Kinsenka Sonohana

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 Kinsenka Sonohana
Gender Female
Race Au Ra
Clan Raen
Citizenship None
Nameday 5th Sun of the Fifth Astral Moon
Patron Deity Azeyma, the Warden
Alignment Lawful Neutral
Primary Class Conjurer
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Basic Info

A gentile Raen lady whose demeanour always seems tranquil. With her rare skills carried over from the Eastern land of Othard, she provides soothing therapy for the mind and body. When she is not tending to patients, Kinsenka spends her time studying the arts of Conjury and Botany.

Despite her heritage as a Raen Ojou (lady of noble birth, daughter of a Samurai Lord), she currently resides in the Gridanian forest, with no home, no family, and no gil. She bears great pain in her soul, as well as terrible scars upon her body, which she sailed to a foreign land to forget.


Born to the Samurai Lord of a prosperous Raen clan, Kinsenka was guaranteed a life of privilege. She spent her childhood in luxury, revered like a princess, highly educated in everything from musical instruments to swordsmanship. Along with her fine lineage and wealth, she was admired for her beauty throughout Othard. Tales of this golden princess reached the roaming Xaela clans across the western steppe, capturing the interest of one clan noblewoman in particular; Qalerdene, wife of a mighty Warlord.

Qalerdene, who was notoriously vain and prone to extreme acts of jealousy, upon hearing Kinsenka referred to as the “sun jewel of the mountains”, demanded to see this woman for herself. Although her husband was the clan’s leader in title, Qalerdene commanded equal – if not more – allegiance from them. She bid the Warlord arrange peaceful trade talks with the Raen clan, as an excuse to glimpse Lady Kinsenka. The gathering did not proceed as peacefully as the Raen had hoped. When Qalerdene caught sight of Kinsenka and saw how truly beautiful she was, she flew into a violent rage and signalled the Xaela to attack.

Dozens of lives were lost in a pointless battle, before Lord Sonohana (Kinsenka’s father) was brought to surrender upon his knees. Kinsenka begged for his life, and this pleased Qalerdene so much that she issued the order to spare him – with but one caveat: the “sun jewel” would have her head shaved and her breasts cut off. Despite her father’s vehement refusal, Kinsenka consented. There, before the eyes of both clans and her own family, she suffered the shame and agony that her beauty had bought her. She was left bleeding and naked, but alive, when the Xaela withdrew from the mountains. With the aid of the clan Conjurers, Kinsenka did not succumb to blood loss or infection. But when she regained consciousness she learned that her father had committed ritual suicide to atone for the dishonour that had come upon him and his family. Her mother blamed her, telling her that she should have let her father die in battle, instead of shaming him with surrender and the public degradation of its brutal terms. Kinsenka was reduced to a woman with no title, no family name, and the disfavour of her clan. She was essentially a vagrant among them – though they would not go so far as to drive her away, she was no longer a clan member, and would thus be forced to survive day-to-day on charity alone.

For almost a year Kinsenka lived on the outskirts of the village, scavenging for food and taking shelter wherever she could find it. A particularly harsh winter finally compelled her to seek other options. Without a farewell from her family or former friends, she set off across Othard to find a place for herself in the harsh world beyond.


Coming Soon


Coming Soon


Coming Soon

RP Rules

If you’re interested in RPing with Kinsenka Sonohana, here are a few things you should know:

  • She is a holistic healer and provides massage therapy, HOWEVER, this does not include “happy endings” or any form of sexual contact.
  • Though her figure is very feminine, Kin’s breasts have been removed. Thus she tends to wear clothes that conceal her upper body. Muses might notice this, and might even ask her about it, but Kin is unlikely to open up about the cause.
  • Her most frequent location is the serene village of Fallgourd Float, where she watches the sunset each night.
  • Since the Raen are based on ancient Japanese culture, Kin has many Japanese-like qualities and habits. The mun is well-versed in all things Japan and speaks Japanese, so if I seem to add headcanon to Auri lore, it’s usually an educated guess drawn from true cultural parallels.

Where to find her: (Balmung) Usually Gridania or Fallgourd Float.

How to start RP: Approach Kin in-game, message me for my Discord details, talk to me on my tumblr, send an IC ask directed at Kin, or respond to an ask meme or open RP post.


Kinsenka Gallery Tumblr blog