Neyha'li Nujuun

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Ul'dah-transparent.png Neyha'li Nujuun
Ney-shinies wiki.jpg
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship Ul'dah
Age 23

Basic Info


■ Jewelry
■ Shiny things
■ Gil
■ Things that are entertaining


■ Curious people
■ Questions
■ Boring people
■ Being bored


Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Vice(s): Greed, Selfishness
Favorite Food: Finger Shrimps
Favorite Drink: Buffalo Milk
Favorite Color: Red

Appearance & Personality

Ney's in-game looks

Neyha'li is slightly taller than average, with a skinny but toned frame, build for speed rather than strength. His large yellow eyes and rounded face, as well as the usual bright smile, give him a baby-faced look, despite the scars marring the right side of his face, as well as his jaw. A fluffy mess of dark blue hair frames his features, the colour fading towards black at the tips of his ears and towards lighter blue near his temples. His skin is dark grey in hue.

Ney has also taken a liking to making and wearing jewelry, and is usually clad in colourful clothing, adorned by precious stones and chains made of silver and gold. How he can afford this flamboyant look is a mystery to most.


From the surface Neyha'li seems very friendly and open, eagerly approaching people to sell his wares, or just to chat for a moment or two. His body-language is energetic and animated, as he seems to wear his emotions on his sleeve, changing from happy and laughing into a pout and back in the blink of an eye. He also seem to have an interest towards anything shiny or edible, passionately wanting to see and hold anything that sparkles or glimmers, and taste any food that he hasn't experienced before.

The most observant of people, or those who are used to reading people, might notice the young Keepers friendly behaviour to be slightly 'off', in one way or the other. He doesn't seem to drop this front easily though, and is usually gone before the person gets a chance to try to break his walls.


Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
■ "Ohh Ney! He's a nice lad, sold me a necklace once. My wife loved it, just as he said she would!"
■ "Always smiling and laughing, that kid. He seems to be friends with everyone."
■ "He gets all starry-eyed whenever he sees something shiny. No wonder he works at the Goldsmiths' Guild."
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
■ "Neyha'li? He appeared out of nowhere a few moons back, all rugged and dirty. It seems he has picked himself up since then."
■ "Sometimes he spends all night working on some project of his. When you ask about it, he says the sound of hammering 'is better than silence'..."
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
■ "I heard Woodwailers found a group of poachers in the woods, all killed with arrows...except the matron who was stabbed multiple times. Who would do such a thing?"
■ "Have you heard? There's a new name going around the underground...apparently he's quite good at 'tracking people down', whatever that means."
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)
■ "N... Ney? He seems to like hu... hugging people." - Sully Xura
■ "Neyha'li...? I wasn't there when he needed a friend. I hope he's doing okay..."


Romantic Interest Platonic Love Good Standing Poor Standing
Korin Relanah - The only person Neyha'li almost considered a friend for a while, but after the older Keeper's disappearance Ney seemed to had cut his ties with him. Or so he had planned at least, until the older keeper's stubbornness brought the two together once more, and his own making the two somewhat closer than mere friends.



Template by Bancroft Gairn