Quur Vizani

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 Quur Vizani
Placeholder person.gif
Gender Male
Race Hyur
Clan Half-breed
Citizenship Unaffiliated
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Quur Vizani is a half breed of the two Hyur lines. His mother was a Highlander and his father a clever Midlander who wooed her with promises of wealth and feasts. Whether any of those promises were true or not….never really has been Quur’s problem. He lives in inns between his random ventures into caves and forgotten caves.


For as tall as his mother was, Quur is as short as his father could be. His skin is relatively dark once more thanks to his unusual genetics. However, why his has pink eyes has been a mystery… not really worth much of his time but he is curious about it from time to time. Black hair and facial hair conceal quite a bit of his face. Outside of having his mother’s muscle and looks and his father’s height, Quur Vizani lacks notable marks or scars that cause him to stand out in a crowd.


Oddly, Quur tends to give folks the name of “Zephyr” rather than his actual name as well as put on a façade that most people see him playing. This façade is one of a hard of hearing young man, who tends to be the unlucky penny of life. However, his character keeps his chin up and stays as friendly as he can even when having to explain awkward injuries to the local healer. The creation serves a few purposes, the foremost being: no one pays attention to the fool. Often times figuring the fellow isn’t clever enough to make sense of one thing or another. The second is people will offer more information to those who seem harmless and somewhat pitiable. The third is that it is fun to play the fool, sometimes causing the quirk to bleed into his actions without his choice.



According to him…. Rabbits give him a run for his money. In reality, he tries to avoid combat if he can as often things can be solved without it. If it ends up being required, he likely could take care of himself with the tools at his disposal.



  • Exploring.
  • Artifacts and odd finds.
  • Questionable Behavior.


  • Rabbits.
  • Excessive Violence
  • Inappropriate behavior for the present situation.


  • Reading.
  • Listening to people whether or not they know he is.
  • Collecting maps and seeing if they actually lead to anything.



  • Mother was a Highlander.
  • Father was a Midlander.


  • Naih’ir Molkot – Not really a friend but more of a random fellow that offered Quur some help. (Though Naih’ir knows Quur as “Zephyr.”)


  • Rabbits – Their bites hurt.


Common Rumors

  • That guy can’t remember names for all the gil in Uldah.
  • Probably is deaf in one ear.
  • He is a complete failure in about everything he does, but fails with a laugh.

Moderate Rumors

  • Spends most his time poking his nose into caves and ruins.
  • Sometimes when he is a bit drunk he ends up knocked out after flirting with a guy, who didn’t appreciate it.
  • He lies about his name.

Rare Rumors

  • He is completely faking the hard of hearing.
  • He has a working knowledge of magitek.
  • His fool-act sometimes ends up happening on its own, bleeding into his actual nature.

PC Rumors


“History is merely the future already explored.” (AKA…. Working on it…)


This Template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea