her every action. ” - The Wolf
A fine example of dignity, manners, and concealed devilry. One might compare her to the assassin's poison at the King's coronation and be perfectly accurate in their assessment. Tis a tragedy her sibling did not receive her finesse. ” - Jin'li Epinoch
An interrresting woman, caught up with her in Fallgourd after leaving Ishgarrrd for a time. Before I had known it I was involved in the search for Gharrren. Regarrrdless, I'm not sure what to think of her yet but I can say this. She seems... trustworthy, at the same time... not. It's harrrd to put to worrrds. ” - U'roh Tia
ART CREDIT goes to thebrownhatter for the poster sketch, Gharen Wolfsong for the poster itself, and Giselle Frilloux for the bust portrait!