C'aehli Ira

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Ul'dah-transparent.png C'aehli Ira
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Sun
Citizenship Ul'dah
Age 20
Height 5 fulms 5 ilms
95 ponze

The Past

If anyone asked, C'aehli would say her mother was an adventurer from the C tribe. The fact that, off the top of her head, she couldn't tell you her mother's name or where the C tribe hails from means nothing. Probably. On the other hand, she can regale you with tales of her adventures with her brother. The fact that he hasn't been seen since the Calamity means nothing, either. Probably.

The Present

C'aehli rents a modest room from Momodi, most nights. She does off jobs; treasure hunting, archeological research, and the odd alchemical request all relayed to her through the eavesdroppings of the magnanimous proprietress of the Quicksand. She keeps mostly to herself, apart from the couerl kitten she's recently taken in, endearingly referred to as "that thing" or Thing for short.


The Outside

Clever, determined, and a little curt are all adjectives that have been attributed to her. She spends her evenings studying massive tomes and bent over noxious concoctions and her days risking life and limb for a bit of coin. What she does with her coin is a mystery, as all her worldly goods fit into a small pack and she's not prone to coveting any luxuries outside of lavender oil, which she uses as a perfume -- she knows it's for cooking. She doesn't care, it smells delicious. She apparently has no friends, and even the people with whom she spends time seems like a begrudging sort of alliance.

The Inside

Her brother, who's name she's incapable of saying out loud, was everything to her. For as long as she could remember he was her everything; the first sound she heard was his heartbeat. Twins, they had been inseparable and with him she was never alone. He kept her safe, and sheltered and because of that for most of her life she thought the world was a good place filled with good people despite whatever dire circumstances they had found themselves in. Since his disappearance she's found that naïve view of the world to be, well... naïve. Instinctively she's begun keeping people at arms' length. She doesn't trust anyone, and she's not sure she wants to get attached enough to trust anyone.



C'aehli once had a perfectly well-maintained A-line bob that framed her heart-shaped face with the colors of a brilliant sunrise. Now, it's grown out into a mass of ill-kept layers and seldom looks as though it's even been combed.


Lithe and well-toned, the modern day adventurer is seldom anything but.


She prefers pink, but that's usually not a very practical color. Her clothes are well-worn but well-kept as she isn't overly fond of getting her hands dirty, and she's become a decent weaver in the hunt for perfectly fitted outfits.


In the Field

C'aehli doesn't like to get her hands dirty, so anything that keeps blood at a distance is something she's fond of. Treasure hunting isn't the cleanest profession, by any means, but if she can pick something off with a well-timed spell she's golden.

Off the Field

An amateur weaver and alchemist, C'aehli picks up the odd tailoring job and the occasional request for a silencing potion. But, she's most fond of her quiet time while fishing. And she's a terrible cook.