Bryn Bloodfury

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Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png Bryn Bloodfury
Shirtless, as usual
Blood-smeared Berserker
Gender Male
Race Hyur
Clan Highlander
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa
Age 27
Marital Status Single
Occupation Sellsword, brawler
Height 6'6.9"
Sexuality Straight (?)
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The highlander was, in every sense of the word, a brute. A huge, bulky frame gave him an intimidating guise, one he flexed and exposed proudly much of the time. A trail of fuzz barely decorated his chest that led down to his waist, disappearing under his pants. The rest of his body lacked any hair, aside from his head of course. Where he lacked in hair, he more than made up for in scars, most of which were around his often-bare chest and gut. The sheer number and length of some of them hinted at a reckless fighting style from a brute who could take one hell of a beating.

His face was hunky, though often frowning in a stern, serious expression that was frequently coupled with his arms crossed over his chest. He was generally hailed as an attractive man, and his ego very much agreed with the praise. A short patch of fuzz decorated the chin of the mostly-hairless highlander, along with a head of lengthy, flowing brown hair complimented his chiseled and handsome face well. He lacked any tattoos aside from a traditional blue streaks on the left side of his face.

Bryn back v1 by Ynorka .jpg




Bryn is a generally violent man. He prefers to settle things with his fists or an axe in-hand rather than by petty arguing. When forced to fight with words, he does generally poorly being the somewhat dense brute that he was. It was not uncommon for him to resort to violence first should things go south. In the past, he has had a habit of picking fights for reasons only to try and prove he was better than someone else, though he's grown more passive and calm over the years.

Getting on Bryn's friendly side isn't terribly hard. A drink or a compliment will earn you a friend in him, though proving ones worth in battle is often the key to gaining his trust and respect. Being born and raised with constant conflict made him alert, aware, always at least a little restless.


Reckless and bull-headed, Bryn was always eager to get his axe bloody. He tends to put himself in the middle of the fight, a bold (or rather, stupid) choice given his rather exposed choice in armor that left his torso open to an attack. The thrill of pain and adrenaline was what fueled him to fight until all of his foes were finished, or until he loses a little too much blood.


Bryn can sometimes be seen flirting Disappears for days at a time. Is generally exhausted when he returns, refusing to speak of what he was doing.

Other Notes
